View Full Version : Who likes hot stuff and why?

08-29-2012, 08:58 PM
Maybe that I am duplicating an old thread, I don't know. I like hot stuff--like tonight--oven baked chicken (basted with barbecue sauce) with au gratin potatoes and green beans. Sliced up a freshly picked (tonight) jalopena, thin, and enjoyed. I was raised on hot stuff and love it. That heat just seems to excite my taste buds, I don't know. Chili or gumbo, or dirty rice, gotta have some heat (my portion). My 19 yoa grandson loves the Tabasco Chipotle, as I do. I'd fire everything up, but others in my family can't handle it. Oh well, I can figure out what I need to "kick it up a notch" as Emirel(?) says.

Roger Ronas
08-29-2012, 10:08 PM
My mouth is watering just thinking about hot stuff like that.
I love hot peppers and try to eat them several times a week. I say only several times a week because I have acid refluix and GERD and take protonix to control it now. Have to be careful of spicy stuff because with my health it can cause esophagus cancer.
When I eat the hot stuff I have sweat running down from my forehead and I get the chills but worth it.


08-29-2012, 10:55 PM
I like hot stuff. Hotter than what would be considered sane, so it must be like an addiction.

Not" burny on the tongue hot", but feel your pulse in you eardrums hot. Runny nose hot. Like , "Don't touch any other part of your anatomy after eating those." hot.

I do think hot stuff mimics drug addiction. Jalepenos no longer cutting it? You want those little chilis or serranos...and a couple of habenero plants in the garden, just for the color those peppers bring to the canned jars. Save those back for bland foods, like pasta or scrambled eggs and toast or anything that's not cold cereal...yet.

Oh, and cayennes, too. Grind them up and make pepper sauce with salt and oil and a small dash of vinegar. The stomach cramps are soon forgotten...not really, but that stuff goes so well with potato chips.

Same with Chinese mustard or wasabi. That chlorine gas like blast up your nose means your alive, so dip into it some more.

The guy at work bets you a dollar you won't take a swig the leftover juice from the empty jar of nacho peppers? Take his money and don't tell him you were planning to finish it off after everybody left the breakroom.

If wild mushroom did to a person what a bowl full of cayenne relish or a half dozen habeneros, they would be considered poisonous.

So why? I don't know. I just do.

08-29-2012, 11:39 PM

08-29-2012, 11:49 PM
Lets see-------- whats the joke about the guy at the Texas chili cook off and he was asked to judge ???

08-29-2012, 11:56 PM
I like to eat at mexican food places that have habanero salsa. I mix it about half and half with the regular salsa as I like the flavor of the standard stuff, but the heat of the habanero. If my tongue isn't still burning 10 min after I leave the restaurant, it wasn't hot enough.

Can you say Ghost Chilis?

PS Paul
08-30-2012, 12:05 AM
Bowfin, after reading your post, I am now hungry. Further, "burny on the tongue"? THAT is hilarious!! You have a way with words and language.....

08-30-2012, 12:08 AM
Growing up in southern Arkansas in the late 50's I hated anything hot, but there weren't Tex Mex or Mexican restaurants withing 200 miles either. Now, living in So Cal I can't get enough. Maybe the old taste buds aren't as tender.
My nephew makes huavos de diablo (speeling?) (his version of deviled eggs) and they have about a quarter habenero each hiding under the filling made of serrano, jalepenos and more habeneros. 2 or 3 is all I can handle as the day after can be quite punishing without a good supply of ice cream lol


08-30-2012, 12:10 AM
I like Tobasco sauce on my pasta and eggs. I can't grow enough jalapenos for poppers. I've got Thai Dragons and Thai bird peppers and Kung Pow peppers for chinese cooking. Oh and don't forget to throw a couple of Carribean Reds in that jar of dill pickles. Mm, mm ,mm,mm,mm makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Dale

08-30-2012, 12:22 AM
My journey down the road to hot peppers started when I had a bad cold once. Someone suggested that I have a pickled jalapeno pepper to help clear my sinuses. It worked great and I found that I love the flavor as well. I don't have much of a sense of smell any more (sinus problems) and most flavors are muted. The peppers are something that I can actually taste. I love the flavor of habaneros, but don't like the pain.

08-30-2012, 01:57 AM
I like hot stuff. Especially chili and redheads

08-30-2012, 08:32 AM
I remember some scientific research which suggests that chilli triggers the dopamine sensors in our brains, same as opiates do.

It seems it was part of some plants evolution to get birds to eat the fruit, the seeds of which were then nicely spread along with a bit of fertilizer as they flew along :smile:

Yeah, I like a bit of fire in my food. In 2008, while working in Germany, I got really peeved with the bland food on offer and was very pleased to find a real Thai restaurant in the town; "real" as in the owner had a Thai wife. So I told them straight up that I wanted real Thai food, not a Germanised version.

