View Full Version : A good Samaritan

Mal Paso
10-05-2012, 10:00 PM
This was sent by one of our club members who said to share:

Two 17-year-old boys were holding restaurant customers at gunpoint and demanding money when a man walked into the Salinas restaurant and shot the teens in the chest -- killing one, and critically injuring the other.

The incident began at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, when two teenagers armed with guns walked into a restaurant at 1590 North Sanborn Rd. in Salinas, police Sgt. Christopher Lane said.

There were several people dining inside Saltillo Bakery at the time. The 17-year-olds demanded money from the restaurant's patrons and owner while holding everyone inside the building at gunpoint, Lane said.

As the robbery was unfolding, a 36-year-old man drove up to the restaurant because he was supposed to pick up a friend who works at Saltillo Bakery.

"A good Samaritan saw what was happening from outside the business," Lane said. "The good Samaritan retrieved a gun from his vehicle and went to help the victims inside. As the good Samaritan entered the business, (the good Samaritan) feared for the safety of the victims, and shot both suspects."

While suffering from life-threatening gunshot wounds, the two shot boys fled from the restaurant and were gone before emergency crews arrived, Lane said.

A half hour later, someone drove the teenagers to Natividad Medical Center in a private vehicle. Hospital workers called the Salinas Police Department and told them that the two people they were looking for were at the hospital, 911 dispatchers said.

One of the teens was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital, Lane said. His name is not being released until his family is notified.

The second teen underwent emergency surgery Thursday night and was listed in "very critical condition" Friday afternoon, Lane said.

The 36-year-old man legally owned the gun that he used to kill the would-be robber, police said Friday. He also properly stored the gun in his car in accordance with California's gun laws, police said.

"Based on the facts of this case, including video surveillance footage of the incident, no charges are being sought against the good Samaritan at this time," Lane said.

The case will be handed to the Monterey County District Attorney's Office for review.

After one of the teenagers died at the hospital, a relative of the teen became distraught and starting shooting random cars that were parked on Mesquite Drive until he was arrested, police said.

Anyone with information on this case is encouraged to contact the Salinas Police Department Investigations Division at 831-758-7226

10-05-2012, 10:22 PM
All I can say, is "High Five".

10-05-2012, 10:27 PM
After one of the teenagers died at the hospital, a relative of the teen became distraught and starting shooting random cars that were parked on Mesquite Drive until he was arrested, police said.

They should have sent the Samaritan to handle it.

Alvarez Kelly
10-05-2012, 10:30 PM
Sounds to me like the gene pool was cleansed a bit today.

10-05-2012, 10:56 PM
After one of the teenagers died at the hospital, a relative of the teen became distraught and starting shooting random cars that were parked on Mesquite Drive until he was arrested

10-05-2012, 11:12 PM
There are probably lawyers swarming around the teenagers' families like flies on poop. There is no protection from civil lawsuit in California for a legal shoot. This will probably cost the Good Samaritan his home and life savings to pay for his legal defense.

10-06-2012, 12:52 AM
I am happy the scum bags were bagged. I also hope the guy who shot them is poor, so the lawyers don't bother.

10-06-2012, 12:10 PM
As to the "relative shooting at cars" - looks like the t**d doesn't fall very far from the tree.

I love a story with a happy ending.


10-06-2012, 12:42 PM
cbs news article (http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2012/10/05/salinas-good-samaritan-shoots-teen-armed-robbery-suspects/)

ABC news article (http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/south_bay&id=8837731)

Police have looked at surveillance video of the incident. Investigators say the shooting appears justified and the message to criminals is clear.

"There are consequences to our actions and sadly it does some times end in death," said Police Cmdr. Crabill.

10-06-2012, 01:05 PM
Two more candidates for the Darwin Award!! Wish I had the Good Samaritan's address, so I could send him some ammo!

10-06-2012, 02:52 PM
Glad to hear that it came out well for the good Samaritan and the victims in the diner and not so well for the bad guys.
I wish more crimes would be stopped this way. I think it is high time for the bad guys to be afraid instead of their victims.

10-06-2012, 03:46 PM
Two more candidates for the Darwin Award!! Wish I had the Good Samaritan's address, so I could send him some ammo!

Dem ain't candidates! They is WINNERS!

smoked turkey
10-06-2012, 04:16 PM
Just another good example that crime doesn't pay. +1 on the happy ending. Hopefully it will stay that way for the good guy in this story.

