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View Full Version : Why are so many people moving to Oregon?

Just Duke
09-05-2012, 10:14 AM
My real estate agent called me from OR and told me that people are waiting for homes to become available and I'm priced out of the market up there. OK.
So why? She also said most homes including the several we own have gone up 50K to 100K over night. Guess that's good for us. We both have no love loss about moving back there. The southern end and the eastern end of the state we both find a bit more habitable without all the rain. Bend is nice but turned pretty yuppy and the elevation is really high. A fella we talked to from the farm bureau told us the damp ground in the I-5 corridor is pretty hard on livestock hooves.

Water is all we can think of. Anticipating a water shortage or something.

09-05-2012, 12:58 PM

I moved to Oregon about ten years ago due to California politics. Just couldn't take it anymore.

I live i the more conservative southern area. I haven't noticed a big jump in housing costs however.

Larry Gibson
09-05-2012, 01:29 PM
She's BSing you, the more you pay...the more she earns. I know and talk regularly with several friends who are RE agents in Oregon. Prices are still dropping just like most every where else. It's the taxes that are going up. Oregon, in the Willamette Valley and Bend area, has been californicated by all the Californians who want ed to 'get away" from California. Problems is they made California the way it is and left it. Now they are doing the same to Oregon and Washington. As California went 40-60 years ago Oregon and Washington have been going the last 30 years. The Californians brought what they wanted to escape from with them and did the same here.

Larry Gibson

Just Duke
09-05-2012, 01:39 PM
She's BSing you, the more you pay...the more she earns. I know and talk regularly with several friends who are RE agents in Oregon. Prices are still dropping just like most every where else. It's the taxes that are going up. Oregon, in the Willamette Valley and Bend area, has been californicated by all the Californians who want ed to 'get away" from California. Problems is they made California the way it is and left it. Now they are doing the same to Oregon and Washington. As California went 40-60 years ago Oregon and Washington have been going the last 30 years. The Californians brought what they wanted to escape from with them and did the same here.

Larry Gibson

Were getting price increases from multiple websites from various places we were watching daily. Larry aren't you walking distance from the Sound?

09-05-2012, 02:23 PM
Same thing I'm hearing in Arizona. Unfortunately many of the Californians are bringing their politics, especially the so-called "common sense"gun control ideas with them. After every major earthquake in California, property values go up in Arizona as Californians move here in droves. Many businesses have also moved into Arizona to get away from California's tax system. Phoenix as the city grows looks more and more like Los Angeles.

09-05-2012, 03:39 PM
And Texas! We still have gobs of Katrina fallout.

09-05-2012, 03:50 PM
Should still be able to acquire a decent size parcel reasonable any direction within 50 M.of Fields..Failing that,halfway twixt FrenchGlen & Burns ... pricier but more metropolitan... Onceabull

09-05-2012, 06:14 PM
And Texas! We still have gobs of Katrina fallout.

We had a bunch but most left after spending their govt issued debit cards in the Indian owned casinos. We had a stadium full and only two actually hit the street looking for work and found a job. The casinos were sending buses until the city stepped in and stopped it.

Bob Krack
09-05-2012, 06:33 PM

University Place is just East of and slightly South of the space Needle. My first Daughter was born in Bellvue in 1968.

The sound is very close and certainly within walking distance, but I don't think I would want to walk it every day...


09-05-2012, 09:11 PM
Having once been an Oregonian, I would never go back. Beautiful place but if you think California has problems, Oregon's will be ultimately worse. Oregon's govt is a house of cards waiting for the first slight breeze due to the unions. Oregon may not have a sales tax but their property taxes are outrageous. Property can be pretty reasonable if you look outside the Willamette Valley and avoid areas within 30 miles of Bend. I seriously doubt that property values have gone up that much except in the Bend area

