View Full Version : Question about lee hand case trimmer

09-26-2012, 09:20 PM
The instructions indicate to screw the case length gauge all the way until it is snug against cutting head. However, when I do that the length of the case is shorter than 18 mm. I have backed off the head cutter with the length gauge until it cuts at 18 mm. Am I doing this wrong or is the case gauge incorrect.

09-26-2012, 09:44 PM
I have found all of my lee trimmers trim a bit short. That's why I switched to my Forster.

09-26-2012, 10:33 PM
Most Lee length gauges (trimmers) trim to the "suggested" trim length- usually about .010" under standard SAAMI case length. Many times it is a little too short to be a best fit in some chambers. One trick I discovered a few years ago is to use a longer Lee length gauge (trimmer) made for a different, slightly longer cartridge. Look in a load manual or a copy of Cartridges of the World for the next longer case length cartridge that is of equal or lesser caliber. Then check to see if Lee makes that trimmer. You can then trim back (lightly grind) the primer flash hole guide pin so that it is exactly the trim length you want (you have about 1/8" to 1/4" of extra length to play with and still go thru the flash hole to contact the stop). Even if the slightly longer stud is made for a smaller caliber, I've found the cutter head will wobble around in the mouth randomly enough so that the cut will be very, very close to square with the case axis. Sometimes Lee doesn't make a suitable trimmer for a cartridge of the next-longer-length so then a regular adjustable bench mounted trimmer is in order.