View Full Version : Dove hunt

09-01-2012, 01:37 PM
Today is opening day for doves in NC. Me and Junior did pretty good this morning.

09-01-2012, 01:49 PM
YEP!!! I'ld say you did real well, I guess your dog is like ours, they bring in the bunnies and drop it look up at you like "can I have these fried and seasoned please".

09-01-2012, 03:18 PM
Good hunt.

09-01-2012, 04:40 PM
Good job.
Opening day here also, but Issac is dumping much needed rain.

09-01-2012, 08:47 PM
It was first day for doves in Pa. too. I never was able to find enough birds where you could hunt them, so I didn't go. Could probably shoot a limit off the electric wires in the neighborhood, though.

09-01-2012, 08:53 PM
it was opening day here too rain most of the day next weekend i hope to get out

DIRT Farmer
09-01-2012, 10:59 PM
I was hoping I would get rained out, no such luck. Got a few shots, the doves are scattered in the shelled corn.

09-02-2012, 01:00 AM
Very nice! No better way to spend some time, if you ask me!
It was opening day here, went with a classmate and his stepson, somebody beat us to the second place we went on MY private property, never saw a single sharptail there. Wound up going on our lower ranch for doves to get Blake some shooting, he shot his first two today with us, between all of us though i think you still got more! But we had a good time, cooked them fresh and enjoyed the afternoon.

09-02-2012, 01:22 AM
Nice catch. Took my brother hunting for his first time today. Sky was dark with doves. Rained for the first 2 hours of the hunt, overcast but otherwise nice for the latter 2 hours we hunted. Guys with semi-autos on either side of us did really well. They set up in the flight lanes - We didn't have such luck! Downed 6 birds (1 sparrow - Oops!), but only recovered 2. We had to use steel shot, something I never used before. Shot went right through the birds and probably 3/4 of them flew off wounded. A real shame. There were enough hunters though (100+ I'd say) in the field that they got picked off eventually. I'll probably not hunt that piece of public land again. The permit system was a PITA, and the open season is first come, first serve. Since I have access to a couple parcels of private land where I can use lead shot, I think we'll go there next time, and bring my pup. Really challenging bird to shoot, and I'm looking forward to getting some more for a nice little meal.

09-02-2012, 06:25 AM
We could hear the shotguns firing all around us yesterday.
Glad to see someone got some.

09-02-2012, 10:56 AM
I usually try to make it opening day but the public spot we go to is extra full when the opener is on Saturday or Sunday. Plus the state plants sunflowers there and they didn't do any where near as good as normal due to a dry year. Glad to see some of you guys came out good though I'm going to try to get out this week. FB

09-02-2012, 08:48 PM
Think we could find a few doves around here?

09-02-2012, 09:20 PM
Crabo- That looks like dove heaven. Farmers around here don't usually plant sunflowers, but a few years back one guy planted about 50 acres. Killed a pile of doves there that year, also saw about a million goldfinches. Best places to find doves here are strip mines that have been backfilled and planted in summer wheat for quick ground cover.

09-02-2012, 09:35 PM
That picture was taken next to my brother in law's canola fields outside of Grand Forks, ND. There was probably 200 acres, at least, of sunflowers.

I'm in Texas. We went out Thursday to look at some fields, tanks every 1/4 mile apart. We sat in the truck from 5-6 and saw 2 doves. I think we need to find some other place and could use some cool weather.

R.Ph. 380
09-02-2012, 09:47 PM
That picture was taken next to my brother in law's canola fields outside of Grand Forks, ND. There was probably 200 acres, at least, of sunflowers.

I'm in Texas. We went out Thursday to look at some fields, tanks every 1/4 mile apart. We sat in the truck from 5-6 and saw 2 doves. I think we need to find some other place and could use some cool weather.

West Tx is reporting a large die-off of doves. No info on why yet, but looks like maybe some kind of poisoning. or parasite: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/newsmedia/releases/?req=20100630b

09-02-2012, 09:57 PM
Bruce, David and I went out at 4PM Saturday

Bruce shot a 410 BSA side by side

David shot a Rem 1100 in 410 and an American Arms O/U in 24 gauge

I shot my Charles Daly in 410

The three limits of doves have been cleaned and are in the fridge soaking


09-02-2012, 11:45 PM
Just got back to the hotel and was going to start my own thread on the same subject. Since this one is open I'll just contribute.

My buddy and I limited both days. Our normal area on the Rio Grande is now posted by the federal government. Some agency called the International Boundary Waters Commission. Never heard of them. Been hunting there six years. Good thing I checked it the night before, might have driven right past the signs in the dark. We had a secondary place in mind anyway.

When the game warden checked our licenses I asked him about it. He said they have had numous complaints about it. He gave us the information on the agency and where we can voice our concerns.

We went down to the stock pens at the Santa Theresa Border Crossing. We did very well and limited in less than an hour. The first day it took me two boxes of shells to limit. The second day I limited in less than one.

Going back in the morning then headed back to Albuquerque .

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

09-03-2012, 11:00 AM
Another limit this morning in the same field. A friend that is new to wingshooting killed his first doves. He only shot 3 and 2 of them was a double.