View Full Version : Score today!(this one for real)

Patrick L
08-28-2012, 07:42 PM
Yesterday was a sort of score since I had to pay for it (see separate thread.) Today was a true score since it was free!!! Small towns are amazing. Bear with me, this will ramble a bit.

Some of you who know me know that I am a music teacher by trade. I'm a high school band director. I have dabbled in musical instrument repair for years, figuring if I can save my district some $$ by doing repairs myself everyone benefits.

Anyhow, I took a part time job this summer working in an instrument repair shop. It's operated by two brothers, and they handle the repairs that are too much for me. They know me and my abilities and could use a little extra help over the summer, when the repair shops get backed up because all of the schools send their instruments in to be gone over. The shop is located about 70 miles from where I live in a very small rural town in upstate NY. Because of the distance I only work one day a week.

Well, these guys are also hunters and shooters (but not reloaders,) so I tell them about bullet casting and how I am on a hunt to scrounge up enough wheelweights to last the rest of my life. They are really intrigued with the process. Here lies the beauty of small towns. These guys grew up in this town, know everyone, and everyone knows them. They tell the two garages (back about a month ago) in town that a friend of theirs wants some scrap wheelweights, would they save them for him? Hell yes, be glad to.

Today was my last day working there for the summer, so one of the brothers runs out to his friends' at about 10:00, and comes back with about a third of a 5 gallon bucket. The garage must have thrown in the lead weights they can no longer use (thanks NY State) because the top layer is some of the cleanest lead wheelweights you ever saw. Then, after we finish for the day, the other brother says jump in your car and follow me. We end up at the other garage, and the guy who runs it says, Oh yeah, pull around back. He gives me a full 5 gallon pail! He even had it on the hand truck already for me. I could barely get it into the car.

It sure pays to be nice to people and have friends!

08-28-2012, 08:49 PM
Great story and great friends!!!

Master Chief
08-28-2012, 10:07 PM
Great story. Great score.
BTW does anyone have a number on what a lifetime supply of lead might be.
I'll feel set (I think) when I get 1500 lbs.
I'm up to about 1050 lbs.

Thor's Daddy
08-28-2012, 11:43 PM
...BTW does anyone have a number on what a lifetime supply of lead might be....

It depends on how much you shoot and what you shoot. Guys will give you all kinds of numbers and you'll get more than a few replies that read "NEVER ENOUGH!!!" or "AS MUCH AS YOU CAN GET!!!!!!!"

I just sat down and did the math one day by calculating how much I shoot (or want to shoot) and how heavy the boolits are.

For me, 1500lbs is a good long while (but I'll never turn down more!).

Thor's Daddy
08-28-2012, 11:50 PM
...It sure pays to be nice to people and have friends!

My experience with folks in small towns has generally been the same. They're good people. No doubt.

Congratulations and enjoy!

08-29-2012, 08:40 AM
A lifetime supply is an easy number to get...

(Average boolit weight * number of shots a year * number of years left to shoot) / 7000 =Pounds of alloy required

The difficulty in the calculation revolves around the years left to shoot number. Will I get hit by a bus tomorrow, or will I wrestle the great, grandchildren at my 95th birthday party? Only God knows. The rest of us put alloy on the shelf. ;)

08-29-2012, 11:00 AM
Only God knows. The rest of us put alloy on the shelf.
What a great line!

08-29-2012, 02:51 PM
Lead should be looked @ as $$$$$. The more you get the better with one exception. l see the day coming when lead is NO longer available to ANYONE. l predict 1-3 years MAX

08-29-2012, 04:34 PM
Lead should be looked @ as $$$$$. The more you get the better with one exception. l see the day coming when lead is NO longer available to ANYONE. l predict 1-3 years MAX

Please explain what you mean by that. I find it unlikely that my lead stores will be unavailable in three years (barring an unfortunate bus accident, of course).

08-29-2012, 07:32 PM
Lead has been increasing in value for years. Lead is also under attack as a 'hazardous material'. We all know about the push to remove it from society in paint and gasoline, More recently removing it from other consumer products like wheel weights, ammunition, solder, and piping. l believe this trend will continue at an accelerated pace. l see more ranges restricting the use of lead based bullets. Eventually eliminating it from the consumer as was done with asbestos .. l think lead will continue to go up in price like gold, silver, copper

08-30-2012, 12:57 PM
I'll have enough when the rotation of the earth is thrown off!! Get it while you can for free! I get about 18 to 25 buckets a year still for free and I'm still collecting it. I just score 4 more last week. With winter coming up and peoria are ready to swap tires again, I be getting at least another 10.

Wayne Smith
08-30-2012, 08:46 PM
Ask them if they know any plumbers, roofers, or home repair guys. Roof boots, the old base under a shower, and old pipes are all lead, and the joints have tin in them.

08-30-2012, 09:14 PM
Sweet deal, and good friends!

It's an example of why I could never live in a big city.