View Full Version : Big brother is watching

09-11-2012, 06:48 AM
I found out something the other day that kind of surprised me. I got this information from a man that does not believe everything he hears and does not talk unless he's sure of what he's saying.

Various state health agencies that are similar to EPA have a searching engine that looks for the word 'LEAD' on the net. The search engine lists every place it sees the word. There is a person, in one particular state that shall remain nameless, assigned to following up every 'ping'.

What they're looking for is any activity that might be considered illegal, such as non permitted or non licensed buying and/or selling. If such activity is suspected, it is investigated.

I'm not trying to create a panic here and I'm not suggesting that we should stop posting in 'Swappin' & sellin'. I'm just lettin' y'all know that 'Big Brother' is watching a lot more than I thought he was.

09-11-2012, 06:58 AM
Watch the movie "Enemy of the People" I relize its a movie and sestionalized to make it more entertaining but, all the technology thats used in the movie is available. Makes me wonder what technology is available that we "the People" don't know about. And I wouldnt doubt your friend was right. We can thank 911 for that. The Goverment took away more of our freedoms to protect us!

09-11-2012, 10:33 AM
What laws and regulations are there regarding lead? All I can find reference to is a general EPA law about lead based paint, and several municipal laws regarding lead based paint.

I can't find any reference to buying or selling lead scrap. Can someone point me to one of the laws or regulations in question.

09-11-2012, 11:32 AM
I'm gonna keep on going. If they want my lead, they can come out to the compound and try and get it. It wouldnt be hard to discover if there is, in fact, an official in any state agency (probably start with the health department) that would be doing this type of work. just would take some calling to find out.

09-11-2012, 05:44 PM
Aside from this topic looking like it should be in the pit. Did your friend give you any sources for this intormation? I have no doubt that this tech exists and that "our" government will do this for whatever it wants to do this with. If it isn't documented it is only a flight of paranoia.

09-11-2012, 06:07 PM
Who knows what this lead watching could lead to?

It may lead the Feds to my lead, it may lead them astray. It may lead them to a fruitful discovery, it may lead them to nothing. My lead is safe, I won't lead them to it. What we need is new leadership, dang. Can't say leadership, might get me tracked. Dang.

Oh well, I don't like playing follow the leader on lead any way. MIT lead me down the wrong path and I will just get poisoned by lead.

Lead on guys.

09-11-2012, 06:32 PM
Who knows what this lead watching could lead to?

It may lead the Feds to my lead, it may lead them astray. It may lead them to a fruitful discovery, it may lead them to nothing. My lead is safe, I won't lead them to it. What we need is new leadership, dang. Can't say leadership, might get me tracked. Dang.

Oh well, I don't like playing follow the leader on lead any way. MIT lead me down the wrong path and I will just get poisoned by lead.

Lead on guys.


10 ga
09-11-2012, 10:28 PM
Can them puters tell the usage of a word. As in a verb, adverb, noun, preposition etc... lead on fellows! I imagine the lead ing use of the word lead is in the huge # of times it comes up in the sports lexicon. lead change, halftime lead, huge lead, etc...... then there are the references to lead ership. geez, I'm already tired of lead. Check the merriam-webster stuff. Lotsa uses for that there lead. LOL. What kinda computer would sift through the stuff and pick out the "dangerous" ones and let the rest pass unviewed.


LOL, such fun. I think I'll just put the word lead in every post and e-mail I write from now on. employment is a good thing even if it's really boring.

10 ga


09-11-2012, 10:38 PM
Nice to know that big brother cares so much about us, and could care less about the illegals here coming in every day. If the government wants my lead, they can take it one bullet at a time, anywhere from 700 to 3200 FPS.

09-12-2012, 12:25 AM
I think the ears (ie: web-bots) are not interested in environmental purity, per say... but more interested in what citizens are making out of Plumbium (Pb).

09-12-2012, 12:27 AM
NOTE: that's where we get the word 'plumber' from... as water and sewer pipes were once made from Plumbium )Pb).