It was great to eat some spicy food, and I went back a number of times and even introduced some of my German work colleagues to the pleasures of Thai food. :bigsmyl2:

08-30-2012, 10:50 AM
Since moving to Colorado from Canada, my definition of hot has certainly changed. I don't like hot just for the heat. It has to have flavor.
When I first moved here, I was at a Chiles, and they had a fresh jalapeno on the side. I sliced a small piece off the tip to try it out. Hmm, not bad, so I waded right into it. Wow, did that wake me up. They didn't have enough napkins for me to mop my head with. Now, 14 years later, I'm finding Habaneros bland.
Sadly, my better half hasn't kept up with my progression, so I have to take it easy when I cook.

08-30-2012, 12:50 PM
The pain induced by hot peppers releases endorphins into the system. Endorphins are natures drug, they allow us to overcome pain, and they also give us a natural euphoria. It is what allows women to endure the pain of childbirth.

I've also read a theory that people that do like hot spicy foods have less sensitive palettes than those that do not.

I love hot spicy foods, and my friends and family know not to ask me if something is hot, mild to me tends to be too spicy for alot of my friends and some family.

I think mom started feeding me pepperoncini's in the crib, I can't remember a time before I loved them.

09-02-2012, 01:31 PM
I was given my start in the world of spiciness as a punishment when I was just a wee little WILCO. Every time I swore or said something foul, I was given a dash of hot sauce or cayenne pepper on the tongue. Found myself getting punished just for the taste of it...........

09-09-2012, 10:23 AM
Always likes spicy and hot food.
When one is a smoker like I was, you diminish your ability to taste and smell.
The pungency of spicy foods come through loud and clear.

I haven't smoked in decades, and i can sense and appreciat subtle flavors, but hot sauce and spicy foods rule!!


MT Gianni
09-09-2012, 11:50 PM
I can't take really hot food anymore. I stick to flavorful sauces like Green Tabasco and Tapatio. I like jalapeno poppers and cooked with eggs on occasion but that is it.

09-17-2012, 11:33 PM
I llike Hot stuff but it don't like me anymore!! I had some "Hot Wings" a few years ago they were called "The Wall" if you could eat 8 of them you would win a shirt, get your name on "The Wall" and the wings were free! After eating them and waking up 4 times that night with severe stomach pains and others that I won't mention!! I developed a problem eating really hot stuff. Tabasco is as about as hot as I can go now!! But I miss the days of eating Habenero peppers!!

Silvercreek Farmer
10-18-2012, 11:30 AM
I llike Hot stuff but it don't like me anymore!! I had some "Hot Wings" a few years ago they were called "The Wall" if you could eat 8 of them you would win a shirt, get your name on "The Wall" and the wings were free! After eating them and waking up 4 times that night with severe stomach pains and others that I won't mention!! I developed a problem eating really hot stuff. Tabasco is as about as hot as I can go now!! But I miss the days of eating Habenero peppers!!

Yeah, my top end can tolerate a lot more than my bottom end...

Love Life
10-18-2012, 11:45 AM
I do!!!!

10-20-2012, 12:22 AM
Trivia question: What is the proper name for the condition of the runny nose after eating spicy food?

Gastric Rhinitis

10-23-2012, 02:40 PM
I love hot too. A cheese sandwich is nothing without hot cherry peppers.
But hot wings are different. Some will really give me acid. Funny because some super hot stuff will not do that. I can take a lot and love it as long as it does not give me acid.
I have had hot wings that were great without the problem. The dip is heaven with some.
I must have 50 bottles of hot sauces and none will do what some wings do.

10-23-2012, 06:40 PM
You are all very sick people......... and you admit it.

10-23-2012, 07:13 PM
If your definition of "sick" was the definitive answer, I'd be the first to admit it. I'm a sick puppy. One's tastes are like opinions and some parts of the anatomy, everybody has one, they just may not be the same. I love food of all kinds, and am glad others like different foods. Variety is the spice of life!!

10-23-2012, 08:29 PM
How true gbrown, that variety IS the spice of life. My wife has many times said that the Air Force ruined me. Being stationed in Thailand among other places and getting hooked on their foods and spices are what did it. Hot/spicey is not, in my view, enough. When ones hair sweats that's HOT. I truly love ALL types of hot peppers. Buon appetite !!!!!

10-23-2012, 08:41 PM
Love the spicy stuff; Mexican, Korean, Thai, or whatever. Course the next morning I'm sitting in the reading room shout'n COME ON ICE CREAM!

10-23-2012, 08:54 PM
Love the spicy stuff; Mexican, Korean, Thai, or whatever. Course the next morning I'm sitting in the reading room shout'n COME ON ICE CREAM!
+1 on the reading room lol
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream


Mal Paso
10-23-2012, 09:31 PM
Knew this lady that would travel every year to New Mexico to buy chillies from the people that grew them. She would make pork chili that would nail you to your chair as waves of heat rolled over your body until you broke out in a cold sweat.

Good Chili!

