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View Full Version : Coyote Hunting

Love Life
09-29-2012, 09:07 AM
It has been a very busy summer for me with not much time for hunting and fishing. As we roll into fall and winter things will slack off.

I was sitting on the porch this morning at about 0430 and I could hear the song dogs off in the distance. We have had a rabbit boom this year which has led to an uptick in the coyote population.

Soon. Soon I will be on the mountain tops early in the morning doing my best to sound like a dying rabbit being attacked by a magpie. I can already feel the cold air, already feel the frustration of my reed in the caller freezing (stupid below freezing weather), and the joy of getting one of natures wiley creatures within range of the 223.

Sometimes I'll shoot. Sometimes I'll just watch them. It just depends.

Nap during the day and then prepare for the night hunts. It is legal to spotlight and hunt at night for coyotes in Nevada. Then end it all off with an early morning (or late night) breakfast at Topaz lodge.

I look forward to those few hours a day when all is left behind. No work worries, no doom and gloom, nothing. Just me, the outdoors, and my prey.

Hello fall and winter. It is about time you showed up.

If any of you make it down my way there is warm pot of coffee and spare rack always available.

09-29-2012, 10:19 AM
Love Life,
My daughter and I like to hunt coyotes also.
I am lookling forward to the first frost and for the coyotes to start getting their furs into prime. I used to hunt coyote tournaments back in the day and spent many an hour as a ranch hand thinning coyotes. I quite predator calling for many years until my daughter wanted to learn how. I love spending time with her in the outdoors and passing along what I know.
A couple of rancher friends of ours have already asked us to come out and get after the coyotes on their places. Hopefully this year we will get a few bobcats as well.
I wish you much luck and safe hunting.
Good luck, jmsj

Love Life
09-29-2012, 10:29 AM
I'm hoping for some Bobcats over my way as well. The one I popped last year made me some decent cash, even with the hole in it....

My only concern is mountain lions. Without my my hunting partner here I will be hunting solo.

09-29-2012, 02:51 PM
I'm hoping for some Bobcats over my way as well. The one I popped last year made me some decent cash, even with the hole in it....

My only concern is mountain lions. Without my my hunting partner here I will be hunting solo.

Roger that!
We are in a high population cycle on mountain lions also. The state has issued more tags this, they are giving away two tags on each license. Last year I saw 4 different lions around my house and this year I have seen 3 different lions. In all my years before this I had only seen 1 lion. Problem is anytime I buy a license, I never see any lions.
Good luck, jmsj

6.5 mike
09-29-2012, 05:39 PM
Hav'nt thought bout Topaz lodge in a pile of years. Last time I was there, Ike was in office. :popcorn: