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View Full Version : Gun Show Arrest

09-09-2012, 12:27 AM
I hadn't really intended going back to the gun show in Kalispell today, but decided to go troll a rifle through the place, to see if i could sell it.
When I arrived, there were several cop cars outside the arena.
As I approached the door, I saw a couple nice gentlemen in blue sitting a-top a draggy pants type, spread on the ground. In the back ground, the spread-ee's pregnant wife/girlfriend was saying, "He didn't take anything!"
However, by some strange magic, a stainless steel Kimber materialized from inside of his pants. And son of a gun, if he didn't seem to have misplaced the sales receipt. The owner of the gun was also rather insistent that he had not parted with the firearm intentionally.
The young fellow seemed to not understand that access to both hands were needed to formally cuff him, so an officer kindly explained it with a knee on the back of the neck to get his attention. Considering the guy was resisting, he was lucky that was all he got. He also had a crack pipe in his pocket, I don't know if he had drugs, but he had a big wad of money.
I'm sure he is not enjoying where he is at the time.
The show was slow today, not a lot of people, as there is just too much going on this weekend in this area. Dragon boat races, custom rod show, steam show, all kinds of stuff.
I was paid a compliment by Jerry Fisher, as he thought the rifle I had brought had been made by Dennis Olsen, so I guess my quality is getting up there.
There were some nice guns there, at pretty good prices, just not much money floating around. I did run into a couple board members and chatted with them for awhile.
BBQ tonight, and I am stuffed like a tick on a dog's ear.

09-09-2012, 12:53 AM
That must be the Gun Show Loophole I keep hearing about that they say we need more gun laws to fix.

09-09-2012, 08:16 AM
He figured he was ENTITLED to that Kimber, since the goobermint has told him he's entitled to just about everything else. Honest mistake....

09-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Great story...I love a happy ending

09-09-2012, 11:17 AM
It would be interesting to know who originally stopped ol' baggy pants from leaving the area.
Are the cops THAT tuned in to everything that's going on, or did the vendor yell out and the crowd held the dude for the police?

I understand that you may not have that information, Waksupi.
I am just wonderin' ...


09-09-2012, 11:31 AM
Gotta love those section 8 oddballs! Reminds me of the 82 year old woman thief who said she'd stop stealing if the government would just give her more money!

09-09-2012, 11:33 AM
It would be interesting to know who originally stopped ol' baggy pants from leaving the area. Are the cops THAT tuned in to everything that's going on, or did the vendor yell out and the crowd held the dude for the police?

I understand that you may not have that information, Waksupi.
I am just wonderin' ...


The annual gunshow in my area hires Police reserves for security (known as the sheriff's posse in my county). They are there starting friday night during setup...24/7 til the last vendors tears down and the Boy Scouts cleanup sunday evening).
I suspect most gunshows do the same ? Maybe ?

09-09-2012, 11:43 AM
That must be the Gun Show Loophole I keep hearing about that they say we need more gun laws to fix.

Looks like the laws are working...Theft is among the oldest of crimes, and not much has chaged thousands of years later! Knucklehead stole a gun, got caught, and goes to prison with a brand new felony on his record. The crack pipe is a bonus.

But, rest assured, you will not hear about this gun show success story in the media.

09-09-2012, 11:44 AM
About a year ago at the smaller Louisville show at the fairgrounds; a young baggie pant darker skinned male was almost out the gun show door when I heard "stop him!". Even though he had baggie pants he ran like a rabbit as he flew right by me. Unfortunate for the thief, he had a gauntlet of the entrance ticket emplyees and show attendees to try and zip through which did not work. About 2 hours later as I was leaving the show, I observed him in the back of the police car. He actually tried to steel from a table that was owned by a father-son retired police/current police gun dealer.

09-09-2012, 12:25 PM
Good story, thanks for sharing. Really like the 1st reply, Loophole, LOL.

09-09-2012, 12:34 PM
And that young meth mope was just getting his life back together when some malicious tableholder PLANTED that Kimber on him. He was set up. And the helicopter that follows him around needs to land once in a while, too.

The ChiComs still have the only realistic drug therapy program in existence. 100% effective, too.

09-09-2012, 12:40 PM
Stolen gun from a gun show and a roll of cash in his pocket ? Bet he's clueless as to how his girlfriend got knocked up too.

09-09-2012, 12:47 PM
I do LOVE a happy ending!
Lets hope the courts give us one!

09-09-2012, 12:49 PM
About a year ago at the smaller Louisville show at the fairgrounds; a young baggie pant darker skinned male was almost out the gun show door when I heard "stop him!". Even though he had baggie pants he ran like a rabbit as he flew right by me. Unfortunate for the thief, he had a gauntlet of the entrance ticket emplyees and show attendees to try and zip through which did not work. About 2 hours later as I was leaving the show, I observed him in the back of the police car. He actually tried to steel from a table that was owned by a father-son retired police/current police gun dealer.Was he bloody about the head and shoulders? If he wasn't, he should have been.

09-09-2012, 01:54 PM
This one was caught by the vendors, and the shows here always have their own security force.

mold maker
09-09-2012, 02:11 PM
I hate a liar almost as much as a thief. They are usually one in the same.
What ya wanna bet he's already home and at it again?

09-09-2012, 02:15 PM
I hate a liar almost as much as a thief. They are usually one in the same.
What ya wanna bet he's already home and at it again?

Sad to think about, but likely true. Seems with most people like that they will just continue to try things like that. If you get away with it you win, if you get caught, you lose, today he lost but what is one more black mark on his record? The majority of them don't really care. It is nice to hear that he didn't get away with it though!

09-09-2012, 02:18 PM
Just another victim. I love watching the TV news footage of the victim suffering 'police brutality'.

09-09-2012, 08:17 PM
If the pistol was stolen from an FFL dealer then old baggy pants is in for a Federal rap.

09-09-2012, 08:34 PM
I doubt he is back home. This is a real gun area, with around 30 firearm related manufacturers in the valley. Most of the cops are shooters, the judges are all shooters. I suspect he may be made an example of. The theft WAS from an FFL.

09-09-2012, 09:39 PM
Proverbs 20.17
Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man,
But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel.

From your description Mr. baggy pants many have gotten a mouth full of gravel. Probably, about time he did.

09-09-2012, 09:53 PM
The only thing missing is the wooden shampoo. Not gratuitus, but when somebody with a gun resists, they really do need one.

Gator 45/70
09-09-2012, 09:55 PM
But,But, He was such a good boy.......lol

09-10-2012, 12:12 AM
airc it's mandatory felony prison time for stolen guns.
the judges hands will be tied.... tee hee.
of course he can add stuff on top.

09-10-2012, 11:14 PM
Same thing happened at the Kenner LA gun show a few years back. My buddy was going to his truck and this fool had stuck a mini 14 inside his parachute pants. Cops were all around him and there he is trying to pull it out of his pants. My buddy being of sound mind decided to jump over the handrail rather than be caught in the crossfire. Perp was arrested and on felony charges. Frank

09-10-2012, 11:34 PM
Proverbs 20.17
Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man,
But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel.

From your description Mr. baggy pants many have gotten a mouth full of gravel. Probably, about time he did.

The problem with the proverb is it is based around someone feeling bad about what they did. Do you think Mr Baggy Pants feels bad? He will feel aggrieved and "being humilated in public and held without good cause". Mark my words. That will be his stand point.

09-11-2012, 12:31 AM
That's what ya call, an attention-getter. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcNFjpxU0E8)

09-11-2012, 10:45 PM
WE had a guy try to rob a Bar with a gun a few years ago here in Vegas.

He picked the wrong bar. It was an off duty cop hangout and he ended up being shot by four different off duty cops. The winning shot (between the eyes) came from a .25 ACP Browning back up gun.

Great shooting...no survivors.

09-11-2012, 10:49 PM
WE had a guy try to rob a Bar with a gun a few years ago here in Vegas.

He picked the wrong bar. It was an off duty cop hangout and he ended up being shot by four different off duty cops. The winning shot (between the eyes) came from a .25 ACP Browning back up gun.

Great shooting...no survivors.

One less interview, too. Win/win.

09-12-2012, 03:20 AM
Sad the young man now has a/another mark on his record.
He was as entitled to that gun as the dealer, after all, the dealer didn't build that business, somebody else built that business for him. ;)

09-12-2012, 04:25 AM
Lol - here in OZ (with very few actual freedoms), we have metal detectors for everyone leaving a gunshow. Cuts the temptation to steal quite a bit! You shouldn't be tempting people with the idea that they might just be able to walk out without paying. Shouldn't bait the animals you know - they don't understand, the poor innocent darlings. Nah!!!
Im with Junior - shoulda been bleeding profusely from several places.

09-12-2012, 07:05 AM
I hadn't really intended going back to the gun show in Kalispell today, but decided to go troll a rifle through the place, to see if i could sell it.
When I arrived, there were several cop cars outside the arena.
As I approached the door, I saw a couple nice gentlemen in blue sitting a-top a draggy pants type, spread on the ground. In the back ground, the spread-ee's pregnant wife/girlfriend was saying, "He didn't take anything!"
However, by some strange magic, a stainless steel Kimber materialized from inside of his pants. And son of a gun, if he didn't seem to have misplaced the sales receipt. The owner of the gun was also rather insistent that he had not parted with the firearm intentionally.
The young fellow seemed to not understand that access to both hands were needed to formally cuff him, so an officer kindly explained it with a knee on the back of the neck to get his attention. Considering the guy was resisting, he was lucky that was all he got. He also had a crack pipe in his pocket, I don't know if he had drugs, but he had a big wad of money.
I'm sure he is not enjoying where he is at the time.
The show was slow today, not a lot of people, as there is just too much going on this weekend in this area. Dragon boat races, custom rod show, steam show, all kinds of stuff.
I was paid a compliment by Jerry Fisher, as he thought the rifle I had brought had been made by Dennis Olsen, so I guess my quality is getting up there.
There were some nice guns there, at pretty good prices, just not much money floating around. I did run into a couple board members and chatted with them for awhile.
BBQ tonight, and I am stuffed like a tick on a dog's ear.
Another FINE example of the "ENTITLEMENT" age today. Why should they pay for anything, we OWE it to them. Scumbag, hope he enjoys jail time, and if I'm not wrong, that's a federal crime, stealing a firearm? Here in FL when you go to a gun show, BATF has cameras watching (gee, does big brother come to mind here?) you enter and exit the gun show. That way they can get your picture, see what you are buying (they also have "HIDDEN" cameras inside the gun shows also), and compare the entering and exiting photos.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no ones keeping you from going to the ball game are they?