10-23-2012, 09:34 PM
I like spicy hot .
'Cause it tastes good and I think it's been decided that it's good for you !

10-26-2012, 11:13 PM
I love spicy food. Being a kid from the midwest black pepper was about the hottest thing I had ever experienced. When we moved out west I was introduced to hot. My new friend made us sandwiches made from sliced jalapeno and lunch meat. I nearly broke into tears as I thought I was going to die. Since then I have developed a love for it. When I was stationed in Korea I had a dish that had sweat running down my face and back. My nose ran and all I could do was laugh. It was one of the hottest dishes I ever ate. It was wonderful to say the least.
And now that I am married my wife cooks some wonderful spicy dishes. She is from a region in the Philippines known for their spicy food and chilies. she has on many occasions had me sweating with her cooking.

bruce drake
10-27-2012, 01:58 AM
It reminds you that you can survive through just about anything. Love the taste of a good pepper but I hate shock sauces that try to smack you upside the head as soon as you bite something. If it builds up, I can handle just about anything within moderation. I like the flavors of the sauces as they go into a peak of oxidation in your mouth.


01-29-2013, 07:02 PM
I grow cayenne peppers every year,they seem to be the most prolific.I just treat them like my tomatoes in the Greenhouse.I feed them with a regular Tomato feed once per week.I use some off the vine and Pickle and Dry some.When pickled in malt Vinegar they transform the simplest sandwich.

01-30-2013, 02:56 PM
I do not exactly recall how I got into eating hot and spicy foods, but I have far exceeded the normal levels of heat that the normal person would enjoy. I know grow ghost peppers and can eat one raw in a sitting without much discomfort and quite honestly enjoy the "after burn."

Compared to what most people eat, I enjoy the equivalent of burning coals in my mouth now. I worked my way up over the course of about 5 years from jalapenos to what I can handle now. However, I don't solely enjoy hot stuff I enjoy food with flavor and my desire for heat comes and goes.

I know make my own spicy BBQ and my own hot sauces, not sure if anyone else has gone to gardening, horticulture, and sauce making like myself. Next will be making spice blends...

02-22-2013, 06:37 PM
Popcorn is just not popcorn unless liberally showered with Tobasco, Franks, or my personal favorite, Chef Paul's Magic Pepper Sauce!!

02-23-2013, 03:04 PM
I was born on the bayou, me!
HOT is just a way of life in South Louisiana.
A "recipe" for you to try:
Get a handful of ripe pequin peppers (aka birdseye peppers) and drop them into a jar with a removable shaker top, then fill the jar with white vinegar and put it in a cupboard or another shaded place and wait for three months-try a little of this on your red beans and rice, or put some into your gumbo.
This is really hot so try a bit then add if you want, but start with just a bit.

02-23-2013, 10:53 PM
I love hot, had a friend in Georgia that made twice burned chili - it was true to its word - it really did burn twice - those that have had truly hot stuff understand how the second burn comes :mrgreen: and I would add that while it was crazy hot - it have a very good taste - many times people make HOT but not HOT and TASTY

I love dips made with Bhut Jolokia, like this one Spicy Bhut Jolokia Dip (http://www.firehousepantrystore.com/amubhut.html)

dip with pretzel rods - quite the tasty

02-23-2013, 11:59 PM
I was born on the bayou, me!
HOT is just a way of life in South Louisiana.
A "recipe" for you to try:
Get a handful of ripe pequin peppers (aka birdseye peppers) and drop them into a jar with a removable shaker top, then fill the jar with white vinegar and put it in a cupboard or another shaded place and wait for three months-try a little of this on your red beans and rice, or put some into your gumbo.
This is really hot so try a bit then add if you want, but start with just a bit.

As I have been told, the true chile pequin is a wild variety that comes from the Chihuahuan desert. My dad brought back two plants in the '50's. That's what I remember from the time I was about 5 yoa on. A pint jar of these in apple cider vinegar in the middle of the dining table. As a child, pretty scared of them. As an adolescent, and older, loved them. I enjoyed them on greens (of any kind) along with a wedge of onion. Just kicks everything up a notch or two.

02-24-2013, 12:13 AM
It's just my personal belief, and I have no science to back it up but for personal experience, but I believe that the body's reaction to the hot spices cause better health and a greater resistance to sickness and disease.

03-09-2013, 01:06 PM
I like spice more than seering pain and scorch!!!

03-09-2013, 04:35 PM
We had some chicken marsala the other night, Hubby likes hot stuff but not as hot as I do. He had some jalapeno peppers on his, I had habanero peppers. Hated hot stuff untill my pregnancy with my youngest, Now I "snack" on habanero peppers with some ranch dressing. I love those things.

03-09-2013, 05:00 PM
I'm a fan of hot foods however Mexican, Cajun and even Jamaican aren't there for me but Asian and Indian foods are in my heat range. Now I love all foods but when I want HOT I go for hot not luke warm.