View Full Version : Cruelty and hunting article

09-14-2012, 01:34 AM
Not sure if this is the right forum to post this (political?), but this is a well written, interesting read.


09-14-2012, 10:36 PM
it is about hunting, so....

09-15-2012, 10:30 PM
There was some PETA type nut jobs last year complaining about us salmon fishermen here in WA, do they realize that spawning salmon die anyway and float back out to sea? But heaven forbid a human catch a poor innocent salmon, so mean and cruel. Because bears and seals don't eat salmon alive or anything...

I would like to think my rifle round going through an animal's brain is less painful than a cougar shredding it to death or dying from disease.

have to laugh every time I drive through Olympia, WA there's a 'cruelty free' vegan restaurant behind the Fish Tale brewery. I've nicknamed these super hippie types as 'crunchies'

Thanks for the read!

09-17-2012, 04:09 AM
That is indeed a well written article. If only I knew what 'non-sequitur' means!:roll: Jokes aside, I do feel that too many hunters out there do not share the ethical belief that hopefully most of us uphold regarding the 'least painless' death aspect of hunting.

09-17-2012, 09:24 AM
I used to use a rational, scientific based argument, based on the concept of "compensatory mortality" that I learned in college while obtaining my Biology degree. Now, I just tell them the get the hell away from me. I'm done wasting my time arguing with idiots. They have been raised to beleive that if a fact or reality upsets them, then it can't be true.

Silvercreek Farmer
09-17-2012, 03:11 PM
We all strive to add meaning to our lives, unfortunatly some folks will pick up about any cause if they feel it gives them purpose in life. Most vegans have never witnessed a bushhog grinding up bunnies and ground nesting bird chicks when prepping a field to plant organic whatever. Death is part of life, I take it very seriously and strive to give anything I kill a humane death, but in the end, everything dies.

I recently took a hunter's safety course that recommended "hiding" your kill from public sight when transporting it home. I've always come from the belief that if you have to hide something it is probably wrong. I've never strapped a kill to the hood of my car, but wouldn't fault anyone for proudly displaying their trophy buck.

If you want to protect something, put a well managed season on it. Folks will be planting food plots!

09-17-2012, 05:08 PM
It upsets ME when I see hunters hauling their deer around with the body cavity propped open. They don't seem to realize this exposes the meat to all manner of impurities! From road tar/dirt to vegan spit. Yes I've seen those bunny huggers spit on the carcass while the hunter is getting food or gas. One guy in Vermont tried to break the antlers off a deer in the parking lot. He hit the "offending car twice. Another guy called the police and boxed him in till they arrived.The worst thing is those "bumper hitch" things that are just a foot off the ground! Covering the game with a tarp isn't a BAD thing to my way of thinking.

09-17-2012, 06:04 PM
People are to disconnected from the environment. They don't understand the food chain. They definitely don't understand there are really only two choices to manage a population. Either we humans manage it. Or we release vast numbers of predators that will also see us as prey to manage the population. After some people are killed by those predators I'm betting they would want them removed once again. I don't understand how people choose to ignore nature and how it actually works.

Brought to you by TapaTalk.

09-17-2012, 06:12 PM
It's just that they don't realize that for any one to live some thing has to die, be it animal or plant. Plants are just another form of life on this planet whats more cruel killing a animal with a well place shot or taking some big machine out to a field and ripping off some other life forms reproductive organs to feed us? It's all life.....

09-17-2012, 06:24 PM
Vegans are from vega. Vegetarians don't eat meat. Liberals are mostly idiots.

09-18-2012, 10:14 AM
If I were to design my diet around wanting to inflict the maximum amount of pain and suffering on the greatest number of animals possible, I would be vegan. If I wanted the opposite, I would eat beef.

What do you think happens to all those billions of bugs when their food source is removed?

09-21-2012, 06:59 AM
have to laugh every time I drive through Olympia, WA there's a 'cruelty free' vegan restaurant behind the Fish Tale brewery.

many studies show that plants do have rudimentary feelings

as such it is VERY cruel to just pull them up/rip them out/off of what ever they are growing in/on/under....

at least game can run away.....

but Carrots have a very slow gait

Vegans, and vegetarians who do not eat meat because it is cruel are HYPOCRITES!

and When ever I get the Chance, I TELL THEM SO!