09-12-2012, 12:28 AM
Change your terminology... I doubt the web-bots are looking for the term 'Plumbium'!

09-12-2012, 01:20 AM
i think that most sites like this are watched close

09-12-2012, 02:58 AM
Do you know why the Communist Chinese use lead based paints on the toys they send us?
It seals in the asbestos fibers better. (About 4 years ago a bunch of CSI-Forensic Kits for kids had to be pulled off the shelf becuase the fingerprint dusting powder contained asbestos). A bunch of toys were also pulled because the paint was full of lead.

evan price
09-12-2012, 04:36 AM
I also heard that Obama wants to put a chemical in primers to make them expire so you can't hoarde ammo or reloading components anymore. They also are putting taggants in gunpowder and requiring anybody who purchases more than 8 oz of gunpowder to be on the no-fly list.
Also anybody who ever said anything bad about Bill Clinton dies mysteriously.

09-12-2012, 06:32 AM
I am not saying that this is ridiculous and maybe it is part of Obummers job initiciative, but just go to any search engine and run the word "lead" and see what comes up. It would take the entire population of NY city to weed through everything with the word "lead" in it. Heck, just go to ebay and run it and see what comes up.

Now I have been told by the officers at the range I belong to that the reason they do not sell lead, even to members, is that any sale they make has to be reported, and the paper work is a big hassle.

Maybe we should start a "LEAD" thread where every time we log on we have to go to it and type in the word "lead".

09-12-2012, 06:53 AM
I found out something the other day that kind of surprised me. I got this information from a man that does not believe everything he hears and does not talk unless he's sure of what he's saying.

Various state health agencies that are similar to EPA have a searching engine that looks for the word 'LEAD' on the net. The search engine lists every place it sees the word. There is a person, in one particular state that shall remain nameless, assigned to following up every 'ping'.

What they're looking for is any activity that might be considered illegal, such as non permitted or non licensed buying and/or selling. If such activity is suspected, it is investigated.

I'm not trying to create a panic here and I'm not suggesting that we should stop posting in 'Swappin' & sellin'. I'm just lettin' y'all know that 'Big Brother' is watching a lot more than I thought he was.

I don't see ONE PERSON checking up on all the mentions this site, let alone the entire internet.

I'll Make Mine
09-12-2012, 07:15 AM
For whatever it's worth, modern AI-based software can do a lot toward interpreting usage (for instance, it can pretty reliably distinguish between the "lead" in a game and the "lead" in a fishing sinker), and further can, with a server farm to run a bunch of instances, do a pretty good job of examining all or almost all of the e-mail and HTTP (web) traffic in the United States. The basic form of this technology existed more than ten years ago (I worked in the Internet industry then, we knew about it but were "discouraged" from discussing it with customers even if they brought it up), and has surely advanced since then.

If you want to feel paranoid, though, I saw a news article in the last couple days claiming that the FBI is going ahead with deployment of facial recognition software to be used in real time with public-area security cameras, to spot "persons of interest". Using that with a private camera would require a warrant or the cooperation of the property owner, of course -- so we know that won't happen, right? :kidding:

09-12-2012, 07:44 AM
I found out something the other day that kind of surprised me. I got this information from a man that does not believe everything he hears and does not talk unless he's sure of what he's saying.

Various state health agencies that are similar to EPA have a searching engine that looks for the word 'LEAD' on the net. The search engine lists every place it sees the word. There is a person, in one particular state that shall remain nameless, assigned to following up every 'ping'.

What they're looking for is any activity that might be considered illegal, such as non permitted or non licensed buying and/or selling. If such activity is suspected, it is investigated.

I'm not trying to create a panic here and I'm not suggesting that we should stop posting in 'Swappin' & sellin'. I'm just lettin' y'all know that 'Big Brother' is watching a lot more than I thought he was.

Maybe I should have made myself clearer. State DHECs look for people selling lead.

