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View Full Version : Olevern's daughter is in a hospital. First I heard of this.

09-03-2012, 10:48 PM
Olevern made the post below in another thread. This is the first I've heard of it, so I don't know if he's asked for prayers, but I'm gonna ask for him. Take a moment if you can and fire one or two off. Stay strong Olevern. Keep us posted.

Sittin in an ICU room with my daughter 750 miles from home (where we were on family vacation when she collapsed with a stroke 12 days ago) trying to keep her from pulling out the ventilator or feeding tube, which she seems determined to do.

Just got a break for shift change when they throw everybody out for two hours, hope they keep a close eye on her while I'm down in the lounge.

Spent the last 12 days sleeping a couple of hours at a time in the lounge in a chair (or in my van in the parking garage)...sounds like all you guys are having much more fun than I am.

09-03-2012, 11:14 PM
My prayers and thoughts are with you, Olevern.

Please keep us posted.


smoked turkey
09-03-2012, 11:26 PM
Olevern, so sorry to hear about your daughter. Not the way a vacation is supposed to go. My prayers have gone out for your daughter and your family.

09-03-2012, 11:27 PM
Olevern, positive thoughts and prayers for your daughter and family.

09-04-2012, 07:41 AM
Thanks for the post for prayers, all are welcome.

The last 12 (now 13) days have been a blur.

To bring you all up to speed, while on our annual family vacation in Gatlinburg, Tn., while the guys went to Bass Pro, the knife works, the tool shops, etc, my wife and daughter were going to the strip in Gatlinburg to shop. My wife stepped into a hole in the sidewalk and sprained her ankle. My daughter got her to a bench to sit, but then complained of a sudden severe headache and nausea and set off to find a shop with a public bathroom. She didn't come back. And, my wife could not put any weight on her ankle to go and find her. After about a half hour, my wife called us on the cell and frantically informed that Michelle was missing. We raced back (we were over twenty miles in heavy traffic away) and searched. Bill, The S.I.L. found a shopkeeper who said that he had directed a lady fitting her discription to the unisex bathroom in the rear of his shop and he didn't recall her having come out. Bill went to the bathroom, door was locked, no one answered his knock or quiry so he put his shoulder to the door and broke it open to find his wife (my daughter) collapsed and unconscious on the floor in a pool of vomit. He couldn't rouse her so called 911

Airlift to University of Tn. hospital was fortuititous as I think we would have lost her had it not been for the excellent care she received there. I'm guessing the insurance co. will be getting a bill for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

She was mostly unresponsive for 11 days, then, while Bill was up with her over the week end, began slowly coming out of it and into a more conscious state. She still has not regained speech.

She now is responsive, but combative. They had to put her in arm restraints to keep her from removing the breathing and feeding tubes. She has to be watched constantly because she has loosened the arm restraints a number of time, pulling on them until the clasps give a little at a time and lengthen them. When I tell her to stop struggling, she glares at me and resumes struggling against the restraints. She did this for 14 hours yesterday before she wore herself out and fell asleep. During this 14 hours she pulled the oxygen sensor off her finger so many times that they stopped replacing it. She also worked the automatic pressure cuff off any number of times and tried to slide out of bed hundreds of time, with me at her bedside preventing her from getting out of bed. They want to wean her off the ventilator, but have been unable to begin the process because she is worn out from struggling.

When this first happened, we reached out for family and many who were not with us on family vacation showed up in Tn. At least four church congregations were set to praying. I am sorry I neglected to notify my brothers here on the forum, just too many other concerns and things to do.

My son-in-law had to go back to N.J. to his job after the first several days (he works at a Airforce base as a civilian but is in the Air National Guard and had orders he was not let out of, so it fell to me to stay with Michelle. Son-in-law was able to stay long enough for me to make a quick trip to N.J. to drop my grandson (he had turned 14 the day his mom had her stroke) off so he could start school. I also dropped my wife off with him to take care of him for the duration. Then turned right around and returned the 750 miles to the hospital in Tn. so my son-in-law could go to work and fulfill his orders.

He came back for the long week-end and I stayed with some friends over in Greeneville, Tn. for two days so as to get some real sleep. As I was unable to use my C-Pap machine in the hospital waiting room or the parking garage (have used both places to sleep) I was pretty worn out and didn't do much but sleep and go to church Sat. and Sun.

guess that brings us up to date.

I am tired, worried, worn out and feeling my 61 years as I have never felt it.

All prayers are welcome, hope I gave enough detail so you all know how to pray.

Thanks again,


09-04-2012, 08:01 AM
As always, we're all here for ya', bud.

09-04-2012, 08:03 AM
I'll pray for your daughter, you, and your family.

09-04-2012, 09:10 AM
Olevern, we are hopeing for the best.

41 mag fan
09-04-2012, 09:17 AM
God be with you and your family in this time of need

09-04-2012, 10:16 AM
I will add my prayers for all of your family as well. It is things like this that remind us how tender a thread our lives are lived by. Be strong, keep the faith.

09-04-2012, 10:20 AM
Vern i will say prayers for all of you.


09-04-2012, 10:24 AM
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope your daughter will make a full recovery.

gray wolf
09-04-2012, 10:33 AM
My prayers are said for you and your family, AND your Daughter.
I hope for a full recovery, please accept my thoughts for you and yours.

09-04-2012, 01:55 PM
Prayers offered up. May GOD in his infinite wisdom comfort and heal you and your family.