10-11-2012, 08:03 PM
I like Ron White's bit on vegetarian crunchies and cattle.

"with cow flatulence in the ozone, what are YOU doing to protect the environment?"

"I'm eatin' the cows! but I'm only one man!"

Flintlock Hokie
10-16-2012, 01:39 PM
Acts 10:11- 12 "He (Peter) saw heaven opened and something resembling a large sheet coming down, lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it were all the earth's four-legged animals and reptiles and the birds of the sky. A voice said to him, "Get up, Peter. Slaughter and eat."

10-16-2012, 02:37 PM
The anti-hunters, the Earth First! zealots, and most of the tree-hugging screwballs cannot be reasoned with. Total waste of time. Same goes for many liberals--they are more about feelings than thought and reason, so you are speaking a foreign language to that lot.

Larry D Barr
01-21-2013, 01:28 PM
Saw a wall plaque for sale the other day that said: "Vegetarian is a Native American word that means 'Bad Hunter'".

Von Gruff
01-21-2013, 06:09 PM
And then there is " I love all of God's creatures--right next to the mashed potatoes".

01-21-2013, 07:35 PM
Saw a wall plaque for sale the other day that said: "Vegetarian is a Native American word that means 'Bad Hunter'".

I have a magnet on my fridge that says that.

In other news, I've been meaning to get a pair of vegan shoes to go hunting in.


01-21-2013, 08:14 PM
Non-Sequitar is latin for non-sequential. In literary terms, it means someone has made an illogical jump in an argument or story line. Could be similar to a "red herring" which is a totally unrelated fact (or falsehood) meant to derail an argument when one wants to change the subject or shut down another. Criminals used to drop pieces of smoked herring (which can have a red colour) to throw off the pursuing hounds.

01-21-2013, 09:24 PM
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to start eating weeds and twigs now.

01-21-2013, 09:45 PM
hunting is unnecessary, just go to the supermarket for your meat. :(


DIRT Farmer
01-22-2013, 01:14 AM
I was driving through Owensboro KY and saw the peta chicken and some demonstrators out side. I ask my wife if she felt like eating chicken, I told the nuts why we stoped and the manager also. He said that buisness was up for the day. I guess that reaction is normal in a city that bills itself as the barberque capital of the whorld.

01-22-2013, 07:17 AM
Criminals used to drop pieces of smoked herring (which can have a red colour) to throw off the pursuing hounds.

THANK YOU for the explanation of that remark's sourcing. I learned something new this morning during my online insomnia-inspired journey.

01-22-2013, 12:27 PM
People are to disconnected from the environment. They don't understand the food chain. They definitely don't understand there are really only two choices to manage a population. Either we humans manage it. Or we release vast numbers of predators that will also see us as prey to manage the population. After some people are killed by those predators I'm betting they would want them removed once again. I don't understand how people choose to ignore nature and how it actually works.

You need to remember, your talking about people that fully believe the wilderness is the vacant lot next to the 7-11 store.

Ignorance = A lack of education.

Stupidity = The inability to be educated along with in many cases the refusal to be educated.

Very few of these people would ever want the predators removed, to such limited brain power any humans killed by them is a good thing.

Sound harsh? Spend 33 years working with and listening to these mental pygmies like I did and you come to realize how completely separated from reality many of them are. Want a sneak peek into their world? Watch the TV series "Earth Without People", the entire premise of the show is how wonderful, beautiful and perfect this planet would be if only there weren't people on it, if only all people would vanish the earth could heal and return to it's proper role in the universe. Yes, they really do believe that, it is their reality.


10 ga
01-28-2013, 11:47 PM
I have too much fun jerkin them around!

First is to ask if they believe in GOD.
If they answer no then I simply tell them I have evolved as a carnivore and that is just how it is, that I have a biological imperative to kill things and eat them, and I ask are they a carnivore or just like a nasty o'possum or vulture eating rotten "stuff". I also like to add that "you'll eat meat if you get hungry enough"!
It they do believe in GOD then they know the proper order of things as layed out in the Bible, the responsibility given to man and that man is above all other things and the other things are all equal in the eyes of god.

I could go on and on but it's to easy.

