View Full Version : Getting started

09-14-2012, 09:42 PM
I am wanting to start casting, and was wondering where the cheapest place is to get all the necessary items lubrasizer, good 45-70 bullet mold, melting pot?


09-15-2012, 12:16 AM
depends on what you want. im my opinion lee is a good starter for learning but im now upgrading my lee stuff for better items

Jack Stanley
09-15-2012, 09:30 AM
Graf & Sons or Natchez Shooters Supply have been good to me for years now . Midway may have more variety than both of them but if your default is set at cheap then the town dump or scrap pile might be a good place to start . You should read about some of the things the guys here use , some of them have a PHD in cheap and could pinch a penny so hard Lincoln would scream for liberty .


09-15-2012, 12:04 PM
thanks for the info. I have just been looking for a good cast bullet for my 45-70 and cant find what i am looking for. They are either too hard or dont have a large metplat. So i guess to get what i want i am just gonna have to cast my own.

09-16-2012, 08:44 PM
thanks for the info. I have just been looking for a good cast bullet for my 45-70 and cant find what i am looking for. They are either too hard or dont have a large metplat. So i guess to get what i want i am just gonna have to cast my own.

That's exactly why I started casting! I'm thinking a little more info is required for a helpful answer. If you have time and places to scrounge there are folks here who can advise you about how to get started on a shoestring....eventually. If you have a few hundred $ lying around there are quicker ways to start casting your own. For now start collecting alloy and keep an eye out for a cast iron smelting pot. A heat source is essential but need not be expensive. Save your money for quality moulds and sizing equipment. Quality equipment is not necessarily expensive but will save you money in the long run.
Welcome to the affliction!