10-06-2012, 05:03 PM
All's well that ends well...
sounds like a balanced outcome...
bad guys do bad..
good guy arrives, stops bad guys...
world back in balance... (minus 2 bad guys...)
balnace equation...... and I Thought algebra was difficult.......

Chicken Thief
10-06-2012, 05:16 PM

10-06-2012, 06:28 PM
The trouble is that the GS is going to have to look over his shoulder for a long time. As well as having to live with the knowledge that he took 2 lives. Even though the taking of the lives was justified.

Mal Paso
10-06-2012, 09:00 PM
This is local so there's a lot of interest. If I have my Kevens right the following is from one of our lawyer members:

While we all wish this guy well, and may even support his crime fighting instincts, he hasn't seen the end of his trials and tribulations yet. I originally thought he shouldn't have done it at all, just for his own sake, until more recent articles clarified he had a family member inside the store. Still, he'll soon wish he had CCW insurance if the D.A. decides to make an example of him, or the relatives of the minor criminals can eventually twist their case into being victims in front of a gullible civil jury.

One missing fact is whether he was forced to shoot either of them in the back, and it isn't yet clear if both were armed. That may eventually be his undoing in civil court, even if the D.A. and Salinas Police do the right thing.

I appreciate the Salinas City Police Department backing him, and not releasing his name. But you usually can't count on being that lucky.

There are only four sources of CCW/self defense insurance, as almost all homeowner's policies exclude coverage for firearm use for self defense. Check with your agent, and make him show you in writing where you are covered. You aren't with Allstate or State Farm. Some people may have a general legal insurance policy they should chck to see if it has this type of coverage.

One source on the Internet is a private insurance agency in Texas who seem to have good customer reviews, and appear to have paid out on a couple of cases in that state, but aren't licensed to do business in California.

The second is the NRA, which has some exclusions, and I recall requires you to front all your costs, then win your case, before they pay you back. Their advantage is that I think it is a Lloyds of London backed insurance pool.

The best two overall seem to be:
a) United States Concealed Carry Association or
b) Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network
But they are only member-funded insurance pools not backed by the assets of a national insurance company

Check them out and compare them to the NRA policy for coverage and cost. None of the major three options are as straightforward and financially well backed as a normal Homeowners or Umbrella Liability Policy from a major national insurance company, but they are all you have to choose from other than paying out of your own pocket as you go or putting $15,000-$50,000 or more in legal fees on your credit card.

Sadly "Freedom Isn't Free", nor are 2nd Amendment Rights, in more ways than one


10-07-2012, 07:10 PM
there's a funny thing about the law, it's adminstered by Judges and DAs but the people, we the people, hold the trump cards. All of them.
Even a rabid DA running for Congress can't make a case out of the reported facts, assuming they're true. The law is the law, and there's no way to white wash the armed robbery.

Most likely the DA will present to a Grand Jury so the onus of fact determination lays with the citizenry. That's the typical "out." They'll no bill and the DA will wash his hands of it.

10-07-2012, 09:51 PM
I love a happy ending!

I hope all ends well for the good Samaritan.

By the sound of things I would bet the bag guys had just an outstanding upbringing.

10-07-2012, 10:05 PM
Just one problem with the story.

"Two 17-year-old boys were holding restaurant customers at gunpoint"

You don't get to be called a boy anymore when you point a gun at folks.

10-08-2012, 01:36 PM
Yep, holding people at gunpoint gets an automatic upgrade to manhood, you are
now a BAD man. And in my opinion, you are now 'downrange'.


10-11-2012, 09:55 PM
Boys/men doesn't come to mind, pieces of trash and reactive targets do though.

PS Paul
10-13-2012, 05:52 PM
"The samaritan won't be charged at this time", but surely they may charge him later once the libtards get their hands on the story of the "poor boys who were just starting to turn their lives around" then got shot by the violent man.

That the shooter is even CONSIDERED to have charges brought against him or not is the worst of all of this. Wonder if the shooter was a minority or the robbers were and the shooter was not? THAT will make ALL the difference in the eyes of the libtards and Jesse Jackson's of the world. Stay tuned on this one, for sure.....

10-13-2012, 06:58 PM
If I had to go back to the car for a gun I would have brought a 12ga with buckshot (loads not the member here.LOL) That gapping hole has a way of stopping movement when I would have yelled FREEZE. And if they moved , the coroner would have to have been called to the scene.