10 ga

Stephen Cohen
01-29-2013, 12:04 AM
I used to have some video of how this supermarket food was obtained, I loved the look on the young kids faces when they saw the chickens hung by their legs on over head hooks. Reality is lost on these sort of people.

02-01-2013, 01:06 AM
Pull up some YouTubes of commercial chicken, beef, and pig farms on your phone and show them just how tortured THEIR food is before they get it. I got one women to puke showing her what an industrial chicken farm looks like, complete with a mountain of dead cornish crosses. Tell them to go vegan, or shut the hell up.

02-04-2013, 01:32 PM
Hey if my time is up I will take a double lung shot over having my hind end eaten off while I am still alive by wolves

where we deer hunt for opener we have to use shotguns , with slugs , while i have had to trail a deer for a few hundred yards a few times in my life , a few feet is the norm.

I know exactly where my food comes from we raise chickens , I have killed a chicken in about every manner one could think of for dispatch , wringing neck , chopping off head and such , by far the easiest , with least damaged meat and fastest is to bleed them in cones , for those not familiar with this we use a metal cone on a post the chicken is placed in head first and the head drawn out the bottom of the inverted cone a slice on each side of the neck to open up the carotid artery letting the blood pump out , the most effective is also the most humane and accepted by most religions as the appropriate way to slaughter ones food

in hunting we also do what works best , shots are placed in the neck or chest with intentions of a heart , lung , or spinal/arterial hit , we want to kill the animal as effectively as possible with the least meat damage or added work of tracking or possibly loosing game our efficiency leads to our humane-ness.

02-04-2013, 07:59 PM
After reading hunter after hunter after hunter agonizing over how to turn the lights out in the blink of an eye, I don't know how cruelty can enter into it. It's like they think of all hunters like that night-poacher scene in crocodile dundee.

02-11-2013, 08:28 AM
Vegetarians do not realize the damage to wildlife populations that farmers do with modern farming methods. Locally we have farmers who spray cereal, oil seed, and legume crops with "dessicant" that kills the crop so it ripens evenly. This spray also kills the understory weeds that wildlife utilize.
I have seen wheat and barley fields of 200 acres or more with not a weed or green spot on them the first week of September, not a mouse out on those fields either. They are simply sterile.
The mono culture of certain crops and modern farming methods to satisfy the dietary needs of vegetarians are decimating what little food there is left for wild life in rural farming areas.
So eat more meat folks...

02-11-2013, 09:35 AM
By human emotional standards (read tree hugging, whale & polar bare saving, greenpeace liberals), nature is cruel. Nature is the natural course of events however, and interferance with nature by humans is anything but natural.

02-11-2013, 12:19 PM
THIS (response) is a well written article!

I used to use a rational, scientific based argument, based on the concept of "compensatory mortality" that I learned in college while obtaining my Biology degree. Now, I just tell them the get the hell away from me. I'm done wasting my time arguing with idiots. They have been raised to beleive that if a fact or reality upsets them, then it can't be true.

deep creek
02-11-2013, 09:08 PM
when is a bunnyhugger not a bunnyhugger?When i tell them it costs 2000$ to get momma coon out of the attic alive with the kids or$800 if i dispatch them in place.The tears stop and reality sets in! I love the look on their faces!!!

02-11-2013, 10:13 PM
I have always been fond of telling the Bambi lovers they have to make a choice. It is either me sitting in a tree launching flying objects that quickly and humainly make it possible for the meat to be enjoyed usefully or for them to in terror destroy not just their expensive auto but endanger life and limb only to leave the torn carcuss rotting in an awful mess along side the road.
As stated above though, some never quit get to the comprehension zone of reality.
Mike in Peru

02-11-2013, 10:46 PM

I kinda agree with the anti-people people. The earth would be much better off with fewer people. And those anti-people greenies you speak of, so that they don't appear hypocritical, should be the first ones to volunteer to vacate the planet, or at least stop wasting it's oxygen.
Shouldn't they lead by example?

All in the name of saving the planet of course.


02-14-2013, 04:15 PM
I don't worry about those people, they are just full of themselves. No respect for people, animals or things other than themselves. Only way they can feel good about themselves is to tell others what to do. Just caught a bass at the local pond, it was full of wadded up line and the tail of a fish somebody used for bait. They just don't care.