View Full Version : First Deer Hunt in Indiana

Nocturnal Stumblebutt
10-01-2012, 07:30 PM
This will be my first deer hunt, I am 25, in Bloomington, Indiana, and will be using a .357 magnum lever action rifle, is there anyone on here within approx. 100 miles of Bloomington that is experienced with hunting in the area and would be willing to guide a young guy?

Nocturnal Stumblebutt
10-01-2012, 08:48 PM

DIRT Farmer
10-01-2012, 09:55 PM
Not real close, but when I started, there were very few deer hunters. I read every thing I could find, walked the woods and learned to see deer. My big excitement the second year was I saw a deer, a doe.

Look for public land in Brown county and start looking (scouting) youwil be amazed at what you can learn in 6 weeks.

10-02-2012, 10:40 AM
I'm not in the area either. But get out now and spend some time looking for sign, trails, etc. Hunt some before the season with just a camera and see what you can learn about their travel patterns.

10-02-2012, 10:52 AM
i'm not anywhere near you unfortunatly.
but you are in much the same place i was when i started hunting.
my previous experience was going with my pop, he just picked somewhere fairly close to home.
parked the truck walked up or down the mountain a ways and sat there.
if you have decent deer numbers in the area,and a bit of hunter movement that works pretty well.
if not i usually get to a high point and spend some time with the spotting scope.
i have been amazed sometimes at all the deer that just suddenly materialize at different times of the day.
and disappointed in some areas that i thought had good numbers.

10-02-2012, 09:02 PM
I would suggest that you find a place, park,field etc. where you can just watch deer. Get used to how they move, interact with each other, and generally go about their business. Visualize how you would shoot or not shoot and where the vitals are at any angle. Watch how deer act when they see other deer. You can bet they will see them before you do. The mature long head does are the ones you have to be able to fool. The rest are easier.