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09-16-2012, 05:16 AM

10 years ago I would not have entertained the thought of eating olives but today I find them very palatable (quality olives that is). I had been outside today building my reconstructed green house when I came inside for a break. A nice cup of tea, crackers with hummus and olives and it got me thinking. I recall my first encounter with olives when I mistook one for a grape. That was an interesting experience though not a patch on the day my sister popped a large lump of bicard of soda in her mouth thinking it was icing sugar. How we laughed. Well, how I laughed.....[smilie=p:

Anyways, it is interesting, I think, how individual tastes change over time. What do you eat now that you previously wouldn't have touched?

bruce drake
09-16-2012, 07:41 AM

I hated them in every form when I was a kid.

Now, I eat just about every style I can because when cooked right they are such a versatile food.

Not Irish but you'd think I was with my love of the thing.


09-16-2012, 08:01 AM
i think the list of things i'd eat now is alot smaller than the stuff i used to eat that i wont eat now lolz in the summertime i'm mad about canned black olives ( pretty sure it's the salt ) for some reason the green ones usually taste more like vinegar tho there's a lil specialty shop that has giant green ones stuffed with garlic and habeneros that are simply scrumptious ...
when i was a kid it was mostly the vegetables that i didnt like , i've learned to like quite a few since then

09-16-2012, 08:10 AM
There was once a time I just couldn't eat it.
Now i find it very good.
Still don't want it more than once a month or so.

Hot stuff,
Didn't like hot be it chili or wings or anything in between.
Now it's , the hotter the better.

Go figure.


09-16-2012, 08:13 AM
I've eaten olives all my life, I especially like the large stuffed greek ones.

Tomato pudding, I tried some one time as a child and hated it, never touched it again for over 40 years, then suddenly I tried it again and I can't get enough of it. Go figure....

Eggs. I love eggs, I've eaten eggs for breakfast for as long as I can remember. Except recently. Here in the last couple years I have developed an egg allergy. If I eat eggs I spend the rest of the day in the bathroom. I have no problem with eggs in cakes, breads and what have you, but breakfast eggs? No way. This even includes those egg beaters. I miss eggs....

Chocolate gives me heartburn! I've eaten it my whole life, but give me a slice of chocolate cake here in the last few years and it feels like my gut and throat is on fire. I miss chocolate....

Yes, tastes sure do change. Sometimes there's no choice in the matter.

09-16-2012, 09:49 AM
Onions, as a kid I would literally throw up when forced by my parents to eat anything containing even the smell of a onion.

Today, love them, fried, barbecued, minced, any which way. [smilie=l: :cbpour:

09-16-2012, 10:27 AM
Spinach, in a salad. Cooked, still a no.

Baked beans/ refried beans, wouldn't touch even up to teen years. Like them now, course, those around me wish I still hated them:)

09-16-2012, 10:31 AM
Hated peas as a kid, now I love them.


PS Paul
09-16-2012, 10:37 AM
Like you, I hated olives as a kid. Love 'em now. Sweet potatoes made me sick as a kid too, but now I can take 'em or leave 'em. Rye bread and corned beef: hated them both but I LOVE them now also. Similarly, sweet tooth is reduced dramatically. Beer?

09-16-2012, 10:47 AM
Anchovies. I still don't eat them whole or on pizza, but man do I love a good Caesar dressing. Of course, they're an ingredient in Worstechire sauce as well. I marinade my stakes with that stuff.

09-16-2012, 10:57 AM
The only things that have changed for me are pimento-cheese spread and jalepenos. The pimento cheese stuff is the only thing I ever remember eating as a kid that actually made me gag, but in my 20s I tried it again and actually liked it. I bought it regularly for a while, and still don't mind keeping a tub of it around. Jalepenos, which I detested growing up, actually began to appeal to me about the same time pimento spread did, and as I started eating them regularly I rapidly developed a bad allergy to them. I still eat them on occasion, but I know I'm going to pay the price when I do.

Things from my childhood I still hate: Beer (one sip when five or six years old turned me off for life), bell peppers in any shape or form, onions except fried rings, chick peas, green peas, raw cabbage, kidney beans, lintle beans, and oatmeal. Still love brussels sprouts, broccoli, black-eyed peas.


