View Full Version : stripped lyman 45 lubrisizer help

09-20-2012, 11:29 AM
Hi all,

My old Lyman 45 lubrisizer may be about shot now, but I am hoping for some suggestions that may allow it to soldier on for a few more years. The base casting had a small crack, which then allowed the set screw that holds sizing dies in place to strip.

I'm considering options for trying to repair this myself before I enlist the help of a pro. I've considered two part thread repair epoxies, or maybe a helicoil type insert, but I'm not sure if the casting would take to being drilled and re-threaded.

If anyone has a suggestion, I would appreciate the help.



Chicken Thief
09-20-2012, 12:05 PM
Plug the old hole and make a fresh hole/thread to either side.

09-20-2012, 12:25 PM
Put a helicoil in the hole.

You'll redrill with the larger drill which is only slightly larger than the existing hole so there is little to no stress then retap with the STI tap. STI=Standard Thread Insert

Make sure to get the tap started strait into the hole.

10 minute job.

I did 192 of them yesterday, and have a 192 more to do today.


09-20-2012, 06:53 PM
10 minute job must mean for the average bear. :smile:

I'm sure Randy can do it much quicker.

Let's see, 192 x 10 min /60min= 32Hrs.

32hrs is a looong day.

I don't think I would want to work for you! :kidding:

09-20-2012, 11:02 PM
Yes, and I am not looking forward to actually installing the inserts. I only drilled and tapped the holes. now the parts have top go to plating. When they come back is when the fun starts

But I bet I can install one a minute,,,for a while. I just can't do all of them in 192 minutes.

Dude: they call me "Whip"


09-21-2012, 12:11 AM
Whip - I'd bet my last dollar that there isn't a man on the planet that could do it faster than you!

09-21-2012, 03:49 PM
You're too nice,,, most people think Whip means Arsehole.

I can live with that as long as my stuff get done.
