View Full Version : Krag-Jørgensen 0-600$

08-27-2012, 08:35 PM
Some give their Krag away, but everything from 100$, to 1000$ for a real nice one from the late 50', or early 60', in .308 NATO, made by Kongsberg Våpen Fabrikk.

There are several too chose from, "Lang Krag" most common military Krag.

M/1895, M/1897, M/1904 M/1906, M/1907 cost a lot more, and only collectors have them.

How you can import them I don't know, but if you really want a Krag now is the time to buy, and ask US customs about import.

here is a list of military Krag Models:

Gevær M/1894 (Lang-Krag)
Karabin M/1895 for kavaleriet
Karabin M/1897 for bergartilleri/ingeniørvåpenet
Karabin M/1904 for ingeniørvåpenet
Guttekarabin M/1906
Karabin M/1907 for feltartilleriet
Karabin M/1912
Skarpskyttergevær M/1923
Skarpskyttergevær M/1925
Skarpskyttergevær M/1930

M/1894 Rifle
M/1895 Carbine
M/1897 Carbine Mountain-artillery-weapon, or Engineering-Weapon.
M/1904 Carbine Engineering-Weapon
Boy's Carbine, M/1906. The Swedish-Norwegian Union ended after 91 years in 1905, because the king had broken the Norwegian constitution. The Norwegian parliament declared the king unconstitutional, and no longer relevant. After a referendum about independence from Sweden, 85% turnout, only 184, or 0,06% voted against, 368 208 voted for independence. This angered many Swedes, and the Nationalistic/Patriotic Norwegian parliament had many plans for defending national independence. Training young boys to shot was logical, but short lived because everything calmed down quickly on both sides.
M/1907 Carbine Field-artillery
M/1912 Short Rifle
M/1923 Sniper Rifle
M/1925 Sniper Rifle
M/1930 Sniper Rifle

I hope I helped someone.

08-27-2012, 08:54 PM
Thanks NorthHistory, and Welcome to the forum.

I, for one, do not intend to try to import anything; maybe others will be more interested.

I know everyone would be interested in your insight, and of the history of these rifles.

And everyone love pictures.

Take care.

08-28-2012, 10:17 AM
I would love to have an original Norwegian Krag! You see very few of these in the US, most of the ones I've seen have been sporterized.
I have imported rifles from Europe, time consuming, you need a dealer in the US who is an importer. I think the one I used has gone out of business??
Anyway, welcome to the forum, I'm jealous of your Krags!

08-28-2012, 10:37 AM
Shouldn't be much of a hassle to import a pre-1898, as they are classified as antiques. But I can't say I've tried. Probably take a ream of paperwork.

08-31-2012, 06:42 AM
Shouldn't be much of a hassle to import a pre-1898, as they are classified as antiques. But I can't say I've tried. Probably take a ream of paperwork.

It "shouldn't" be a problem but I recall a shipment of flints got held up because they were implements of war.

09-02-2012, 05:47 PM
Thanks NorthHistory, and Welcome to the forum.

I, for one, do not intend to try to import anything; maybe others will be more interested.

I know everyone would be interested in your insight, and of the history of these rifles.

And everyone love pictures.

Take care.

Thank you. I try to put up some pictures.

09-02-2012, 05:56 PM
I would love to have an original Norwegian Krag! You see very few of these in the US, most of the ones I've seen have been sporterized.
I have imported rifles from Europe, time consuming, you need a dealer in the US who is an importer. I think the one I used has gone out of business??
Anyway, welcome to the forum, I'm jealous of your Krags!

Thank you.

Even the the later civilian Krag in .308 Nato? In the land of the 2nd amendment?

Idaho Sharpshooter
09-02-2012, 06:10 PM
I've got a fairly nice M1889. They are really neat CB rifles, 8mm and you can make the brass out of 45-90 pretty easy.

Your list is a very nice selection.

Sua Sponte