View Full Version : Potatoe skins.

08-26-2012, 09:22 PM
I made a batch of potatoe skins today. Nothing special, just rinsed the pealings and fried them till crispy. Dumped on season salt after spreading them on a brown bag and paper towels.

08-26-2012, 10:30 PM
Sounds good. Veggie or olive oil? Deep or pan fry? Emeril's or another seasoning salt?

08-26-2012, 10:59 PM
I deep fry mine in lard and sprinkle them with conyeager wing dust (thanks mark)

best potatoe chips in the world

08-27-2012, 12:10 AM
Sounds good. Veggie or olive oil? Deep or pan fry? Emeril's or another seasoning salt?

Carlini All Natural Pure Canola Oil, Stonemill Essentials seasoned salt, pan fried in my favorite Griswold cast iron skillet with a Lodge dutch oven lid.

The Dove
08-28-2012, 05:06 PM

conyeager wing dust

elaborate puleeze!!!!!!

The Dove

08-28-2012, 06:05 PM

elaborate puleeze!!!!!!

The Dove

go to their website and poke around (http://www.conyeagerspice.com/)

also go here straight to the wing dust. wing dust, look to the bottom of the page (http://www.conyeagerspice.com/wing-seasonings/)

Their wing dust is a nicely hot buffalo wing tasting dry rub. Shake it on some fries or greasy potatoe chips and it kicks them into something you'll appreciate if you like chili peppers.

Good stuff.

FWIW Conyeager runs classes for beginning sausage makers and such. I've dealt with them a couple times, a class act all the way. Butcher-Packer is another great place to get sausage making supplies, probably the best on the net IMHO.

The Dove
08-28-2012, 07:01 PM
Thank You Sir!

The Dove

08-30-2012, 03:47 PM
Not to hijack the thread but I really do like the Con Yeager pepper sticks for making snack sticks out of venison. I usually make 15 to 25 pounds by the time my brothers and Dad get some.
They go good with other snacks like the potato skins.


08-30-2012, 03:52 PM
Not to hijack the thread but I really do like the Con Yeager pepper sticks for making snack sticks out of venison. I usually make 15 to 25 pounds by the time my brothers and Dad get some.
They go good with other snacks like the potato skins.


How much fat do you add?

08-30-2012, 07:31 PM
I generally mix in ground pork shoulder about 70/30 (venison to pork). I have not been able to get beef fat which I would mix in for a 88/12 venison to beef fat. Everybody does it a little different but that is how we like it. You could mix in the cheap "chub" beef hamburger if for some reason you didn't want to use the pork. We grind a lot of the pork shoulder for breakfast sausage (both "straight" and mixed with venison or antelope) and chorizo. We use the beef hamburger for mixing with venison for making summer sausage.


08-30-2012, 08:28 PM
i ask because like you said, everyone does it differently. I get pork fat trimmings for $.30 a pound and mix to 30% fat content in my sausage grind. that's a little on the "light side" of preferences around here, but as I understand it, 30% is the max allowed by law for commercially sold "sausage." Hence my target and the question.