View Full Version : S&W 22a

05-19-2007, 07:04 PM
Anyone have one?

Semi auto 22lr looks something like this:


I am picking this one up Monday, getting a pretty good deal on it.

I appear to be going at handguns backwards. I started out with a 1911 45 ACP, next was a CZ 52 in 7.65x25, now finally getting a 22lr.

05-19-2007, 09:45 PM
Don't own one, but have fired a couple of them. Both ran very well, and were every bit as accurate as my Ruger 22/45. My impression was that of a very decent sport/hunting/field pistol.

05-19-2007, 09:55 PM
The purpose of starting out with a .22 is to learn how to shoot accurately, without developing a hopelessly incureable flinch. I know you've got problems, all we mere humans do. I'd bet inaccuracy and flinching aren't among them however. Rock on.


05-19-2007, 10:08 PM
Street rumors say the 22A has many plastic parts in it. Bolt stop rod, slide stop rod, bolt catch bar, hammer bolt return bar, barrel bolt and slide stop rod, and others:-D
Don't believe everything you hear.
I did look at one once, found I could cut the barrel/bolt/slide/stop/rod/bar with a finger nail and passed on it just for that reason and all the street rumors I have heard.
That is not to say that no one else manufactures pistols w/o plastic parts.
Street rumors also held forth on the chronic breakage of these parts.
What say those of you who own one???
They do look nice. If there are no reliability issues, I have also noticed that the price is reasonable. Just my humble $0.02 of BS!!............Lee;)

crazy mark
05-19-2007, 10:23 PM
I've had one for many years. No problems and have put about 2000 rounds thru it. Mine has the longer barrel. I've been happy with it Mark

MT Gianni
05-19-2007, 10:27 PM
Mine is 5 years old or more and hasn't seen more than 2 or 3 thousand rounds. I like it. On a good day I can ring a 8" gong at 100 yards standing. With a Whitehall wind that is another matter. Mine is a 5" and chrono's about the same as the Ruger 4 1/2". It isn't a S&W 41 but it is much more affordable. If I needed another 22 pistol, I wouldn't hesitate to get another 22A. Gianni

05-19-2007, 11:13 PM
Well I guess I am not getting this pistol now. I have been talking with this guy for a week and a half now, telling him my situation. Living, working, and attending college 2 hours away from my home county and finally having a day off after many long days working and going to class, days starting a 6 am some times going until 10pm when class lets out. I got my permit on Friday, after driving home from my down state week day life with gas at $3.50 a gallon.

I email this guy today to make sure I can pick it up on Monday like planned, 20 minutes later I get an email saying exact words, "Hey, sorry to break it to you, my wife forbade me to sell it, she likes it too much."

Have yet to email him back just stewing in a world of pissed off I havent been in since about 2 years ago when I found out my Ex girlfriend screwed some guy, reason I let her go and found a much better girl.

05-20-2007, 12:07 AM

I have one and love it, its a great little shooter. I now have a reddot for it alone with a 4X Leupold. For the most part I blast ammo with it, but it groups well at 25 yards also.


Tom W.
05-20-2007, 12:08 AM
Go and find yourself a Ruger 22/45.
I had a 22A for a while and traded it for the Ruger. There was something about the Smith that I just couldn't quite pinpoint.....

05-20-2007, 11:13 AM
A friend of mine shoots one at our falling plates matches in the rimfire class, (of course), and does well with it, he even beats me,... once in a while. There is I believe a shock buffer of plastic in his that has worn out several times. When it goes, so does reliability. Smith sent him several for free, so I guess this happens frequently. We do shoot alot of rounds though, and the part is easily replaced. However, my MKII Ruger doesn't have any buffers, and therefore doesn't need this regular maintainance. The Ruger does cost more, take your pick.

05-20-2007, 11:27 PM
My dad has one, it does have a plastic little buffer on the spring. ours broke in about 300 rounds, and we superglue'd it back together. it's been fine for about 3 thousand rounds since.

I know your deal fell through, but honestly, i have to second the ruger 22/45 motion. the grips on the sw's really aren't very comfortable, and ours only runs well with federal bulk pack. That gets annoying when every other 22 we own will shoot other things, and for the most part prefer remington gold packs.

I have a ruger mkII thats a real winner. they are a bit heavier, but you could probably find a pencil barreled one pretty reasonably by you.

also mags for the rugers are cheaper. I know when i ordered it about a year ago, if you order the parts to assemble the mags yourself, they ran about 10 or 11 dollars each. far better than the 25 bucks sw wants for their mags.