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View Full Version : Something you need to know about one of our members.

09-03-2012, 09:02 PM
This past weekend, a couple of friends of mine came into town--Ben & Cathy Rushing.

Ben is a fellow pilot, fellow shooter and fellow guitar player and collector and hosted me a book-signing in Natchitoches (Louisiana) the end of June, where, consequently, I met up and traded stories with Goatwhiskers and did some shooting.

The reason for Ben's visit to Big D this past weekend was to purchase a firearm--from one of our members.

When Ben and Cathy met up with this member, talk was traded as to what each did to earn a living. Turns out both are in the life-changing and life-improvement business. (No, they're not preachers.)

Ben has his PhD and is a professor of mathematics at NSU in Natchitoches. Our member here is also in the education business, in Garland (Texas).

Crabo runs an immensely successful auto vo-tech automotive bodyshop program.

As Crabo and the Rushings were making the rounds, Ben told me how Crabo kept pointing out an auto dealership and remarking, "Yep, I've got three students working there," and then showing them a big body shop repair facility with "And I've got five of my old students working there." Ben said as they drove through the area, Crabo kept pointing out dealerships and body shops and collision repair centers where former students of his now earned a living. A good living.

How cool is that? How AWESOME is that?

Regardless of economy, people still rely on transportation. When transportation gets crunched, someone has to fix it. The better you are at fixing it, the more places you can work and be successful.

But someone has to teach you. Someone has to CARE enough to want to teach you. And Crabo cares more than enough and the lives he has touched and continue to touch with our young people in the north Texas area is awe-inspiring.

Crabo is but one more superb example of what a unique and blessed community we have here at Cast Boolits, and I for one, am all the more blessed for being a part of the same community as him.

Just thought y'all should know about one of the giants that walks among us and who puts the future of young people at the forefront of his life.

That is a man.


09-03-2012, 09:12 PM
Thumbs up for Crabo

DIRT Farmer
09-03-2012, 09:16 PM
A highly skilled technichan is always in demand.I had a few in class and several after who up graded my skills and abilites. To consider what a red neck farmer and carpenter was tought and allowed to do as an EMT/P still amazes me.

To the good instructors,

Sir may I shake your hand.

09-03-2012, 09:40 PM
I'll bet a lot of members are teachers, instructors, coaches, trainers in some capacity and some in multiple capacities because passing on what we have learned is important.

09-03-2012, 09:55 PM
My wife is a teacher, chemistry, physics, and such, over 30 years. She has seen all these young people grow up and become productive citizens. I have an envy for her to have touched so many lives and to see the results of her teaching. A number of her students are doctors and dentists. She found her niche in life very early, I on the other hand haven't yet decided what I'm gonna do when I grow up. GW

09-03-2012, 10:12 PM
craig is a good guy.
i haven't met him in person but have interacted and p.m'ed with him.
even sent some goodies back and forth.
i'd like to meet him in person.

i'd bet he is so much like the two autoshop teachers i had mummmble years ago, one taught me auto-body, and the other auto-shop.
my 4 favorite classes i had in both junior and senior year.
i still use the skills they taught me way back then, even though things have changed so much since then.

09-03-2012, 10:46 PM
The key to teaching, or any other kind of management, is motivation instilled into the student via some sort of projected enthusiasm for the job. It's pure magic on how and when that happens. Seldom does it get overlooked by those involved. ... felix

smoked turkey
09-03-2012, 11:32 PM
This a perfect example of the American dream we heard about last week at the RNC. That is the way it is supposed to work. It is one of the best ways to put Americans back to work. What a nice thing to take the time to inform us about Crabo. He is one of our heros for the fine work he is doing.

gray wolf
09-04-2012, 10:49 AM
Now that's a great story, I love hearing things like that.
Seems some of the men are very humble, Thank you for sharing.

09-04-2012, 11:00 AM
A couple years back Crabo and I were exchanging PM's in regards to his Hornady Clone mold. In the interchange he sent me some pictures of his students and their projects at school. Some pretty impressive workmanship on the part of his students and a great reflection on his teaching abilities. What a great feeling that must be to help others to make their way in the world.

09-04-2012, 09:08 PM
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I feel blessed that I can make a difference in a lot of kids lives. I love the way that a lot of them come back to tell me what good things are happening in their lives, as a result of what they started in my class.

They can spend up to three years in my program before they graduate and I often spend more time with them than their parents do. You hear a lot of people complaining about kids these days, but we still have a lot of good quality kids in our program and schools. The bad ones often get the most attention, and color it for the others.

Here are some links to their work. I am constantly challenging them to do the hard things and do adult level work. A lot of them rise to the challenge. In the course of several years, you often see how learning to do good work, changes their self image, and causes good changes in their behavior.






I really wish I could have spent more time with Ben and Cathy. It's amazing how there are so many great people in our gun community.

Wayne Smith
09-04-2012, 09:57 PM
I'm jealous of those who can do that kind of artistry. As Felix stated, mine is very different and I can't bost about any of it. Helping people quite literally discover themselves is facinating work and I have so much fun I have no intention to retire.

09-04-2012, 10:58 PM
Contrary many's opinion (and some side issues), there is no more important job with such far reaching consequences as the job of teacher.

Thank you for doing your part to shape America's future

09-06-2012, 10:40 PM
I too have not yet met Craig, but feel I somewhat know him. My first interaction with him was on an H&G mold I had that he was interested in perhaps buying. Long story short I sent him the mold and after a while he returned it. Well the best part has been the exchanging of e-mails with him after that. some are simple forwards of whatever we get that we think each other would like. Others are whats happening in life in the moment. Some of those are of Craigs kids and their work. To see the talent and pride in their smiles is amazing to see for me. I can only guess at the pride Craig must feel. From the small glimpse I have of Crabo, He is a Man. One I am proud to call friend.