09-05-2012, 10:02 PM
From what I hear on the various news channals and from friends who moved there, Oregon is further left and bluer than California. Everyone that worked with me who moved there after retirement has moved back to Southern California. Either they couldn't take the damp cold or they found the land they planned to build on got red taped and taxed out of reality. One friend told me he was spending all his money on doctor bills for treating his wife's arthritis. They moved back to Hemit, Ca. and the dry heat took it away along with the doctor bills. Another misconception I would like to clear up. All the peaple I have known who moved out of California have been gun loving conservatives. That is the one big problem we have here. The good ones left along with all the businesses. The folks who screwed up Colorado or Arizona or wherever didn't come from this direction. They came from the northeast. They are the same breed of cat that has screwed uo Florida and may tip the election in favor of what's his name.

Larry Gibson
09-05-2012, 10:30 PM
The house in University Place (not to be confused with University Village up by Bellvue) is a couple miles from the sound. However, I don't live there anymore. I'm living in my RV at McChord Air Field right now pending departure for Arizona in 5-6 weeks.

University Place is a town on the west side of Tacoma.

Larry Gibson

cajun shooter
09-07-2012, 09:31 AM
I first discovered the Durango, CO area in 1980. It was a very nice small town where people said hello as they passed you on the street. It was just like the people of Louisiana until the California people moved in and started changing all the things that they left California to the very same way.
I stayed in a small log cabin in the downtown area of Aspen for $49 a night!
Now the police there drive Saab's and only the very rich can buy anything. If it's nice and pleasant, keep out the California people or it will become another suburb of Southern California!!

Just Duke
09-28-2012, 02:11 AM
She's BSing you, the more you pay...the more she earns. I know and talk regularly with several friends who are RE agents in Oregon. Prices are still dropping just like most every where else. It's the taxes that are going up. Oregon, in the Willamette Valley and Bend area, has been californicated by all the Californians who want ed to 'get away" from California. Problems is they made California the way it is and left it. Now they are doing the same to Oregon and Washington. As California went 40-60 years ago Oregon and Washington have been going the last 30 years. The Californians brought what they wanted to escape from with them and did the same here.

Larry Gibson
Well my places have gone up 100K in the last three months. :bigsmyl2: We had put everything up for sale just before the the housing bust 4 years ago and been dead in the water ever since. I'm stuck in Vegas but at least I don't have to deal with 270 days of non stop rain and the granola crunching hippies.

Just Duke
09-28-2012, 02:22 AM
I first discovered the Durango, CO area in 1980. It was a very nice small town where people said hello as they passed you on the street. It was just like the people of Louisiana until the California people moved in and started changing all the things that they left California to the very same way.
I stayed in a small log cabin in the downtown area of Aspen for $49 a night!
Now the police there drive Saab's and only the very rich can buy anything. If it's nice and pleasant, keep out the California people or it will become another suburb of Southern California!!
They used to drive Saabs in Vail also and had no uniforms. I lived in CO. until 1989 and went all over the place. The hunting was fantastic! That's all I liked about the place.
It is extremely expensive to live anywhere in CO to this day. I went on vacation to AZ for two weeks came back packed everything I could and moved and never looked back.

Idaho Sharpshooter
09-28-2012, 02:53 AM
I live next door, in Idaho. Most of the people I know here, and over there, feel it is a state, the wet side, that Obama would feel quite at home in.
They are one of a few states where you cannot pump your own gas, or exercise as many Constitutionally Guaranteed rights as we can.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much to put into a 2500 word essay for Freshman English 101.

09-28-2012, 05:02 AM
We're bein californicated for sure, have been for years. As far as property taxes go mine from last year were down about 2.5% from the year previous although I expect that to remedy itself this year. I'm almost smack dab in the center of the Willamette valley in a town of 15,000. If I didn't have such a good job I'd be looking for a different state though, Idaho or Montana likely, maybe Alaska while I'm dreamin.

09-28-2012, 09:16 AM
You said your houses in OR are for sale. On the bright side, you should have no problem selling them for what you originally asked if they are worth 50-100 more immediately. You need a new RE agent if she hasn't sold them in that market.

