View Full Version : for sale section Q

09-22-2012, 11:59 AM
I have a question.A few will post an item as a "feeler"/offer for sale with no price."i dont know what its worth" is the typical reason for this type of post.(You are on the 'net and you can get an idea of what they sell for BTW)Then people PM or ask for a price and it goes on forever .If this is the case list it as an "auction" with your minimum price as the start and be done with it.I got a dink from a mod for low balling a long time member just to try to get him to start setting a price a month ago.

am i the only guy who is annoyed by this?


09-22-2012, 12:27 PM
That practice IS annoying...

Wayne Smith
09-22-2012, 12:33 PM
Not really annoyed, but then I've not yet found anything I wanted in any of those, either! I agree, if you don't know the value, post it as an auction and find out.

09-22-2012, 12:34 PM

09-22-2012, 01:04 PM
It is very annoying to me as well.I understand a person trying to get top dollar for an item and the auction style listings do not bother me one bit.I will participate in that selling format and have a good time if I win or loose.I will not participate in the" feeler ", whats it worth BS.IMO, which is probably wrong ,I sometimes think the seller just wants to bring attention to their collection.To me they are simply saying I have this , you want this but unless you pay way more than it's worth it is going back home with me.In today's information highway world you can pretty much find the value of anything.It is documented each and every day on the various gun auction sites.Lets face it that is also where the vast majority of the collectors with the deep pockets look for such "rare gems". Sorry for the rant but in short yes it annoys me.If you want to sell it then sell it , if you want to honestly know what it's worth then just ask.I have way more respect for the sellers that put a top price on their item and then just haggle a selling price or put it back in the safe.
I do truly hope that the sellers doing the "feeler's" don't get offended by my post.I wish you nothing but the very best and hope your feeler sets a new blue book record price.Like I stated I am probably wrong but that is my opinion.If anyone ever wants to know how I feel about anything , just ask......LOL

09-22-2012, 01:23 PM
I have a question.A few will post an item as a "feeler"/offer for sale with no price."i dont know what its worth" is the typical reason for this type of post.(You are on the 'net and you can get an idea of what they sell for BTW)Then people PM or ask for a price and it goes on forever .If this is the case list it as an "auction" with your minimum price as the start and be done with it.I got a dink from a mod for low balling a long time member just to try to get him to start setting a price a month ago.

am i the only guy who is annoyed by this?


From the header in the Swappin and Sellin Forum:
Rules: NO spamming ,no degrading posts on sales threads,

If you are not satisfied with the way things are done here, there are other internet sites that sell gun related items. Maybe you would be happier there.

09-22-2012, 01:43 PM
"If you are not satisfied with the way things are done here, there are other internet sites that sell gun related items. Maybe you would be happier there. "

What? is that a threat sir.

09-22-2012, 01:46 PM
+1, George.

09-22-2012, 01:50 PM
From the header in the Swappin and Sellin Forum:
Rules: NO spamming ,no degrading posts on sales threads,

If you are not satisfied with the way things are done here, there are other internet sites that sell gun related items. Maybe you would be happier there.

One thing I don't understand is, What makes making an offer on an item "Spamming"

I also don't understand the attitude of "some" mods. Some are just rude. Most aren't. If you don't like that I guess you can give me a "warning".

Maybe you would be happier...

09-22-2012, 02:06 PM
spamming present participle of spam

Verb: Send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.

That is what the definition I find says.

09-22-2012, 02:50 PM
Here's a thought: This site charges no fees, it's free of charge. Were you to pay dues or membership, you might place a value on it.

As it is, I like this site. I've lost a buy or two in S&S but, it's a hobby, not a profession. I wouldn't want to make work of it.

09-22-2012, 03:16 PM
Why is any offer high low or in between worthy of a ding when no price is stated? I can see if someone is asking $100 and you offer $10 it could be an insult but if someone says I have a widget what's it worth to you then any reply is just one man's opinion.

I also get tired of people too lazy to Google. Post it for what you will accept and if it doesn't sell close the thread and post it elsewhere.

09-22-2012, 03:31 PM
it is NOT the Spamming , It IS the degrading post part of the rules in this case.
If you know something is valuable and you make a very Lowball offer that is not fair, then Mods may act on it.
We ask that you treat other members here in our community fair and square...it keeps things running smoothly and hard feelings between members to a minimum.