09-16-2012, 11:07 AM
I'll eat about anything that doesn't eat me first. About the only vegetable I don't like is brussel sprouts. Every one I have ever eaten tastes bitter. Bleah! Tongue, hog's head cheese, it's cousin, scrapple (DelMar area), blood sausage, liver, kidney, heart (mom stuffed them with dressing), gizzards, rattlesnake, alligator, bear and nutria, not much off limits for me. I have not found my tastes changing, but do find that I don't like fried foods like I used to. Just as well. Still, I break down and get the dozen fried gizzards about once a month at Chicken Express.

09-16-2012, 11:20 AM
Hot dogs till i seen them made.Never never will i eat one.And pork ribs at Mc D .oooooooooo no never will i eat them all fat and oil.chicken nuggits are for the dogs if thay will eat them.There nasty.I sould of never worked as a millwright.

09-16-2012, 12:00 PM
As far as olives are concerned, the only way I will eat them is on a muffaletta. Ohhh, I pity those who consider themselves sandwich lovers and have never had one of these marvels. A sandwich has never been high on my list of favorite foods. A muffaletta is not just a sandwich. It is a party on a plate. A symphony for the senses. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muffuletta

09-16-2012, 12:11 PM

As an eighth grader living out in the mountains east of Albuquerque, I was invited for a sleep-over at a friend's house. I was excited to go because they had horses.
His mom served dinner that evening, and the two big 'potatoes' I took tasted awful.

I nearly strangled but I ate them, and complimented her on a great dinner of pork chops and potatoes.
She said, "Oh, those weren't potatoes, dear, they were turnips."
Well, I never forgot that word.

I still can't get within arms reach of a turnip even though I did try them a couple of times in case my first impression was wrong.

Never have been too fond of asparagus, either ...

09-16-2012, 12:26 PM
Some of the posts on this thread made me think of an old Archie Bunker joke--Archie comes home from work and asks Edith: "What's for supper?" She replies "I cooked a tender cow tongue." He says, "Cow tongue! I ain't eating something that came out of a cow's mouth!" She says, "Well, what would you like?" He comes back, "Fix me an egg, instead." I used to tell my students what hot dogs were made of. Many a parent got mad at me. I love 'em, the hot dogs, that is. Tastes good, looks good, down the pie hole. Also forgot to mention turkey fries and mountain oysters--wow! good stuff! Not something you can buy commercially.

Marvin S
09-16-2012, 12:28 PM
Im not to pickey but as a kid those brussle sprouts, lima beans and turnips where not on my list of good things to eat. Now I grow them in my garden.

09-16-2012, 12:53 PM
Trey, You might try Nexium for the Chocolate. It's prescription only (and costly) but it sure works for me. I cant drink (or eat) milk products or I'm in the restroom all day. Oh well. I've found that a lot of things I used to love as a kid just thinking of eating them makes me gag. I wanted to do some squirrel hunting with my oldest grandson (4 but I'll be five on my birthday) :) and I got to thinking about fried squirrel with milk gravy and biscuits and just about hurled. I used to love that. That's ok though, we'll still go and if I have to I'll force myself to eat em.

Tom W.
09-16-2012, 02:48 PM
My fiancee has fed me roasted brussel sprouts, which I ate, or rather choked down, and some roasted cauliflower, which I really enjoyed. I remember cauliflower and brussel sprouts coming from a frozen box that Mom would get from the Commissary, and I absolutely detested the things.
I still can't stomach collards, kale or turnip greens, or most anything that looks like it was scraped from the deck of a lawnmower. Except spinach.
I don't care much for lamb.
As for the chicken nuggets, I make and package them where I work, and won't spend money to buy them.

Dale in Louisiana
09-16-2012, 02:58 PM
As far as olives are concerned, the only way I will eat them is on a muffaletta. Ohhh, I pity those who consider themselves sandwich lovers and have never had one of these marvels. A sandwich has never been high on my list of favorite foods. A muffaletta is not just a sandwich. It is a party on a plate. A symphony for the senses. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muffuletta

Yeah, Jeff, I'm with you.

