View Full Version : Project Drew - 243 Stuff Needed

09-23-2012, 06:03 PM
This is a follow up thread to one I ran a few weeks ago asking if anyone wanted to help a young man get started in reloading. I ran the same thread on three different forums. Stuff started trickling in. The response was much greater than I could have imagined. Very generous people and I am proud to be a part of the group. Thank you.

Drew had his fourth reloading lesson today. He's very appreciative of all that was sent on his behalf. You have never seen such a smiling face. The deal I struck with him is - apply yourself and learn and all that was sent is yours. This kid is a sponge ... soaks up everything and asks lots of questions. Your donations found a good home.

We started by going through a complete reload, start to finish, so he could better relate to the reading. I sent him off with a Lyman 49th manual and he has read the text .... multiple times.

Next we started breaking down the steps to get him familiar with proper adjustment of the dies and use of the equipment. We take it slow doing one thing per session like case prep. On the next session we start by reviewing what we did the prior session. This technique is working really well, you can almost see the wheels turning. He will be shooting his own reloads during the upcoming deer season. How cool is that, saves his money to buy a gun, gets his first ever hunting license and if he gets a target he will take his first deer with ammo he crafted himself.

Safety is first and foremost and he gets it. These are serious big boy toys and mistakes can be very unforgiving. He's also doing on-line research and brings those questions to the bench too. He's off to NM for a few weeks to work with his dad but he is taking additional reading material.

Thanks all. This is working out really well and you were a part of it.

09-23-2012, 06:49 PM
That is such a great story. I am really proud of you for being such a good, responsible mentor. You are a good example to all of us. I wish we could all find young protege's to teach, for they ARE the future of our gun and hunting rights.:grin:

And my hat is off to all of those that donated good useable equipment for this young man as well. :grin: