View Full Version : YouTube scares me. . .

09-22-2012, 01:54 PM
Sizing & Lubing cast bullets guaranteed to make you scream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbdoLOc3ld4&feature=related)

First off, nothing against YouTube--I find it fascinating and I've found some incredible information and "how-to" stuff that has made my life infinitely easier.

However. . . I've also found some stuff that is scary inaccurate and I've found that--typical of the internet--anyone can be an instant EXPERT on the internet simply by posting a video or starting their own website/webpage. :rolleyes:

The video I linked to had me shaking my head. I'm sure the guy conducting is someone I'd enjoy hunting and fishing with but the video is a prime example of why I really, REALLY wish folks would take the time to learn what the HELL THEY NEED TO KNOW about things.

A few snippets from the comments section include:

Q: When you size bullets, is there enough lead shaved to make reclaiming it worthwhile?
A: Not really, you're only shaving a HUNDREDTH OF AN INCH. . .

:shock: [smilie=b:

A hundredth of an inch???

Oh. My. God.

Even better comments, questions and answers. . .

Now, as anyone who has EVER worked with tumble-lubing knows, the biggest mistake is in using too much. The fella in the video even warns us about this as he pours out enough LLA to completely cover the first layer of bullets (I'm not calling the projectiles in the video "boolits" as there is no way I'd load and shoot them) in his tub.

:shock: [smilie=b:

So we're going to have tacky bullets that will never dry, an epic lube buildup in the bullet-seating die and I'm going to guess some wild variations on cartridge OAL at the end of the reloading run.

But then again, if you're shaving off HUNDREDTHS of an inch, a micrometer is obviously not in your tool regime, so why should a pair of calipers be?

:shock: [smilie=b:

*Shrug* This kind of stuff bothers me because several years ago, I was applying a loose tourniquet on a twenty-something-year-old at an indoor range who'd learned everything he needed to know about reloading "from YouTube."

He blew his gun up and with it, his index finger completely off and his middle finger completely off at the first knuckle.

But when you pack a 40S&W round full of Red Dot, then compress the load and use a magnum primer. . . The firearm did its part as long as it could, but after a half-dozen or so rounds, it blew and with it, the guy's fingers.

I cringe everytime I run into a new shooter or reloader who regales me with "I saw how to do this on YouTube."

With good reason, apparently.


PS Paul
09-22-2012, 02:00 PM
Caveat Emptor definitely applies on YouTube-- LOL!!! There have been a few threads on the subject about some of these horrifying posts. I recall one about a guy who was showing everyone his method of "speed casting" by using six different moulds at a time(!), throwing one down after emptying and going to another, all the time just beatin' the moulds to death!

Lots of bad info out there, so I thank GOD each time I need some info that I can go to Castboolits to find out exactly what I should do- and NOT do....

I think people are just narcissistic and want to be famous, hence the millions of buffoons on Youtube and Facebook. Sigh.... I suppose the world we live in where everyone needs to be a "superstar" and enjoy fame due to some other basic need that is not being met in their otherwise mundane/boring/horrible/pathetic existence.

09-22-2012, 02:11 PM
Everybody has an opinion - even fools.

Caveat emptor is really good advice.


09-22-2012, 02:44 PM
You Tube how-to videos are examples of how the Darwin Award winners encourage future winners, and keep it a perpetual award.

I've viewed only one boolit casting video, and its disregard for safety made me cringe. I viewed it only becasue a member posted it as a link. (By the way, I'm not chastizing that member.)

I'm not a shrink, but it seems that a massive ego doesn't leave enough room in the brain for the least amount of common sense.

PS Paul
09-22-2012, 02:54 PM
I'm I'm not a shrink, but it seems that a massive ego doesn't leave enough room in the brain for the least amount of common sense.[/QUOTE]

Truer words have never been spoken.....

Love Life
09-22-2012, 02:58 PM
I was at the range last week and this guy comes and sets up next to me. I was wringing out the 8mm and 223, along with my uncle who was also wringing out many of his toys.

Well the guy gets all set up and mosies on over to where we are to check out our equipment, and just shoot the bull.

Seeing all the labels and berry's cartridge boxes he asks if we reload and how long have we reloaded. More bull is shot.

During our bull shooting session he tells us that he has just started reloading, and is out testing his first batch. He wants us to look over his handiwork. So we do.

I took my loading manual over to his bench and my uncle took his. After looking at his load data, and doing some measurements I am glad we did. His start load for what he was shooting was 7 GRAINS OVER THE MAX CHARGE.

I asked what reloading manual he used and he replied "I just googled the load data"

That just goes to show you. That is also a reason I hate shooting at public ranges, and pick places in the middle of the desert to do my shooting.

09-22-2012, 03:00 PM
Oh my word. I'd like to be the guy to sell him Alox, I could retire.

09-22-2012, 03:34 PM
What's unfortunate is some new caster will see that video as gospel. This particular video doesn't show anything dangerous, but there are a few misleading "facts" as Recluse has noted. I've seen enough of youtube "experts" to not bother watching youtube anymore...

Chicken Thief
09-22-2012, 03:36 PM

He has a shirt with his name on it. That clearly indicates that he is highly trained and a skilled professional. Think WallieWorld and the golden seagull. Skilled employes!!!

09-22-2012, 03:38 PM
he did mention zombie in the beginning of his video, that was the first clue.
He didn't really use that much LLA, what the camera didn't catch was he got his bullet bucket and spit cup mixed up so it was diluted.

09-22-2012, 04:54 PM

I had to chime in agreeing with you as the guy took a bit of offense at your reply. It was compulsory.

09-22-2012, 05:07 PM
My favorite video of all time is the teenage kid giving instructions on the making of black powder at home......

He explains where to get the chemicals and give a detailed description of how to blend and mix all of them...dry...at once. IN AN ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER!

Now, he does mention how others have told him this is dangerous but he's never had any problems so............

I wonder if anyone out there in Youtube land has paid the price for his cavalier attitude?

09-22-2012, 05:26 PM
The hollowpoint defensive society? Really?

To quote Bugs Bunny "What a maroon".

YouTube, home of the instant expert. Wonder if Obama learn his leadership skills there?

09-22-2012, 05:43 PM
My favorite video of all time is the teenage kid giving instructions on the making of black powder at home......

He explains where to get the chemicals and give a detailed description of how to blend and mix all of them...dry...at once. IN AN ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER!

Now, he does mention how others have told him this is dangerous but he's never had any problems so............

I wonder if anyone out there in Youtube land has paid the price for his cavalier attitude?


Well he may have some mill dust there. I always used a ball mill and set it away securely, using extension cords to power it. It appears the fellow has missed out on a few steps that follow. . . I always took the simple way and just added small amount of hot water (boiling) until I got proper consistency, and then dried it quickly and screened it. . . then graded/re-screened. Many methods; just my way.

09-22-2012, 05:55 PM
Nicely done guys, made my day! Laughter feels good after getting torn up on mowers all day.

09-22-2012, 05:59 PM
ohh damn...

09-22-2012, 06:18 PM

I had to chime in agreeing with you as the guy took a bit of offense at your reply. It was compulsory.

I was scratching my head wondering what you were talking about here, so I (reluctantly) went back to the YouTube video.

There, I saw where someone had made a few observations, and yeah, the "Defensive Hollowpoints Society Founder & President" regaled us his AWESOME experience.

Oh, and I guess "4000 views" of his video somehow vets it and gives it credibility?

Wasn't me that commented as I rarely comment on YouTube videos and if/when I do, it's with my real name.


09-22-2012, 07:03 PM
Don't need U-tube. You can look right here on this site for a discussion about putting high pressure cartridges on H&R frames with not a care about whether they are SB1 or SB2 type. One guy built some sort of big barrel contraption, milled out what he says is an SB1 frame so it would fit, and has the lug attached with 4 #10x32 screws!! Hasn't blown up yet so I guess it's OK! My policy in my shop and with my personal projects is safety before anything else or it doesn't happen. Only takes one "accident" to ruin your day. GW

09-22-2012, 07:04 PM
I was scratching my head wondering what you were talking about here, so I (reluctantly) went back to the YouTube video.

There, I saw where someone had made a few observations, and yeah, the "Defensive Hollowpoints Society Founder & President" regaled us his AWESOME experience.

Oh, and I guess "4000 views" of his video somehow vets it and gives it credibility?

Wasn't me that commented as I rarely comment on YouTube videos and if/when I do, it's with my real name.


Mea Culpa. The triad commentary, I thought was yours. . .

Clearly you missed that day in class where it was demonstrated that in syllogistic logic, the number of views on youtube is a premise for an argument. :)

It might be not be wise but I also use my real name on there and here.

I will edit my post with the appellation I thought he had bestowed upon you.



09-22-2012, 07:15 PM
I have jut been named President and most knowledgable shooter/caster in the "My House Casting Association".

Wait, I am the only member. Dang.

Walter Laich
09-23-2012, 11:40 AM
Another sad thing: he was totally serious, thinking he was giving good, accurate info to 'the world.'

09-23-2012, 12:07 PM
I have jut been named President and most knowledgable shooter/caster in the "My House Casting Association".

Wait, I am the only member. Dang.
I would be honored to be able to join that Society. I've been casting for several years and only shoot one "j" bullet in my 9mm, everything else gets a steady diet of lead. Do I need a sponsor?:castmine:

09-23-2012, 12:16 PM
No sponsor required but you have to live under my roof.

Yeah, we aren't accepting new me,here at this point. I am trying to get rid of the youngest member!

09-23-2012, 12:34 PM
Like anything on the Internet, and with all learning in general, view multiple sources and don't take any particular source as "the one." I've watched a bunch of videos on casting and reloading and picked out the good pieces of information. Same goes for the reloading manuals. The only thing I take as definitive is powder manufacturer's loads. I know there is some play in them but overall they are spot on.

I see people listing load data on forums just as dangerous, if not more so, then people posting videos with some unsafe practices in it. Unless you have proper pressure testing equipment you shouldn't be posting loads. I know many will disagree with this. But there is no way I'd trust load data from a stranger on the Internet.

Brought to you by TapaTalk.

09-23-2012, 12:53 PM
he did mention zombie in the beginning of his video, that was the first clue......

Hey now....

09-23-2012, 12:57 PM
Not just youtube... The internet is the information superhighway and it spreads as much bad info as good.

I hope I'm wrong but it seems that the younger generations are losing the ability or the desire to tell the difference between truth and fiction, or good vs bad information. They don't seem to question anything like some of us older farts tend to do. I'm a bit concerned what kind of world this is going to be in another generation. Computers and technology don't appear to be making us any smarter.

I'll Make Mine
09-23-2012, 01:08 PM
The internet is the information superhighway

And like any other road in the world, it's got a few good drivers, a few really horrific ones, and a whole bunch who just stay in their lane and follow the car in front...

09-23-2012, 02:50 PM
And like any other road in the world, it's got a few good drivers, a few really horrific ones, and a whole bunch who just stay in their lane and follow the car in front...

yeah, except on the road it's easy to see who is staying in their lane but it's not so easy to tell who the good drivers are on the information highway. :wink:

09-23-2012, 08:23 PM
There is some really good stuff on youtube.

There is some completely dangerous stuff also.

I am making a list as I view them.

If you are interested, here is my list.




09-23-2012, 08:58 PM
The best comment I've heard that describes todays society is:

"Maybe common sense, ain't so common anymore."

09-23-2012, 09:01 PM
On one of the boards that I frequented before I landed here, we had a member named "TC Kid" that like to boast about his warmer loads. After hearing of his antics, I steered clear of used firearms at gun shows for several years.

09-23-2012, 09:38 PM
The Zombie Room. It's the spare bedroom in a single wide mobile home. I know this, because I lived in one for over a decade...

09-24-2012, 04:45 AM

Now, THIS is how you size Boolits!

BTW, that is my son when he was 4 helping Dad in the garage and Loving it!
I think he has more of a grasp on what is going on than that other guy......

09-24-2012, 12:21 PM
One video that makes me cringe is this one:


the way he drops / tosses moulds that he's just filled with lead is amazing!

09-24-2012, 12:47 PM
NutnGrebner takes the cake. feh

Silvercreek Farmer
09-24-2012, 09:54 PM
As a relatively new caster, the term "light coat" is pretty subjective. I am using less and less every time I lube and the results keep getting better. The boolits he made will probably shoot just fine for they type of close range rapid fire this fellow is likely to do with them, albeit smokey and stinky. At least he didn't promote anything dangerous.

09-24-2012, 10:09 PM
Mike S.,
That guy just drove me nuts!!!, What a mess. Just threw evrything all over,didn't bother with trying to keep from smashing and damaging the boolits. He kept swinging that stick right toward the pot. I was waiting for him to catch the pot and send it right over the back of the bench.:veryconfu If he didn't wait so long to cut the sprue he wouldn't have needed to beat them so hard. Sheeeeeshhh

09-24-2012, 10:30 PM
This one is my favorite youtube expert!!!


And 10,000 plus people have subscribed to LEARN from this guy!!!

09-25-2012, 11:55 AM
No, 10,000 people are hoping he will do it again.

09-25-2012, 05:51 PM
LMAO! ok I have to admit that everything I know about reloading I also learned from you tube and of course the forums. I have yet to load my first round... any day now... But im shaking my head at that guy (makes noobs like me look bad)
I just havent attempted my first round yet because its for my .454 revolver and im a little paranoid about blowing my hand off too.

09-25-2012, 07:00 PM
Mr. Hughes seems like a very nice young man. He does need to sign up here, though, and do a whole bunch of reading !!! Then, maybe he could make an "oh, by the way video". enjoy Mike

09-25-2012, 07:11 PM
This one is my favorite youtube expert!!!


And 10,000 plus people have subscribed to LEARN from this guy!!!

When he said he experienced a "negligent discharge" I fully expected to see one of his kids in the background..............

PS Paul
09-25-2012, 07:20 PM
I've seen that video before. Man, looks like that hurt!! Coulda been worse, I suppose. I thought about it for a bit before just slammin' the guy, but even though it has never hapened to me, it could happen to most anyone- anyone who doesn't follow the most basic "don't put yer finger in the triggergaurd until ready to shoot" rule!!

09-25-2012, 07:22 PM
When I started loading, 30 years ago, there where not that many people reloading. I could go to the range and there would be 20 people shooting and I would be the only one shooting my own. Back then, you went by the manuals, no hearsay. Now, when I go to a popular outdoor range, near my home, half or more of the shooters are reloading their own. You think they found a manual? Heck no! Many of them learned from the internet. That is frightning and you are stationed right next to them. Just from joining and reading this forum I still know I have alot to learn and wouldn't think about posting a "how to" video on you-tube.

09-25-2012, 10:56 PM
Less bullets less lube!! I don't think he ment "hundreths of an inch", in the video he did say thousands when he was resizing them? Maybe an oversight?

There's a lot of good information on You Tube, problem is there's a lot of bad information too. The Videos that scare me are of kids mixing chemicals together, not knowing the compound there creating and the problems the gasses may cause etc... Just to see something go "BOOM"!!

09-26-2012, 01:47 PM
I just watched the OP's link, and read the comments

all I can say is "Oy... hope no one is taking this kid seriously!"

Everyone wants their 15min of fame.... and giving yourself a cool sounding name all legitimacy!

09-26-2012, 02:33 PM
It is perfectly ok to name your self president, I claimed my chrony title. But I am a decent guy and probably won't tell one dissagreeing soreheads to go lift up a manhole cover and commit sewercide.

09-26-2012, 02:52 PM
Not just youtube... The internet is the information superhighway and it spreads as much bad info as good.

I hope I'm wrong but it seems that the younger generations are losing the ability or the desire to tell the difference between truth and fiction, or good vs bad information. They don't seem to question anything like some of us older farts tend to do. I'm a bit concerned what kind of world this is going to be in another generation. Computers and technology don't appear to be making us any smarter.

It's like when adolesent farm boys get to talking about their early love lives and an old coot says " When I tried the chicken died. "

09-26-2012, 07:24 PM
One video that makes me cringe is this one:


the way he drops / tosses moulds that he's just filled with lead is amazing!

A knuckle head for sure

09-26-2012, 08:53 PM
A knuckle head for sure

I couldn't watch much of the video. The guy has no regard for his tools. I also can't believe he left lead in the mold and on the sprue plate that long. Guy is a moron.

Brought to you by TapaTalk.

09-27-2012, 11:03 AM

09-27-2012, 12:59 PM
I see people listing load data on forums just as dangerous, if not more so, than people posting videos …

Gun magazines are a poor source of safe data too. I’ve seen quite a few loads published that were well above maximum in all of my manuals.

The best comment I've heard that describes today’s society is:
"Maybe common sense ain't so common anymore."

Common sense has never been very reliable. Lots of people claim to have it, but as one who does formal analyses for a career I can tell you that common sense is frequently wrong. Also, “it just makes sense” frequently doesn’t.

Take care, Tom