If a given state requires special permitting to handle lead because that state might consider it to be HAZMAT, they will investigate. I never even suggested they're looking for people simply in possession of lead.

Jeesh, guys, Take it easy on me, will ya'?

09-12-2012, 08:39 AM
Nothing against you Jim. I think you might have hit a tender spot. Your post merely gave us a post to "vent" on.

09-12-2012, 01:59 PM
You gotta die of something!

I'd rather die of Lead Poisoning (I know. That won't happen!) than of Government Intervention!

I am sure they are watching us all, 'cause we own guns. I just don't trust them. Throw them all out and try again!

09-12-2012, 07:11 PM
HEY BIG BRUTHA!http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/187775051167ae6ea2.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=6636)

09-12-2012, 07:25 PM
Why I posted a long time ago how stupid I thought the "how many?" and "how much" threads were. It's nobody's business.

09-12-2012, 09:17 PM
What was I thinkin' when I posted that?

Sheeesh! :groner:

09-12-2012, 09:27 PM
Lead lead lead guns guns guns Colt Colt Colt AW AW AW.

There. That should start the music here in CA. :)

09-12-2012, 09:58 PM
What was I thinkin' when I posted that?

Sheeesh! :groner:

It is gonma be OK Jim. We just lead you astray.......

09-12-2012, 10:55 PM
Orwell would have loved our current administration, and Obozo, and Holder, and Reed, and Palosi. Ya know"all pigs are created equal, BUT, some are more equal than others!"

09-12-2012, 11:38 PM
Change your terminology... I doubt the web-bots are looking for the term 'Plumbium'!

We call them Boolits.....why not call it Led?

09-13-2012, 01:00 AM
I also heard that Obama wants to put a chemical in primers to make them expire so you can't hoarde ammo or reloading components anymore. They also are putting taggants in gunpowder and requiring anybody who purchases more than 8 oz of gunpowder to be on the no-fly list.
Also anybody who ever said anything bad about Bill Clinton dies mysteriously.

09-13-2012, 06:54 AM
Just remember that its all just a dream. We are hooked up to the MATRIX and none of this is real.

But Agent Smith is coming to get you evil lead horders...

09-13-2012, 09:03 AM
I found out something the other day that kind of surprised me.

Makes sense Jim. The EPA complains about the use of scrap lead by hobbyists on their website:87% of the 12.5 millions pounds (10.9 million pounds) is sold or given to hobbyists for recreational purposes (e.g., melting down to make fishing sinkers).


I did do a google search and couldn't find anything on the OP. Searched for about an hour.

09-13-2012, 10:52 AM
Jim are you saying there are states thad do not alow the sale of lead? or you saying those states requair a slp. permet to sale lead? If so does Walmart need a permet to sale there lead fishing weights? Does all tire shops have to track the ww they put on wheels ther rebalance?
Jim are you a retailer of lead and do not want others to make a few bucks for there hard work scrounging lead?
If lead in the public wad that bad it all would be band. Just think of how nany churches that would have to take out there windows.
This could go on and on. Just my 2cents worth.

09-13-2012, 12:14 PM
I don't want to to be the jerk. And I am not saying we shouldn't be diligent about encroachment.

But I am still waiting for one reference to a state or federal law that regulates the sale of scrap lead. I am not saying there isn't one. It just seems like such a reference should be the foundation of this thread.

Until we quantify the actual laws and regulations we are dealing with hearsay and speculation.

09-13-2012, 03:13 PM
That's why I have my tin foil hat on 24/7.


09-13-2012, 03:16 PM
You may want to check the CDC link below. While most of this pertains to lead base paint, some are very vague and Florida actually mentions car batteries. I just glanced over this briefly so there may be more mentioned.


