View Full Version : Vitter amendment

05-25-2007, 05:10 PM
The Senate defeated the Vitter amendment which would have done away with the z visa, the instant amnesty for all the criminal alien invaders here now.
You need to check the U.S.Senate web site to see how your senators voted, both of my sorry critters voted against it. It was 29 good guys and 66 back stabbers.
If your's voted for it, please call their offices and thank them.
If they stabbed us in the back and sold us down the river, as mine did, do as I did, call them and tell they what you think of them.
Then call your rep and remind them they are the last chance to keep the sorry congress critters from turning the U.S. into a third world country.
If you want frequent updated and a way to be heard. try NumbersUSA, they are really active in the cess pool on the Potomac, trying to stop this mess.
I put out over $1000 last year, made more than 150 phone calls and sent over 200 faxes on this issue and on gun control, I could use some help.
GOA says the Immigration act has some hidden features that can get all gun shops over 4 employees closed, go to their web site and take a look.

05-25-2007, 09:30 PM
"U.S. Senate Adjourns Until June 4th" May 25, 2007
(They get a 10 or 11 day holiday for Memorial Day.)

That means 10 or 11 days to hammer them with phone calls, emails, and faxes to convince them that it's really true the majority of us are dead set against the current approach.

Our Montana Senators are both Democrats, now. My faxes have been polite, but worded so it's clear that our state better not become awash in the rising tide...or we will all remember who allowed it to happen.
Currently, they are both voting against anything that tries to advance amnesty, increase immigration, or knock down the fence.

I was especially proud of this fax, sent before the first Senate vote...and in time to let them establish the direction they intended to go without a need to flip-flop.
The 'details' are unique to Montana, but you can use it as an outline to create one that fits your state.
If you (personally) don't convince your legislators that the polls they are looking at are wrong...they will continue to believe they can slip this by you.

Montanans are watching the immigration debates.

While fire ants and killer bees from below the border slowly move northward, acclimating as they go, we also watch as the tide of immigrants fills the states south of us.
Legal immigration quotas have been much too high since 1965, and that growth was exacerbated by Reagan's amnesty...which is primarily responsible for the huge influx of illegals since it was approved, but never had it's enforcement provisions implemented.

Do not believe that a failure to reduce overall immigration...or an approval of ANY bill that permits the current crop of illegals to remain...will go unnoticed by Montanans.

We (as a state) are slow to allow industry to move in, even though it might be beneficial to us. We are equally reticent to allow 'land grabs' which commercialize public lands, even if it might mean a stronger tax base.

You can BET we will take notice if our meager public funds end up feeding, schooling, and housing people who have no claim on those benefits, and the internet makes it idiotically simple to find out who voted to allow that.

The U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, chaired by the late Barbara Jordan (D-Texas), found that foreign worker patterns which are harmful to vulnerable Americans...are also harmful to the economy as a whole.
Our currently sound (but not extravagant) Montana economy has no capacity to support the current 'rising tide'.

05-26-2007, 11:38 AM
Pro Gun rights Senator Bond and anti Gun McCaskil in my beloved Missouri, both voted Yea. So I am apreciative equally of their efforts in that regard.