I didn't make the rules, but as one of many Mods, it is our job to enforce them .


09-22-2012, 03:36 PM
I've often been puzzled by the "feeler" threads where it is stated that they are "considering" selling. It's the Swapping and Selling forum.
Swap it or Sell it.

09-22-2012, 03:39 PM
From the header in the Swappin and Sellin Forum:
Rules: NO spamming ,no degrading posts on sales threads,

If you are not satisfied with the way things are done here, there are other internet sites that sell gun related items. Maybe you would be happier there.

"If you are not satisfied with the way things are done here, there are other internet sites that sell gun related items. Maybe you would be happier there. "

What? is that a threat sir.

No threat, just restating the rules for the Swappin and Sellin Forum.

09-22-2012, 03:41 PM
it is NOT the Spamming , It IS the degrading post part of the rules in this case.
If you know something is valuable and you make a very Lowball offer that is not fair, then Mods may act on it.
We ask that you treat other members here in our community fair and square...it keeps things running smoothly and hard feelings between members to a minimum.

I didn't make the rules, but as one of many Mods, it is our job to enforce them .


I agree , that is just as annoying to me.I may not agree with certain sales tactics but to post on their add that you have seen them for less or that their item is not as stated is just as wrong in my eyes.I was not aware that making an offer could result in a ding though , Thanks for the heads up.

09-22-2012, 03:46 PM
no price was stated.I just made an offer half in jest to get a price range.it was aimed at a long time member was the reason for the "dink"


09-22-2012, 04:35 PM

Harry sent me a message about this and I sent one back.

Blocked! He is not allowed to receive a message.

Is Obama here?

09-22-2012, 04:50 PM
Here's a thought: This site charges no fees, it's free of charge. Were you to pay dues or membership, you might place a value on it.

As it is, I like this site. I've lost a buy or two in S&S but, it's a hobby, not a profession. I wouldn't want to make work of it.

Not about getting a deal or missing one. I contribute, and do benifit auctions not a lot but still did that even though I was out of work for 16 months.

This is one person who has been rude several times in the guise of moderation.

09-22-2012, 05:29 PM
i have figured out that i am not forced to read the posts of any member so i just dont think having a thin skin is in the best interest of anyone. i must say that the moderators can do as they please but that dosent make it right. argie1891

09-22-2012, 05:39 PM
Hold on there catfish...We do NOT do as we please. We have rules and guidelines we must follow by orders of the site owners. Mods discuss things between themselves and come to a decision and if things happen that need to be changed , then we go back and change them. Mods aren't perfect , but we do have a job to do and all in all this forum is TOP NOTCH compared to most. If you think it is easy, start your own forum and you will learn real fast what it entails...


09-22-2012, 05:46 PM
Can I recommend something here?
relax,, look at the bigger picture a bit,, this is all small stuff until the nukes are overhead.

09-22-2012, 05:56 PM
Yes sir,

And I tell people all the time don't sweat the small stuff.

Problem some of us have is a deep resentment for authority and get our hair up too easy.

Nothing personal, on my part, but this place is a creature made of its members. I guess care is needed in the pruning.


09-22-2012, 06:26 PM
Any more mod bashing and you people will have to answer to me!

:Fire: :Fire: :Fire:

09-22-2012, 06:31 PM
We welcome all of you Eastern rednecks to come out west for a cold beer and to share in the mod bashing!

09-22-2012, 06:35 PM
Only thing I'm afraid of it will be like work, and they will promote me and take all the fun out of it.

09-23-2012, 01:13 AM
Hold on there catfish...We do NOT do as we please. We have rules and guidelines we must follow by orders of the site owners. Mods discuss things between themselves and come to a decision and if things happen that need to be changed , then we go back and change them. Mods aren't perfect , but we do have a job to do and all in all this forum is TOP NOTCH compared to most. If you think it is easy, start your own forum and you will learn real fast what it entails...


i have been called a lot of things but catfish. you should be able to come up with something better than that, i was under the understanding that name calling was against the ruled anyway i am done with this subject, i think i will go load some ammo. argie1891 not catfish.