09-13-2012, 06:31 PM
Y'all know, Jim may have a point about 'Big Brother'. I've been getting my lead level checked on my annual physical for years and there was never an issue...until I went on Medicare!! Last time around, I tested at 12 microgram/dl (actually lower than it was when I was shooting a lot of indoor bullseye) and you'd have thought I'd caught a nasty STD from the fuss. A few days after I went in for my labs, a got a call from the clinic informing me that I have "an active lead exposure" and should see my physician right away. Seems like Medicare uses the same standard for 'Seniors' as the FDA has established for children (infant - 15 years) which is 0 to 9 microgram/dl...even though OSHA doesn't even flag exposed workers for monitoring until their level hits 25. Go figure...


09-13-2012, 07:00 PM
Jim are you saying there are states thad do not alow the sale of lead? or you saying those states requair a slp. permet to sale lead? If so does Walmart need a permet to sale there lead fishing weights? Does all tire shops have to track the ww they put on wheels ther rebalance?
Jim are you a retailer of lead and do not want others to make a few bucks for there hard work scrounging lead? If lead in the public wad that bad it all would be band. Just think of how nany churches that would have to take out there windows.
This could go on and on. Just my 2cents worth.

OK, enough. On that remark, I'm done here. Y'all can have the thread.

09-13-2012, 07:28 PM
I agree entirely Jim. That was a nasty comment and has no place here.

Jim posted a legitimate concern. I will admit I used sarcasm to make light of how stupid the government can be.

Making a personal attack on Jim and his business is beneath contempt.

Jim, I appreciate your concern for the shooting world.

09-13-2012, 09:19 PM
Well, I don't put anything past these local, state and particularly the Fed govts. What's true and what's not I don't know. I do believe our hobby of casting and reloading will be in MAJOR jeapody if this clown gets back in office. So I have decided to cooperate with everyone, I have sold my lead, cut back my powder to only a pound and only keep 1000 primers on hand at any time

Seriously, if you want to get scared to hell read Brad Thor's new book titled "Black List". Ever watch the show "Person of Interest"? Nice show. How far away from this are we really though????? Look at all the cameras going up all over, all in the name of safety. Really? Maybe. Govt has talked about putting GPS devices on all cars to charge for how many miles we drive-and then they can track us if they want. Innocent th

Paranoid, maybe. Ever read the Patriot Act? Ever see the feds causes for declaring martial law and what that entails? Scary? Spying on all the "lead" words and who is using them and why-who knows but they sure can if they want to.

I don't have any lead, I don't have any primers, i don't have any powder, i don't have any guns. I am a loyal puppet comrade.

09-13-2012, 11:13 PM
I would not doubt that they are watching us. Put your self in their (Creepy Gov ) place.

Using words like (Galina ) may just get you on a list some day. Why not start the list right now, you never know. They may have complete control over us and start confiscating guns and ammo some day or use it to fissile out a civil war/ unrest.
I know some talk is just gossip, but who knows for sure.

09-13-2012, 11:33 PM
I'm not quite ready for the Reynolds Wrap Stetson just yet. I do know that at least some of the scrappers that collect lead WW from tire shops made references to "end user certificates" being "required" by some unnamed regulatory agency as those scrappers cornered the lead retrieval market. How much of that--if any--is truthful, I have no idea. I did have that bit run past me by a couple shops I once obtained WWs from, so it was out there.

MT Gianni
09-14-2012, 12:05 AM
You can lead them to lead but you can't make them buy it.

Idaho Sharpshooter
09-14-2012, 12:27 AM
johnho, and the group,

next time you have your late model vehicle at the dealership for service, ask them what that little shark fin looking thing is on the roof. Then, ask them if government agencies can shut your car down or limit the speed/range, by individual vehicle serial number.

next time you are at your cellphone service provider, ask them if it is true that your cellphone has a tracking device in the software so that your cellphone location can be pinpointed +/- half a meter or so.

if you are a veteran and receive services at the VAMC or clinic, ask yourself why the first thing they ask you is "have you had any thoughts about harming yourself or others?".

Is that enough information to provide conversation for a week or so?

