View Full Version : annealing set-up

09-23-2012, 12:19 PM
This is a set-up I made yesterday using an automotive electric window motor and a 12 volt power supply. looks like it will work ok, just have never annealed before. It is hinged to be able to dump onto a pan of water. Any constructive critism (or other) is welcomed.


http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/thum_13265505f3574057fa.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=6778)

09-23-2012, 02:21 PM
Slim: you only need to have the case in the flame for a few seconds, (2-5 seconds) and then dump directly into a bucket of water for the quench.

Also you don't need to anneal pistol cases.

Rifle cases can benefit, from just annealing the neck portion of the case. If the case is allowed to get too hot it anneals the base portion and ruins the case.

You'll notice alot of .223 brass at the range has had the case mouths annealed at the factory. This will show you how much to anneal, and it only needs to be done once unless you reload the same case a zillion times.

Alot more to this than meets the eye. Do a search here and you'll find information of how to do it correctly.


09-23-2012, 02:34 PM
OH MY!!!! I love it when I get to look at another persons creation, I love to tinker around and you look like you gave this some thought.

Mine is pretty much the same type of set-up but I have a torch on either side of the case 180deg from one another and I don't water quench, that's kinda pointless with brass but it wont hurt it either. I have a rod sticking up that I put the brass on because I do mine on a more productive basis and get 500pcs an hour with mine, and this is the end result.



Of course I've been doing an average of 2K+ a week.

09-23-2012, 03:13 PM
This was just a quick set-up, took about 30 minutes to do. I will replace the white nylon piece ot top and all the upper assembly with something more sturdy yet to be determined. It was all free including the power supply.

These motors can be had for the asking from any shop that repairs electric windows. I'm thinking of making a rotory tumbler next with one. Just going to have to think about it a while first.


09-23-2012, 06:17 PM
Changed it a bit, took off nylon assembly, added two back to back sockets which fits the existing gear. Looks like a better set-up. Exposed bottle neck casing looks to be about the right height.


http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/thum_13265505f89553532e.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=6782)http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/thum_13265505f8961c1a23.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=6783)http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/thum_13265505f896d807e3.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=6784)