09-04-2012, 02:05 PM
The fact she is motive is a great sign, I'm sure the docs told you. Speech is slower to recover.

09-04-2012, 09:18 PM
Sounds like she's a fighter. Thank God.
We will pray for you. We will pray for your entire family.

09-04-2012, 11:20 PM
Thanks to all who expressed well wishes and especially the prayers.
Michelle is still being difficult, for 48 hours she was awake and combative. She simply didn't stop. Nursing staff tried every sedative in their arsenal, from Seraquill to Morphine and it didn't phase her. Finally the doc ordered a cocktail mixture of sedatives and she went to sleep (after 48 hours) That was last night.
Today she was mostly more amenable and I was able to assess where her cognative function was in a general sense.

She has no problem with gross motor skills in all extremities. She has a significant defecit in fine motor skills. She is unable to grasp a pen and write on a tablet (thought because she could not communicate verbally she might be able to do this, but no go).
She cannot operate a remote control for her t.v. And, becuase of the tracheotomy she is unable to speak so unable as yet to assess her speech.

Today was some better, with some quiet times (due to the new medicine) alternated by hyperactive misbehavior when the medicine was wearing off and before time to administer another dose. She is able to nod yes or no and understands questions but remains very frustrated over being unable to communicate her needs.

Once again, please accept my thanks for all the prayers in her behalf.

I believe God is moved by heartfelt prayers of the faithful.

I am encouraged by the progress Michelle has shown in just the last few days and hope for a full recovery, realizing that it will be a long, difficult road back.

I will remain in Tn. until Michelle is able to be safely transported back to N.J. for care nearer home.

09-04-2012, 11:37 PM
Praying for healing for her and strength for you.

09-05-2012, 01:47 AM
Not much of a praying man, but if good thoughts will help in any way, there's many heading your way.

Wayne Smith
09-05-2012, 12:57 PM
Praying for all of you.

09-06-2012, 03:03 AM
Prayers Sent, May God Be With You And Yours. <><

09-06-2012, 07:44 AM
What a battle! I'll keep praying for you, her, and the entire family.

09-06-2012, 07:03 PM
Good afternoon
Still praying fr your daughter as I am sure everyone is.
Mike in ILL

09-11-2012, 09:26 AM
Good afternoon
Still praying fr your daughter as I am sure everyone is.
Mike in ILL

Thanks, Mike,
Still here in Tn. camping out. Michelle has been moved out of ICU to a private room in PCU (progressive care unit) and it is a much better situation for me as I am able to stay right by her side in a reclining chair throughout the night and day. Only time I have to leave is when they are doing something invasive (or giving her a bath). Michelle's husband came up again for the week end and I got a couple of days rest at a friends home an hour away. Also got to be in a church service, which refreshed me.

Still dealing with Michelle's behavioral issues (slipping the restraints, pulling out wires and tubes and trying to get out of bed) She keeps me jumping up and tightening the straps holding down her hands and putting the mitts back on.

They are talking about changing out the trake for one which can be capped off so that she can talk, not sure they won't regret that when she starts talking who knows what will come out as she obviously is not herself.

Thanks all for your continued prayer.


09-11-2012, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the update Olevern.

09-11-2012, 03:49 PM

Let us know if you need us to do a little Paypal fund drive to help defray some of your unexpected expenses that come with extended hospitals. It wasn't long ago that one of our members was doing much what you are--he was living in his van in the hospital parking lot while tending to his wife.

Things you never think of like toothpaste and toiletries, several changes of clothes and having to eat out all the time can add up.

If you need a little help from your friends here, let us know. That's what we're here for.


09-11-2012, 05:01 PM

Let us know if you need us to do a little Paypal fund drive to help defray some of your unexpected expenses that come with extended hospitals. It wasn't long ago that one of our members was doing much what you are--he was living in his van in the hospital parking lot while tending to his wife.

Things you never think of like toothpaste and toiletries, several changes of clothes and having to eat out all the time can add up.

If you need a little help from your friends here, let us know. That's what we're here for.


Thanks, Recluse,
our church sent over $130.00 dollars which has helped immensely. For now we are o.k.
Appreciate your concern.

09-11-2012, 05:22 PM
Prayers for you and yours. This is a heavy load for a parent.

God bless and strengthen all of you until the situation is resolved.


09-13-2012, 11:43 AM
Just a quick update.
Last 24 hours have shown considerable progress.
Michelle is more aware and interactive (and reasonable). For the last 24 hours she has not attempted to remove the restraints or pull at any of the various wires, sensors or tubes attached to her body.
She received a visit from Physical Therapy.
She was gotten up into a sitting position (with help) by the physical therapy assistantsi.
She was able to stay in a sitting position for about 10 minutes. She responded to requests to raise her legs and put force against a hand holding a leg down.
Because she has not attempted to get out of bed or pull at tubes/wires in 24 hours, the medical staff has approved her not being tethered as long as I am in the room.

The best news is that she will be moved tomorrow to a sub-acute nursing facility in Phila., Pa. (a lot closer to her home; 'though still 300 miles from my home)
Leaving at 5 a.m. via ambulance, so I guess tomorrow I become an ambulance chaser.

Thanks all for your prayers: God does answer prayer!
Michelle does have a long way to go still, but I am encouraged.

09-13-2012, 12:44 PM
She received a visit from Physical Therapy VERY important to recovery. All her previous activity is really a pretty good sign.
tomorrow I become an ambulance chaser Be glad you're not in the ambulance, they don't have shocks or springs, or so it seems.