View Full Version : Does your scalp sweat?

09-18-2012, 12:12 AM
I was visiting my nephew this last Friday and he had some sliced onions and peppers in a tupperware dish in the frig, so while grabbing a beer I drag it out and pop a long sliver of onion in my mouth. That was a big mistake. This 1/8" x 1/8" x 4" piece of onion had only been marinating with the habanero slices but it lit me up for a good 10 minutes. He told me afterward they were the hottest he had gotten in a few months (as he grabbed a fork and dug in).
Now, I like flavorful hot food but even a corndog with regular yellow mustard will make the top of my head wet with sweat. It's the same with horseradish which I love.
I don't sweat on the forehead, just the top of the head and all my friends and even my brothers who've seen it all my life just laugh it off as I use 4 or 5 napkins to keep it from running down my forehead and into my plate.
Doesn't bother me, just wondering if anyone else has this type of reaction to condiments lol


09-18-2012, 12:17 AM
My head sweats like crazy when I eat hot stuff. If I'm not sweatin', it's not hot enough!

Smitty's Retired
09-18-2012, 01:27 AM
Had to comment, your story made me think of a time when all my in-laws and myself would get together for a family homemade chili dinner each winter. There would always be two pots, one mild and one lets call spicy. One winter we put just a tad too many jalopeno's and hot sauce. We wound up eating next to the kitchen door with it open to help cool us off. Everyone else kept kidding us how red our faces were. Good times. :p

09-19-2012, 01:28 AM
I thought I was the only one to use napkins to wipe sweat off the top of my head. Yep, hot stuff makes me sweat. Just smelling jalapenos makes my mouth start watering and my scalp start sweating. Conditioned reflex probably, as I love the stuff.

09-19-2012, 09:16 AM
Yes my scalp sweats too!

09-24-2012, 08:04 PM
Man i am glad you started this topic !

all my life i have sweat on the top of my head when eating things too hot.

I thought i was wierd ,as, i have never seen anyone else do this,and catch a load of **** from people when they see me do this.

thank you, thank you, thank you !

now i know that i am odd,not wierd.

09-25-2012, 04:20 PM
We had a older retired fisherman that lived next door to us in R.I. he had a great garden and used to grow these small peppers, now Joe would take a bit out of one of these look you straight in the eye and claim they weren't hot while the sweat was rolling off the top of his head. Great guy!!

09-25-2012, 04:38 PM
I have a salsa recipe that gets hotter as it matures in the fridge. It has to be contained in glass, as it permanently leaches into plastic; or melts it.

I sweat mostly behind my ears and below my eyes. My wife and kids say, "don't cry daddy".
We all like the spicy foods; Mexican and Korean.


09-25-2012, 05:00 PM
I have a friend that when he eats foods with Ketchup on it he looks like he has gotten out of the shower.
Fries with Ketchup and his head is wringing wet. I never really noticed it till his wife told me one day when we were waiting for dinner to come ( we were in a cafe, truckers) that watch his face start to get wet when he eats ketchup on his fries. He knows what it does to him but he likes ketchup.
Sure enough she was right.
So it doesn't have to be hot spices or spicy foods.


09-25-2012, 11:12 PM
One of my favorite dishes I call the Johnny Cash Tribute. It makes your glasses fog up and will leave you with a Ring of Fire. Chicken Vindaloo done right is the dish.

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09-26-2012, 12:30 AM
As a fellow head sweater, I sure wish ya'll would include recipes. The chicken vindaloo sounds like one I'd really enjoy. My kids say that all my recipies start out the same way, "get out the biga$$ pan and the cayenne pepper."