View Full Version : Need help from a Minnesota member

09-09-2012, 08:55 PM
Being the dad I am I want to give my son a handgun for X-mas! He live in Minneapolis and has been there about 10months. I want to surprise him.I live in Michigan. What are the requirements for him to have it? Can he just take it home and then get the paper work or will we have to ship it to a FFL? Thanks for any help!! Clint

09-09-2012, 09:08 PM
What are your laws in Michigan?? If you give it to him as a gift he should be able to register the gun in Minnesota without any hassle. This is the info I got from a friend of mine who is a cop in Minn.

Merry Xmas

09-09-2012, 11:11 PM
What and why are your registering the gun.

Give him the gun that you bought and let him take it to MN there is no need to Register it or law saying you have to.

09-10-2012, 01:30 AM
Being a family member, there should be no restrictions at all. Just give it to him.

09-10-2012, 07:17 AM
Minnesota has no Laws requiring registry.
AND, to the best of my knowledge, the City of Minneapolis doesn't either.
But Minneapolis being a big time Liberal City, I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong.

a little off topic here, but last winter a fellow flew his small plane from southern MN to a frozen Minneapolis Lake (Calhoun)...and was arrested for landing on the lake, because he didn't get a special permit from the City.

09-10-2012, 09:08 AM
Thanks Guys I DO NOT want for him to get in trouble! But think that all level headed, smart all around good kids should have a K-38 to shoot. Maybe know he will stop trying to get my Python. (note to self take Python out to shoot soon) Please keep the info coming THanks Clint

09-10-2012, 03:46 PM
To remain within the federal law, any handgun ownership transfers over state lines need to go through a dealer in the final owners state. This has nothing to do with state law.

It might not be uncommon for a father to give a son a family handgun over state lines but it still is not legal. But I wouldn't talk about it a lot.

If you intend to buy him a new handgun, why not come to Minnesota and pay for the gun and he can fill out the proper paperwork.

09-10-2012, 06:15 PM
The gun is a used S&W 67 that I got great deal on. Clint

09-10-2012, 08:41 PM
Check with the BATF, I am sure the transfer between family members have no restrictions.

09-11-2012, 12:01 PM
Just off the phone with BATF And Ward O is correct must ship to FFL in his state to stay legal. Know got to find a FFL in Minneapolis. Any member have a FFL there?? Clint

09-11-2012, 06:11 PM
You will not be able to transfer it to him through an FFL unless he has a carry permit or a purchase permit. You get paperwork at the local police station and fill it out and then wait for them to get back to you for a purchase permit. A carry permit you need a class and range time. You then send paperwork to your sheriff who approves you permit to carry.

09-11-2012, 09:13 PM
if it was my kid i would give him a call , and tell him that the next time he is home he needs to take all of his childhood junk home with him because you can no longer resist the temptation to shoot his k38 untill it fell apart

09-11-2012, 10:28 PM
Hypothetical question--What if 10 years ago, I bought a 22 pistol for my grandson, who was 10 at the time. I showed it to him and told him it was his and he would get it when he turned of legal age. He moved out of state when he was 18 or 19 and when he was 21, he came back and got his pistol. I don't see a problem. Another hypothetical question--what if I were given 2 long guns by a grandparent some time back, like when I was 18. Much later, I decided that they were better served by being with a cousin, same grandparent, in another State, and he came by and picked them up. Problem? This is predicated on each person being legally able to own/possess weapons.

09-11-2012, 10:34 PM
family is family , and what goes on in a family is, family business not the goverments

09-12-2012, 07:19 AM
My plan at this time is to give it to him when he is here but keep it and ship to FFL. He can go get a PP and pick up form FFL. The ammo and holster he can take with him. Know to find a FFL there. Clint

09-12-2012, 02:30 PM
From an ATF standpoint, long gun sales across state lines are usually legal - if the states involved don't have laws restricting these sales.

"Assult weapons" may have special rules that include them with handguns rather than regular long guns. You may have to consult an ATF listing to see what is an assult gun.

As was stated above, Minnesota requires a permit to purchase or a permit to carry be obtained before a person can pickup a transferred handgun from a FFL dealer.

Your current plans sounds good and should keep all laws satisfied. You might want him to contact a dealer in his area and arrange for the transfer - in case he doesn't have a regular dealer - what part of the twin cities does he live in?


09-12-2012, 02:59 PM
Clint, since you are going that route, I'll share with you my local Gunsmith/FFL holder, Frank Habisch, a great guy and one man gunsmith & gunshop, He receives handgun shipments for me and others for a $25 fee. Frank is located 50 miles west of Minneapolis in Winsted, MN. his business PH # 320-485-GUNS (4867) Habisch Outdoors llc. (he is closed mondays and is open 10am til 6pm tue thru sun)
I highly recommend him, If you can't find another closer alternative and your Son doesn't mind the drive.

09-12-2012, 07:46 PM
Thanks Jon will keep it in mind Clint