View Full Version : Gun Show Score

09-03-2012, 07:29 PM
Well this forum has taught me a lot on casting and I have a few molds but had not done to much casting since it is a learning curve. Well I was out with the wife at the last gun show since she asked to go with me and boy was it nice. Nice to have a wife support my finds as well as be excited with me. Well anyways I found a mold for 10 bucks and thought why not it looks used and not abused. Would you know that in a two week period I have cast over 1k of 9mm rounds. I have enjoyed every minute of it and feel though it was not free it was as cheap as it can be not mentioning both my boys have helped, the wife has helped, as well as the daughter at times and its been a wonderful experience. This site has been great and given me so much in resources as well as knowledge.


09-03-2012, 07:37 PM
That is awesome. My wife use to go to gun shows with me when we were dating. Ofcourse, that was 25 years or so ago. One of the many things she did, that she no longer does, when we were dating.

09-03-2012, 09:27 PM
Good on you woody13, that is an excelllent score. Ani't casting great? I do love it so.

Welcome to the site by the way, it's crazy here but you can sure learn alot. I started casting about 1973 and what I've learned here has made it much more enjoyable & productive for me.
