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View Full Version : Thanks to all ya'll

Master Chief
09-04-2012, 07:28 PM
for helping a new guy get started making "boolits".
I came here only a month ago with a desire to learn and ya'll helped me.
Thank You.
Although I have a long way to go I am making and shooting boolits.
When I became a reloader 20 years ago that was good.
But there is nothing like a big pile of bullets you made yourself from scrap lead.
And the money savings.....:smile:

Thanks Again,

09-04-2012, 07:48 PM
HeHeHe "the money savings" thats funny [smilie=l:
No offense meant

Master Chief
09-04-2012, 08:11 PM
I figured the money saving comment would come up, just did'nt think it would be that fast.
Yep been reloading long enough to realize the folly of my statement.:veryconfu

09-04-2012, 08:13 PM
A great bunch of people here.

09-04-2012, 08:21 PM
I remember when I first started out casting my own, back them lead was for the asking and time seemed to be on my side. I was really having a blast doing it and marveled at all the things I can do for so little money it wasn't funny, I really thought I knew how to do it and do it well.

Now let's fast forward a few years, found this site while cruising the net and signed up, then reality kicked in. I thought I was doing pretty well for learning almost all aspects of casting on my own. I thought I really knew my stuff till I started reading all the information on this site, then my education really began.

And you know what? I'm still learning.

09-04-2012, 09:50 PM
Ya we all use "the money savings" when we tell our women we gotta buy a new mold or lubesizer and dies and other related stuff that feed our addiction. It never worked for me either. ;) ;)

09-05-2012, 12:14 AM
When I first started reloading I was able to realize serious savings by molding piles of boolits for my reloading buddies in exchange for powder and primers. I shot 1000-1200 rounds a week. What money I did spend was on dies and molds. Okay, and guns too, but that always led to more dies and molds. Anyway, I made my hobby pay for itself so I guess that's a savings. Frank

09-05-2012, 02:19 PM
I always got a kick out of the money savings part. My wife enjoys it too. Hey, at least I can look at the stuff in the basement and KNOW I can make a whole bunch of ammo out of what is already paid for. A whole bunch.. It's all in good fun. enjoy Mike

09-05-2012, 04:17 PM
Ya we all use "the money savings" when we tell our women we gotta buy a new mold or lubesizer and dies and other related stuff that feed our addiction. It never worked for me either. ;) ;)

Yeah... every penny saved... was spent on new toys.... But that'show it's supposed to be..ain't it ?...

PS Paul
09-05-2012, 04:24 PM
Remember: the more you SPEND, the more you SAVE! ha-ha...

09-05-2012, 05:23 PM
I figured the money saving comment would come up, just did'nt think it would be that fast.
Yep been reloading long enough to realize the folly of my statement.:veryconfu

I gave up on the "money saving" line years ago. For the last 20 years I have been calling my guns and reloading/casting stuff "MENS JEWELRY". So far it has worked flawlessly. ;)

09-05-2012, 05:31 PM
Hey add up how much all that factory ammo would have cost had you bought all of it rather then loaded it yourself. You also can't beat the therapy that casting provides, just try and put a price on that.

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
09-05-2012, 05:43 PM
With the amount of money I'm sav'in with casting an reloading, added to the savings I'm gett'in from all the free meat, I'm about readly to start up my own bank.

Yes sir, my own bank!

CEO, The Crusty Deary Ol'Coot - CFO, the Crusty Deary Ol'Coot - COO, The Crusty Deary Ol'Coot - Head teller, The Crusty Deary Ol'Coot.

Set to begin excepting deposits on the 10th of September.

Make all checks payable to, The Crusty Deary Ol'Coot.

Just mail the checks to The Crusty Deary Ol'Coot, general delivery, Dreary, Ideeeeho.

May take me a few days to get an official address set up, but general delivery will find me, as there's only one Crusty Deary Ol'Coot in town.


09-05-2012, 06:02 PM
When I first started reloading I was able to realize serious savings by molding piles of boolits for my reloading buddies in exchange for powder and primers. I shot 1000-1200 rounds a week. What money I did spend was on dies and molds. Okay, and guns too, but that always led to more dies and molds. Anyway, I made my hobby pay for itself so I guess that's a savings. Frank

I am relizing a savings now. But I can see that if I get everything I want to get if I break even I'll be real doing good!! :groner: But I must say I'm having a lot of fun doing it! And I figure anyone can walk into a Sporting Goods store and buy a box of ammunition! I'm speical!! LOL!!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
09-05-2012, 10:46 PM
When I first started reloading, it was pretty much a given that you could load better ammo then you could buy, and with careful loading the loads would shoot waaaaay better. All at a considerable savings

Well we can still save to day if quality is our goal, but it is harder to handload great shooting ammo then it was in the 60s, when you compair quality factory to handloads.

The ammo companies got a case of smart and are producing better stuff now. In some cases, way better!

However, the one thing they can't do is custom load for specific firearms and therefore a good handloader still has the factorys beat.

And, you can still buy factory ammo loaded with bullets that are in no way up to the forces that the cartridge they are loaded in will subject it to.

Buy smart if you buy factory, and quality will likely not be at the promotional price levels.


09-05-2012, 11:46 PM
After loading for 30 yrs and casting for the last few I can can assure you of a few things: I can shoot for years without spending another dime on components (or tools) or even loading another round but I'll likely buy a new tool or component soon because I want to, not because I have to.
I call going to the range without having to buy ammo saving money. Shooting is a lot more fun if I don't have to buy ammo first, even more fun if I'm shooting my own boolits.

09-06-2012, 01:36 AM
15-20 years ago casting was a labor of love, now it's a true $$$ saver.

Good luck casting.


09-06-2012, 07:19 AM
Fellers ,what we`re really paying for is INDEPEDENCE !!!

& I don`t have any $$ left to get into trouble with ,let alone out !!!