View Full Version : PB GC Success!!!!!!

09-21-2012, 12:37 PM
I had been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why 1/2 of my PB .35 cal gas checks were ripping using a Lee Sizing die. The edges were getting pressed into the lube grooves. I had been trying everything that seemed "logical," oiling, playing with pressing speed, bullet placement, die cleaning/honing, bullet lubed/unlubed, sized/un-sized. Still tearing and the tearing got more frequent. And, the people who had been giving me advice were saying their checks worked fine with the Lee sizer. [smilie=b:

I had also been reading all the posts I could find on the subject with no success. Then last night, on a lark, I tried adjusting the height of my sizing die. It was the last variable I could think of, no matter how little sense it made. So I thought, "the heck with it, lets try it." Sure enough, it worked, perfectly every time.

I started it at the minimum height to allow a boolit to fully "pop" thorough. I left it loose, not tightening the lock ring. So, then I tightened the lock ring, and the checks started tearing, but only slightly though. I figured I might have brought the die down a little too far when I tightened the lock ring. So I backed the die off and tightened the lock ring. Still some slight tearing. Finally I loosened the lock ring and left a tiny amount of play (~1/32" deflection when top of die is pushed). Once again, perfect GC seating every time! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

So, if you're at your wit's end like I was, maybe my experience will help you. Now, being the anal retentive scientist that I am, I have to lose sleep figuring why in sam hill this is the case!!!!!!!!!! Any engineers have an idea? Pat? Anybody??????


09-21-2012, 12:57 PM
My WAG is that with the lock ring loose, it allows everything to "wiggle" into perfect alignment. With the lock ring tight, everything has to adjust to imperfect alignment, but can't, so the gas check material tears, since it's pushed hard against one side of the sizing die.

Hope this helps.


09-21-2012, 01:12 PM
I found the same thing happening when making PB checks - lots less shenannegins with the lock ring loose. my take mirrored Freds - "wiggle room"

09-21-2012, 03:54 PM
I dont have the Lee Sizer but I do have a RCBS Lube a matic. When I put the boolits in base down on top of a PB gas check for my 45LC and ran the boolit through it would tear the PB Check. They were also hard to size/swage down untill I tried a little Sizing Wax. It helped some but still some tearing. I put the die in my lathe and tapered the die where the boolit started polished it out with some 400 grit paper. Put the die back in the RCBS Lube a matic an ran another waxed Boolit with a 8thousands aluminum check.

It worked perfect so you might have to taper your Lee die to give the PB Gas check a chance to swage down. Just my 2cents worth.

09-21-2012, 05:40 PM
Thanks for that post Swede.

09-21-2012, 06:11 PM
What kind of press are you using. Single stage or turret?..........Mike

09-21-2012, 08:36 PM
I'm using a single stage press, Lee o-frame. Like I said, I did try honing it, but maybe not good enough. I'm quite happy with the method I've arrived at.