View Full Version : 45/45/10 thought?

09-13-2012, 05:00 PM
After mixing the recluse up in a measuring cup can one wash that and reuse it for other things like say milk or other food related things or is that measuring cup now useless for anything else? Not that it matters my wife doesn't like the measuring cup she is giving me but I was thinking that if the kids saw it dirty and tried to wash it then put it away and nobody caught it.

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09-13-2012, 06:10 PM
If your measuring cup is glass (or Pyrex), you can probably return it to a "sanitary" condition by multiple washings/rinsings with something like 'Simple Green' followed by plain ol' dish detergent. If it's plastic, though, I'd say you've got yourself a 'dedicated' measuring cup.

My workshop has two Pyrex measuring cups - one 16 oz. and one 24 oz - that get used for everything from measuring 2-stroke oil for the chainsaw to mixing Ed's Red and 45/45/10. They get cleaned...water/detergent wash followed by an alcohol rinse...after every use but still never go anywhere near the kitchen.


09-13-2012, 06:20 PM
Ok I will just keep it clear then. I th ink it is glass because I couldn't find any cheap plastic ones that didn't look like they wouldnt fail when warming up the paste.

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09-13-2012, 06:22 PM
I sure wouldn't.

Buy another one, they are cheap enough.

09-13-2012, 06:34 PM
Wouldn't do what? Will the cheap one from the dollar store actually work to warm up the jpw for the recluse? I didn't get it because it seemed like it just wouldn't hold up.

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09-13-2012, 07:23 PM
Paint it or mark it permanently so it doesn't get back into food use, or anything else.

09-14-2012, 01:57 AM
I have seen glass ones at the thrift store cheaper than new plastic ones....

that is where I look for anything loob related

09-14-2012, 06:51 AM
Let me clarify. Anything I use for lube is for lube only. I don't use anything for food other than items strictly for food.

I keep my shooting related items away from the kitchen.

09-14-2012, 08:07 AM
I do as well however my kids like to help out and when they walk through my area and see dirty anything I have to keep them from messing with it.

A new question about this mix if this is ok to add to my original post. When I make the mix up it comes up fairly thick like peanut butter but it looks like chocolate candy. Is that the right way? I meant to take a pic of it but forgot too.

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09-14-2012, 10:03 AM
When cool it should be very, very thick. Heat it up to use.

As for the kds, if they are young enough to not uderstand that then keep them away.

09-14-2012, 10:37 AM
They are old enough to understand but aren't living with me they live at their mom's and when I get home they have tried to clean up little to help me out. They mean well.

My Lla mix looks like a chocolate bar when cooled. So I probably didn't mix enough jpw into it.

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09-14-2012, 10:53 AM
They are old enough to understand but aren't living with me they live at their mom's and when I get home they have tried to clean up little to help me out. They mean well.
My Lla mix looks like a chocolate bar when cooled. So I probably didn't mix enough jpw into it.

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If you read the labels on the products you buy to make lube, you'll see


09-14-2012, 05:27 PM
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't most everything anymore come with dozens of warnings not everyone of them are accurate and even some of them say keep away from children when we spent many days playing with the same stuff as kids. I wasn't intentionally giving them the stuff. They are 12 and 10 years old and understand how little time I have for the weekend working like I have to. And so we can spend time together they try and help keep my house clean before I get home. I didnt think asking for clarification on rather I can reuse something for a different purpose was going to get the result I got.

I am very careful of what my kids have around them and protect them the best I can. However again if I kept everything away from them that said keep away from children they probably would only be playing with little tykes toys.

So if I asked something wrong I apologize but I didn't think just getting clarification would be a bad thing. Thanks to all that understand that aspect of life and are willing to help out.

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09-14-2012, 05:31 PM
It wouldn't bother me one bit if it were a glass measuring cup.

Then again, I put lead split shot in my mouth while I'm retying my fishing line and don't run out of the house screaming if a fluorescent bulb breaks.

09-15-2012, 12:20 PM
I don't think I'd try using the cup for anything else (foodstuffs). Not the fear of toxic residue, but the smell of alox with my brownies wouldn't be welcome!

BTW; don't put a pyrex cup directly on heat. I had a 16 oz. Pyrodex (name brand) cup explode (?); complete shatter. I was reheating some Speed Green directly on my hot plate, set low-med., and the cup shattered. Heck of a mess!

I wouldn't worry about the kids; I think the smell would tell any kid something ain't right so don't eat those chocolate bars. No need to apologise.

09-15-2012, 01:22 PM
Lol well the wife found a measuring cup at the garage sales she was going to yesterday for a quarter so who cares on that. Thanks again.
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09-15-2012, 03:41 PM
My first impression was, "Good Kids". They are taking the initiative to help out where they think something needs to be done. I think once it's explained to them, there is not going to be a problem. They just need to know dad's reloading stuff needs to be left alone when he isn't there to supervise. They may end up helping out with the casting and reloading process.

09-15-2012, 04:20 PM
Ty crabo. I did some casting last night and made the lube so they could see why it can't be used or messed with. Without me there and my son and older daughter were really into it. They found it completely mesmerizing I could melt metal and change it to something useful.

But thank you again.

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09-15-2012, 07:16 PM
It's a lot healthier to buy your own container's and dedicate them to your purpose.By "a lot healthier" I mean,you use your wife's stuff,and it ain't gonna be healthy.Speaking from experience here.

Green Frog
09-16-2012, 09:07 AM
trying2learn, your screen name says what needs to be said about your query(queries) and the kids' response to their training session tells me they sound like very good kids. To give a definitive answer to your initial question will span a lot of grey area and elicit a variety of responses from experienced and intelligent casters. That said, as a former high school chemistry teacher, the firm rule for my students was, "Do not use lab glassware for food or beverage!" I think the same would apply here, and as many have said, a set of dedicated glassware makes for safe conditions and relaxed mind... and glassware is cheap at thrift and dollar shops. If you (and at this juncture) the kids follow that rule as a matter of course, the possibility of an accident is eliminated. As they (and even you) understand the rules and their logic fully, you can then judge when they may be safely broken. (Yes, I have drunk coffee from a 250 ml beaker, I just don't do it routinely!) Again, you are a fortunate man to have those kids... cultivate that interest along with a solid dose of safety.

Best regards,
Charlie Shaeff
Green Frog

09-16-2012, 09:57 AM
Ty green frog. I have spent the last week stopping at every dollar store and Wal-Mart I saw trying to find a hot plate thinking that was there everyone said to get the thing. I forgot that people said Walgreen too. All the other places said thwyvwould have to order one in for me. I don't like the idea because I couldn't look at it and make sure it was what I was wanting. I shall go look aye Walgreen this afternoon.

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09-18-2012, 09:54 AM
They sell this GE hot plate at Wal-Mart. It works fine and gets plenty hot. I also like having two burners as I've used both at once on a few occasions.

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09-18-2012, 10:12 AM
Nice. I suppose I just have a idiot Wal-Mart. They sell tons of Rubbermaid containers and plenty of silver ware but hardly any cook ware. I saw one at Walgreen however they were so busy I will have to go back and get it from them.

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09-18-2012, 12:12 PM
now that you've shown us the new cover to the casting book.
where do you really cast.
that is waaay too clean...
at least dust some flour/coal dust around or something, my wife almost seen that picture.

09-18-2012, 12:35 PM
If you saw pictures of my work van you'd understand. I hate when work areas are a mess. Tools end up everywhere when I'm working. But everything gets put back in place and the area cleaned up when I'm done.

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