View Full Version : Just called in a coyote!

10-05-2012, 11:08 AM
On the way home from dropping kiddlets off to preschool...

I noticed a four legged blob out in a cut bean field. I was used to seeing geese or crows out there. It looked like a coyote, but here we were bordered on 4 sides by suburbs and me without any gear- no call, no camera and no rifle. HE was at about 200 yds but closer to the west side (conveniently upwind side too!) of the oblong field, so I drove up a street of houses that parallels the long axis and parked where a street dead- ends against the west side of the field. I crept up to the little berm at the dead end and now I was within 125 yds or so and he was very slowly meandering towards me.

I plucked a green blade of grass, pulled it taught between my thumbs pressed base-to-base and blew though this make-shift distress call with mournful whimpers and wails, mixed in with higher cries hoping he'd figure I'd parked my van on a poor puppy and maybe stepped on a bunny too! As I peeked up, he was trotting to get down-wind of me and ears straight up, eyes on my spot!! He worked downwind till he was about 75 yards and broadside. I stood up to say "hello", he took a few steps and then turned to look back, facing me front on (perfect boiler room- under the neck shot).

It's likely a good thing I DIDN'T have any rifle or handgun with because I'd have gotten myself in trouble with the suburban cops for unauthorized "pest control". I'm just so excited that it worked, just like in the videos! Might not be a big deal to country folks, but to a city boy (trapped in a suburban world) yearning for wide open spaces or deep dark woods, it was a great opener for my day!!![smilie=w:

So I came home and started loading Cast Boolits for Deer season and maybe Coyote calling in Late Dec!!!!

10-05-2012, 11:23 AM
LOL...my first thought was that it might be illegal to have a firearm in your car when dropping your kids off at school. That's useful info, the blade of grass trick.

10-05-2012, 11:50 AM
I've never tried that "blade of grass" call on a song dog, but I DO recall my first called-in coyote. I was so jazzed, I comprehensively threw the shot galley-west! That ol' yote swapped ends and hauled freight so fast from ~35 yards off, I thought he had JATO-assist. WHEW! That was a while back......1976, not long after I bought my first handgun, a S&W Model 28 x 6" and used my own handloads to make that miss as above. HA!

10-05-2012, 12:26 PM
Wow! A blade of grass! I've had some luck calling Red Fox but never been able to call coyote. They put me on their ignore list..

Love Life
10-05-2012, 12:29 PM
Congrats!!! There is nothing like getting your first coyote to come to your call.

10-05-2012, 01:38 PM
We have coyotes around here, but no coyote problem. Sometimes the wolf and I go for a walk around 1:00 or 2:00 AM and hear them out in hills yapping and yelping after they've caught a bunny, mouse, rat or whatever. Its a pleasant sound to the country boy that still exists in me.


10-05-2012, 01:53 PM
Gee, didn't know that grass whistle would call anything but my brother. Learned it after I found out how to blow bubbles with gum. Doesn't work with bermuda grass though.

10-05-2012, 01:59 PM
Congrats! Called in my first one in 1965 using an old OLT's closed reed call. Still enjoy foolin' them. You can also call using the back of your hand or just pucker up and 'smooch'.

10-05-2012, 03:49 PM
I've called in coyotes with the grass thing. Also other critters. Years ago I was living in a teepee down on Big Lodge Creek. One Sunday afternoon we were laying around the campfire, and I started blowing on a blade of grass. In a very short order, there were a half dozen longhorn cattle coming at the charge. Guess they thought a calf was getting hurt. I quit doing that around range cattle.

10-05-2012, 04:05 PM
I guess it's the Native animal call device. I've wondered what the response is: friend, defense, curiosity, meal, strange, macho, etc. Learned early it's not a good idea to walk through a pasture full of bulls even when you don't make a lot of noise.

10-05-2012, 10:16 PM
Man, That's great. Congrats!

So many memories predator calling.
I called my first one with a piece of bamboo with a slit of coffee lid wedged in the middle. I just thought it was a cool whistle. The coyote thought it was something to eat. I did not kill it with my 410, but none the less it was a successful calling session.

I stopped my wifes first yote with a gentle "kissing" sound. That yote gave her almost 45 seconds to make the shot.

I bought a high dollar (foxpro) calling system last year. I turned it on for about 20 minutes and my 4 donkeys came boiling out of the brush and STOMPED it to shreads. I have a new one delivered yesterday, but I am just hesitant to put it out.

10-05-2012, 11:31 PM
cows have a thing for coyotes.
i rolled one out on the pastures fencline a couple of years back and the cows were mud stomping it before it even come to a halt.
never seen them move that fast.

10-06-2012, 12:10 AM
Man, That's great. Congrats!

I bought a high dollar (foxpro) calling system last year. I turned it on for about 20 minutes and my 4 donkeys came boiling out of the brush and STOMPED it to shreads. I have a new one delivered yesterday, but I am just hesitant to put it out.

Hang it in a small tree, off the ground. I do that when I am using the woodpecker sound.

10-06-2012, 12:15 AM
Donkeys, mules, and llamas are attack critters, when it comes to anything that even LOOKS like a dog or coyote. I was visiting some friends, my dog was sitting pretty much between my legs, and their llama attacked the dog, knocking me *** over tea kettle. The dog was a little bit faster than me, and only got stomped a couple times. Since I was between the llama and the dog, I got a lot more boo boos. I just haven't had a whole lotta lovin' for llamas ever since.

Capn Jack
10-06-2012, 12:26 AM
I had my back to a large stump and was using a rabbit squealer one night.

A Great Horned Owl thought I was a rabbit and almost landed on me.

:holysheep I thought he was Dracula and almost crapped my pants.


10-06-2012, 01:40 AM
Dracula the owl thanx I just blew red wine through my nose onto my phone bahahaha dats funny stuff.

lead chucker
10-06-2012, 02:21 AM
I had a owl almost take my decoy once that was kind of cool. I also was calling coyotes once and felt like something was watching me. I turned around and he was right behind me a bout five feet. It didn't take him long to figure out I wasn't a rabbit and he was gone like lightning. Cyote hunting is fun.

10-06-2012, 07:29 AM
Twice, I have seen red foxes come running to a mallard call, when duck hunting down by the water. Once in CA once in TN.


10-06-2012, 11:02 AM
I used to call squirrels sucking air thru my lips to make a squeal like a hurt squirrel. They would be hiding out up i the trees and when I made that sound they would stick their head out over the limbs. no pellets in the body, just the head.

learned that after one woke up laying beside me a squealed. when he did that three popped out to see what had happened to george. Makes a quick limit!

And yes it scared the poopie out of me!