When people start talking about Louisiana sandwiches, they always want to launch off about po-boys, but as far as **I'm** concerned, the muffaletta is THE premiere Louisiana sandwich!

dale in Louisiana

Dale in Louisiana
09-16-2012, 03:01 PM
Brussels sprouts: Most people boil the cr*p out of them.

Here's a recipe that I love: Brussels Sprouts and Sausage (http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=631).

You haters might just change your minds.

dale in Louisiana

09-16-2012, 03:58 PM
as a kid back in Maine I used to love a Moxie soda. still do just can't find it any more around here. and I dislike HAM in any way shape or form."yuk" GD

09-16-2012, 10:43 PM
Cottage cheese. Actully hurled as a kid when I ws forced to eat it. Now I like it with a lot of black pepper.

Still won't eat beets.

09-16-2012, 10:59 PM
One thing I still cannot stand to this day is liver. No way, no how any shape or form. Being a diabetic have had a craving for a muffleatta for so long its not funny. Pickles in the big super duper sized jar with garlic on the other hand is my weakness. Not the sliced ones, the full sized unsliced pickle. Frank

09-17-2012, 12:59 AM
I hated mushrooms and onions as a kid. Got it from my Dad. But now will eat both. Really like breaded and deep fried mushrooms.
Used to grow and eat radishes when I was a kid. Now they give me bad heart burn.

09-17-2012, 02:24 AM
Hated peas as a kid, now I love them.


+1. But hated turnips and squash, and okra, and STILL DO!

09-17-2012, 06:51 AM

I never would've eaten raw anything when I was younger but now I love this stuff.

I even learned to use chopsticks without looking like a fool.

09-17-2012, 01:11 PM
When I was a lil'kid I ate gallons of pickled beets I used to love them in recent yr I've tried a dozen brands including the Blue Diamond I loved they just aren't the 1s I liked then.

When I was 35 my mom said "but I thought you liked turnip greens" I said " it was what you put on the table for dinner so I ate it" . I have found I like collard greens, chard and spinach much more now than as a kid, not so much that I didn't like them but definitely preferred other things.

Pimento loaf, yep I gotta have some soon again.

09-17-2012, 01:39 PM

Never wanted to even try any, they just didn't look like they wouldn't taste good. I sampled some when I was younger but wasn't impressed. I never tried any again untill about 2 years ago at New Years eve get together at my brothers, his wife had made a big bowl of guacamole and every body was eating it with such gusto, and I had a drink or two , so I tried it . I was wrong, avacocados taste great. I even sliced some on the BLT's I fix now , big avacado fan now. Funny how they taste so good now, guess your taste do change.


09-17-2012, 02:17 PM
+1 on the anchovies. Can't make a good putanesca with out them. Dale

09-17-2012, 06:18 PM

Never wanted to even try any, they just didn't look like they wouldn't taste good. I sampled some when I was younger but wasn't impressed. I never tried any again untill about 2 years ago at New Years eve get together at my brothers, his wife had made a big bowl of guacamole and every body was eating it with such gusto, and I had a drink or two , so I tried it . I was wrong, avacocados taste great. I even sliced some on the BLT's I fix now , big avacado fan now. Funny how they taste so good now, guess your taste do change.


YES, I had forgotten avos. Never used to like them. Today, still don't rave about them but they are OK.

Dale in Louisiana
09-17-2012, 07:08 PM
+1 on the anchovies. Can't make a good putanesca with out them. Dale

This Dale seconds the anchovies. Got hung on 'em when a buddy took me to an Italian restaurant in Germany and had me order "Pizza mit sardellen".

And I make my OWN puttanesca
(http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=3103), too.

But then I'm kind of adventurous when it comes to food. Nuoc mam is in my fridge, along with the occasional jug of kimchee.

Avocadoes? Loved 'em since I was a kid, with a sprinkle of salt and black pepper, then somebody introduced me to a few drops of balsamic vinegar on one, and that's a whole different thing.

dale in Louisiana

Ed Barrett
09-17-2012, 07:46 PM
When I was young I never liked peanut butter, still don't love peanuts but can't stand the smell of peanut butter. My great grandfather eat pickled pigs feet and anything he did I would do too. Still like them, but they are getting harder and harder to find, I have to drive 60 miles to the nearest grocery store that sells them.