09-23-2012, 03:49 AM
I find it very hard to believe in this day and age anyone involved in the gun and reloading Hobby doesn't know what their own guns , scopes , and reloading stuff ,etc are worth, especially with this day and age of computers.
Computers are supposed to mean you don't have to be spoon fed information when Google, etc. are at your fingertips and can be done in less than 2 minutes even on dial up and current prices/values are posted all over the net.
If you won't sell me your gun for 100 bucks when you know you want 400 then , 400 should be the posted price or 450 or Best offer. It makes things simpler for people to show interest in something if it falls in the price range they can afford. I wont waste my time trying to dicker or make offers on the internet or even on this forum if a price isn't quoted because every time in the past , I have Never had a successful outcome, and it was a waste of time.
With that said, I also must say I do FREE appraisals on guns for people who inherit them , etc. that may not have a clue as to the value so they wont get hosed if they try to sell it, especially odd or rare guns that show up from time to time.
Just recently a gentleman in another state was offered 1000 dollars by a store manager for a rare, Mint Winchester 1886 rifle that was worth 20 to 25 thousand minimum. My friend was there and warned the guy so he didnt get screwed by selling it right then. The gentleman had asked what his gun was worth...

09-23-2012, 03:51 PM


09-23-2012, 08:08 PM
If you want to stop feeler posts make them worthless. When ever you see one, post a reply that you think whatever they are offering is the greatest thing and you are very interested. If they keep getting false positives that turn into nothing they will find some other way to get their answers.

Alvarez Kelly
09-23-2012, 08:39 PM
Much ado about nothing. If you don't want to bother with a "feeler" ad, then don't click on it.

I know LOTS about some things, but don't presume to know lots about everything. My kids, and even my Grandson help me do stuff on this computer. Just because I can type this post, doesn't mean I could figure out value or INTEREST in an oddball piece of reloading machinery or an oddball old gun.

This seems like a good topic to let die.

09-23-2012, 08:47 PM
:takinWiz:stupid stuff

09-24-2012, 11:19 AM
it is NOT the Spamming , It IS the degrading post part of the rules in this case.

The rule is against 'degrading' when posted in 'sales' threads.

When the author is just 'feeling', has not set any price, and won't respond to requests that he set one, I would hardly call that a 'sale' thread.

Rather than 'dink' a responder for trying to get the owner to 'make it a sale thread', why doesn't the Mod remove the 'non-sale thread' from the forum?


09-24-2012, 12:09 PM
THanks for the 336 search links;.

Wow- now why couldn't I think of doing that?

Not one first model in the bunch after looking through many pages.... LOL ...:roll:

Like my Grandfather used to say "Ya gotta want it"

Alvarez Kelly
09-24-2012, 07:56 PM
Like my Grandfather used to say "Ya gotta want it"

Neither one was a "sale."

Alvarez Kelly
09-24-2012, 07:59 PM
THanks for the 336 search links;.

Wow- now why couldn't I think of doing that?

Not one first model in the bunch after looking through many pages.... LOL ...:roll:

I often have that same problem when I try to research stuff on the web...

Lots of pages of **** that doesn't help me. Sometimes it is real hard to narrow the search enough to find useful info...

Good luck with your sale.

09-24-2012, 08:59 PM
Neither one was a "sale."

But you know both the asking price and the best offer and that narrows it down a bunch. Price it near the best offer and it will probably sell priced near the buy it now price and it wont.

09-25-2012, 11:35 AM
Neither one was a "sale."

Offering for sale a MARLIN 336A. .35 Rem. Lever action rifle. 24" Bbl.,2/3 magazine. 6 Shot cap. Wgt. about 6 1/2 Lbs. "G" date code.(1950). First year offered in .35 Rem. 336A introduced in 1948. Note; This era was not drilled and tapped for scope use. The Rifle is in excellent condition, showing little use. Clean bore, Few small dings on Walnut stock, Bright blue finish showing no rusting.
Buy it now for $489.00 doesn't seem to bad to me , reserve not yet met but the price is at $320.00.I am thinking the reserve is $425.00-$450.00.The receiver doesn't have any holes not put there by the factory.All in all this would be a great shooter just like the one listed in the feeler.I would be happy to own either one.
I am curious though if the $489.00 is high to you, then what do you consider to be a fair price for the first year Marlin.Please I would like everyone thought's on this because I am thinking hard about placing a bid.I have always wanted a .35 Remington and honestly this seems like a decent price to me.