View Full Version : Beeswax!!!

08-28-2012, 04:27 PM
Looked at a local craft store today and found the cost of pure beeswax is $9.99 a lb. Blended wax is $5.99 a lb. My questions are; Do you have to use pure beeswax for lube or will blended do? And how many bullets can one expect to lube from a pound of wax?

08-28-2012, 04:50 PM
Simplier solution: See Randy Rat in the vendor section. I bought some from him at less than $6.00/lb. with shipping. AggieEE

08-28-2012, 05:16 PM
ummm " And how many bullets can one expect to lube from a pound of wax?"

one also has to figure in the weight of the additives ( and not knowing what kind of lube you're gonna be making doesnt help ) and then we need to know the capacity of the lube grooves and after you tell us that information we can only give you a educated guess :P

figure it this way , IF you buy premade lube say at midway it's running 5-7 bucks a stick so let's average that to $6 , now figure out that a hollow stick may weigh 1.5 - 1.75 ounces which equates to around 9 stix per pound , 9 x 6 = $54 plus shipping ... hmmm suddenly that 10 bucks a pound for beeswax isnt sounding so bad is it ?? and then you have white label lubes which if you buy enough it'll equal around $2 a stick which roughly translated is $18-ish a pound , now look at the $10 chunk of beeswax and figure out what kind of lube you want to make ( add that price and the price of gas to get the stuff ( and/or shipping )) and it's really hard to make it for less than lars sells it for , but if you do still wnat to make it i have to agree look in the vendor sponsors for randyrat's beeswax ( and assorted other stuff ) isnt math fun ?

08-28-2012, 07:06 PM
Randy shipped me 10# for $50 it will keep me shooting for years. Just how cheap do you want it?

08-28-2012, 09:50 PM
I sell 100% beeswax..........I don't like paraffin wax.........So far this year as far as I can tell it is going to be $4 to $4.25 per lb. 1-2 weeks I should have plenty.

You can use mixed/blended wax but why not wait just a little longer and buy 100% and then you can get the most out of your boolit lube.

paul h
08-28-2012, 10:39 PM
I assume the blended uses parafin, and how much they add to the beeswax, or perhaps how much beeswax they add to the parafin as anyone's guess. When I first started to make my own lubes I tried parafin and found that the wax was a crumbly mess that wouldn't stay in a lube groove. Then I made some lithi bee and found it to be a great lube. I have added small amounts of parafin to stiffen up lithi bee, but only perhaps 5%.

I like the way lithi bee performs, but have found that White Label BAC works just as well for my handgun loads, and its just not worth the mess and stink of making lithi bee when I can get a great lube at a couple bucks a stick sent in a flat rate mailer.

08-28-2012, 10:48 PM
Looked at a local craft store today and found the cost of pure beeswax is $9.99 a lb. Blended wax is $5.99 a lb. My questions are; Do you have to use pure beeswax for lube or will blended do? And how many bullets can one expect to lube from a pound of wax?

I like to be able to do it all but with RandyRat's TAC lube available for so little I just buy it ready to use from him.

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08-29-2012, 05:40 AM
guess I'll get some from Randy, that's a much better price even with the shipping

08-29-2012, 06:58 AM
In the Akron Ohio area a pound of beeswax costs 18.00 per lb at the craft stores.....................

4.00 to 5.00 per pound is a good price. I ended up contacting our local beekeeping association and explained I needed some wax. they sent out a broadbased email and I got a couple good contacts. I paid 4.00 per lb for cleaned wax.

In addition, probably the best part, is I now have a good source for honey! after buying local, I saw I could buy wax from R.R. above, but just to be able to drive a couple miles and get good local grown honey for a good price is great ......

cajun shooter
08-29-2012, 09:15 AM
Randy Rat has sold the best beeswax for the best prices to this forums members for years. 10 pounds of Beeswax will make a lot of lube if mixed correctly. Later David

08-29-2012, 03:26 PM
Randy is definitely the way to go. I get about 1000 bullets from a 2oz+ stick, so a # will go along way.

10-15-2012, 01:43 PM
Went to a local Sportsman Show and a Bee Keeper had a stand. I bought some honey and wax bars. That wax was $1/oz. !!

Just received 10lbs. from Randy. That is a Hunk of Wax !!

Nice and clean and golden A #1 wax...

10-21-2012, 03:16 PM
+1 for Randy. He ships to Canada too!. My wife used some to make lip balm 50/50 with olive oil. Much clearer and cleaner than the expensive stuff for sale in the craft stores.

10-21-2012, 04:00 PM
+1 for Randy. He ships to Canada too!. My wife used some to make lip balm 50/50 with olive oil. Much clearer and cleaner than the expensive stuff for sale in the craft stores.

That's a pretty easy recepe. Would that work if poured into a chapstick tube and left to harden? Oh, is that by weight or volume?

10-21-2012, 04:22 PM
Never bought from Randy but have bought on ebay for about $5.00 per pound (filtered). I use 1.5lbs. beeswax to 1 lb. vaselene w/5% Carnuba Flakes & 5% Ivory Soap. Works very well. Sure is cheaper than buying by the stick.

10-25-2012, 05:27 AM
FRom my perspective, it HAS to smell like honey for it to be the "real deal".

I've also purchased beeswax from RandyRat, and it is indeed the real deal.

Best prices, fast service, excellent quality. No reason to buy beeswax any place else than RandyRat.

10-25-2012, 11:01 PM
I should have a 'honey' of a package showing tomorrow or the next day from Randyrat.

Let's see:

beeswax - check
tacky red grease - check
dextron III - check
stp - check
JPW - che.....? ARGH!!!!!


10-27-2012, 03:50 AM
Randy Rat is a pleasure to deal with and good luck with your lube making.

With quality lube products from White Label at around £1.06p a stick I don't find it cost effective to make my own lube any more.

Sometimes I do cook up a batch or two of a new recipe just for the pleasure of it and I do have to make my own BP lube as there is no BP lube worth buying at a reasonable price now since White Label stopped making their fine BP lube.

If I did have to revert to making my own then Speed Green would be my choice due to its ease of making.

10-27-2012, 08:35 AM
Very good, I appreciate the jester from a fine gentleman as your self Mr Sutherland.

You carry some very fine rifles along with other nice things there in Scotland, I took a gander thru your web site.

Do you have a "Recipe" that you prefer for BP. I am partial to Buck Emmerts myself.

One more thing are you in the north west Scotland? do you speak Gaelic language. Nope I don't just curious.
And what kind of Scotch do you produce in that area? I enjoy Scotch, not a lot of it but when I do I like it room temp and straight up.