41 mag fan
09-28-2012, 09:18 AM
Sadly the more the population grows the more yuppies and silicon valley snoobs we'll see moving into our sanctuaries.

Just Duke
09-28-2012, 09:47 AM
yuppies and silicon valley snoobs we'll see moving into our sanctuaries.
This is true. They want faux safe environments where only the criminals have guns, drive there children to soccer practice in minivans or Volvo station wagons, go to yuppy happy hours and Starbucks.

09-28-2012, 09:59 AM

Don't miss the BUBBLE, Sell the stuff,
Invest the money in Metals, namely Gold and Silver

Save some of the money to go back on vacation to TREE HUGGER LAND.


Maybe look at moving to Missouri, Cheap Acreage, Gun Friendly, Centrally Located, Friendy Folks.

Just Duke
09-28-2012, 10:03 AM

Don't miss the BUBBLE, Sell the stuff,
Invest the money in Metals, namely Gold and Silver

Save some of the money to go back on vacation to TREE HUGGER LAND.


Maybe look at moving to Missouri, Cheap Acreage, Gun Friendly, Centrally Located, Friendy Folks.

It's up for sale and I would have no reason to go back to Portland the Land of Birkenstocks. lol

"Cheap Acreage, Gun Friendly, Centrally Located, Friendly Folks." YES!

09-28-2012, 04:06 PM
I live next door, in Idaho. Most of the people I know here, and over there, feel it is a state, the wet side, that Obama would feel quite at home in.
They are one of a few states where you cannot pump your own gas, or exercise as many Constitutionally Guaranteed rights as we can.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much to put into a 2500 word essay for Freshman English 101.

I read one of Neil Peart's books a while back, he talked of coming down through that area and of the brainless fool that put diesel fuel in his BMW motorcycle, as he was not allowed to pump fuel himself. Needless to say, the impression he left was not favorable, especially after investigating the reasons behind the law.


09-29-2012, 01:36 AM
he talked of coming down through that area and of the brainless fool that put diesel fuel in his BMW motorcycle
Yes. Oregon's pretty "blue", unfortunately, but that's mostly because Portland rules the state, and Portland is as loony-leftist as you can get. Rural areas aren't so bad. As to the gas-pump thing, the only people I ever hear complain are folks who visit from other states. I may not appreciate the reasoning behind the law, but in practice it doesn't bother me at all. Then again I only gas up at Costco, and they are quick and professional.

As to diesel in a motorcycle, I used to ride a fair amount, and never once did I ever have a gas station attendant refuse to let me pump my own gas. I don't know if motorcycles are legally exempt, but in practice they are.

PS Paul
09-29-2012, 11:42 AM
Is it not obvious to everyone? They are nearly finished destroying California and the American way of life down there, so now they are bringing it to Oregon as well!

Coming soon to a town near you, the arrogant leftists are poised to let YOU all know how your "Imperialist" and "Colonialist" ways of behaving and thinking are just plain anachronistic and in imposing their viewpoints on ALL of you, they get to sit on their arrogant high horses and feel good they have ruined your way of life too. That's all......

PS Paul
09-29-2012, 11:45 AM
Further, if any of our politicians had ANY backbone, honesty, morals, ethics or solid belief in our Constitution, it would not be happening. But we all know that already.

I suppose if there half as much outrage over the anti-constitutionalist full-court press over our rights as there is over replacement referees in the NFL, many of our political problems and issues would simply be repaired and honsetly would once again reign supreme in America.....

Larry Gibson
09-29-2012, 12:33 PM
Actually as a native Oregonian I always liked having someone pump the gas for me but that was back when they were really "service stations and would wash the windshield and check the oil also, even some would check the tires.

What the leftists have done (Kalifornicated as mentioned) to Oregon is with stupid laws, very high property and income taxes. Granted there's not sales tax but they are working on that.......

Larry Gibson