Sua Sponte

09-14-2012, 08:34 AM
Yeah Rich, I'm scared as hell over this stuff. And look at what Bloomberg is doing in NYC. Banned trans fats, banned drinks in certain areas over 16 oz, stopped formula for new born babies from being readily available. This thinking is our new govt. Our country is going down by the "death by a thousand cuts" but most seem to worship the King O. Sorry guys, I am pissed and more so-scared to hell about where we are going.

Alan in Vermont
09-14-2012, 11:53 AM
Jim are you saying there are states thad do not alow the sale of lead? or you saying those states requair a slp. permet to sale lead? If so does Walmart need a permet to sale there lead fishing weights? Does all tire shops have to track the ww they put on wheels ther rebalance?
Jim are you a retailer of lead and do not want others to make a few bucks for there hard work scrounging lead?
If lead in the public wad that bad it all would be band. Just think of how nany churches that would have to take out there windows.
This could go on and on. Just my 2cents worth.

I find your post assinine and offensive but that was only after I managed to decode it. If your spelling and grammar skills were up to any sort of literacy level you would be somewhat more accepted.

If that's too complicated for you to understand,,,,,,,,,, you ought to try to rise above communicating in pidgin English, it makes you come across as an idiot.

Darn, I'm not sure I can sink low enough in langauge skills to get my point across.

Idaho Sharpshooter
09-14-2012, 12:18 PM

your manners are showing...

09-14-2012, 12:30 PM
Just think of some of the stuff that they have done. Just a few years ago you could smoke in a bar or outside by buildings. Now you have to be so many feet from this and that. The ones that laugh now will be the ones standing there going I didn't see that coming. Go ahead ask a smoker! Jim thanks for posting!! Always enjoy your post. May your lead always lead you!!

09-14-2012, 12:34 PM
so anyone know how many poeple are actually in your ' home security ' it was in the tens of thousands the one article i read, if its right what are all those poeple doing . .. gotta watch someone - and if you dont have criminals . .. make a new variety maybe

09-14-2012, 02:09 PM
Hummmm so,... the Government is watching to see what Material Elements are moving around the country. How much value the element has, how often its used, how necessary it is to the users.
Then the government crunches the numbers (can the gov. make money).

.. and perhaps it goes something like this....:wink:

The government makes a committee up to research how to regulate it. (Tax it)

The committee, to protect their new jobs and make the tax crazy folks who appointed them happy, decide to secure their positions by having some doctors say this is caused by that (based on a two week study of 6 people who ate lead with every meal, and a 26 year foreign study by some unknown Phd in Brigadoon who studied 300 people with a smoking addiction and determined that people who smoke or work with radiation are 1/128856th more likely to die two days earlier than non lead exposed people.)

Then they grease the palms of a few writers who send articles (were talking light, quick, repetitious, boogy man articles) about this Element to Time magazine, Washington Post, New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Dear Abby etc. for publication .. (The Threat of Lead, How Lead Ruined My Sex Life, Lead in your back yard, etc.) and then OSHA being pushed by the committee and the public outcry of the sheeple declare it a Hazardous Material and stick transportation, and storage Hazmat Fees on it.

the committee is happy (proved their worth and look to join new committees for more public $)
the sheeple are happy (scary crisis is averted)
OSHA is happy (New Reg's, more employee's, more funding)
the writers are happy (successful story telling means more job op's in the future)
Time and the 'Post are happy (we saved the world through the press once again)
The Gov. is happy (cause it slowed the deficit by .00012 of 1/10,000 of .0000000000000001% or something like that)

were unhappy because shipping went up 35.00 per. 25lbs. We now haft'a have a 3'x3' sign on the property that says "Danger Lead Exposure" to warn all the citizens around us of the danger. (gloves, goggles, and respirators required past this point type stuff). Then there is proper waste drum storage, proper waste disposal of slag, air scrubbers, associated documents and ....etc.. etc.. (heaven forbid you live in a school zone)


Well, now we have one more scary story to tell children around the camp fire.. lol

Now me, I like S'mores. S'mores have layers.. :2_high5: