View Full Version : Patch lube for round ball?

08-26-2012, 07:46 AM
I need to make up some lubed patches for round ball. Not looking for anything super fancy. Just wondering what the favorite receipes for patch lube are?

08-26-2012, 08:09 AM
For shooting at the range I like either spit or ballistol/water mix. (moose milk). For hunting I'll put bullet lube on the patches (beeswax/crisco/oil) or something similar since the load will be sitting in the barrel for some time, don't want a rust ring to form.

08-26-2012, 09:03 AM
+1 on what Nobade said! Also, if you'd like to try making your own, try this: http://oswaldbastable.blogspot.com/2008/07/moose-snot.html Btw, you can substitute canola-, olive- or peanut oil for the castor oil in stumpkiller's recipe.

08-26-2012, 09:07 AM
I use 50/50 beeswax/olive oil. It also works great for overball grease in revolvers. In summer, go a little heavier with the wax or add a crayon or two for hardness and nice coloring. :wink: Sometimes I even put a drop or two of mint oil in there to make it smell like Bore Butter (just 'cause I like the way that stuff smells.. but it's a bit too runny for me) :-)

08-26-2012, 12:21 PM
Spit, when at the range. Bear grease for a load that'll sit in the barrel all day.

08-26-2012, 12:29 PM
For many years I used plain (not butter flavored) Crisco for patch lube and it worked just fine but switched a few years back to 1000 lube. If I could get more bear grease I would use it but none have committed suicide in my neighborhood lately. There is two months of bear season left and I am watching.

08-26-2012, 04:05 PM
i'm like the rest of ya'll, at the range i'll stick the strips of patching in mouth, cause spit is great for that. but for huntin' i mix ballistol/water 50/50, i'll soak the patches in it and let them out for a few days. i cut mine at the muzzle, cause i don't care for pre-cut patches. that's what i've been doin for the last few year's. but before that i just used spit patch with no problems. a friend of mine used criso for year's, he melted it in a bowl and dunked his patches in it. you can use any grease as long as it's not salty like bacon grease, but you could probally use that to. i heard that some shooter's use ATF on there patches. that would be easy for me, cause i could lay the patches on the ground under my old ford truck! :smile:

08-26-2012, 04:51 PM
Mink oil works for me.Tandy Leather or Track of the Wolf.Great stuff.


08-26-2012, 05:55 PM
Pure olive oil. works for rust prevention in the barrel too.
Don't use in your lock, as it will gum.

08-26-2012, 06:05 PM
Pure olive oil. works for rust prevention in the barrel too.
Don't use in your lock, as it will gum.

i use it on all my BP rifles, but i've never had a problem with gummin' up. but i don't use it inside the either. for that i use G96,and blow off the excess.

Bullet Caster
08-26-2012, 07:43 PM
I've always used Bore Butter to soak my patches in and it has worked quite well for me. I've got a can of Crisco I plan to use to make some BP lube. I know that you don't want to use any petroleum products as it gums up the barrel. I just wish we had some bears around here; I think I'd like to try some bear grease. BC

08-26-2012, 07:44 PM
Use unsalted lard instead of crisco...works much better.
Tracks Mink Oil works very good, cold or hot outside.

After the gun is clean and dry, regular ol' gun oil does just fine, I just run a patch with a little lighter fluid and a few dry patches to clear the oil before loading.

For range work I use ballistol and water.

08-26-2012, 08:09 PM
I use synthetic sperm whale oil.

08-26-2012, 09:53 PM
Hopies #9 Plus BP solvent and patch lube has been very good to me lately.I can shoot a 50 shot session wit no accuaccy change.Spit works good too.


10 ga
08-26-2012, 11:19 PM
I use a homemade mix. part rendered deer fat,(lamb or sheep best from domestic animals) part bees wax and part vegetable oil (olive oil has a very low smoke point and others are better, ie.. grapeseed oil, safflower oil or peanut oil). I usually use a 1-1-1 mix but vary as to if using in cold weather, more oil, or warm weather, less oil. Bees wax is available in the vendor section of this forum and the others should be available locally, wherever you are. I keep it in pint tubs in the freezer and have some that is over 12 years old as I made a big batch way back and shouldn't need any for a while. Best, 10 ga

08-26-2012, 11:44 PM
for the range 1/3 running alcohol 1/3 hydrogen peroxide 1/3 Murphy oil soap

in a small spray bottle , they hydrogen peroxide now comes in a nice little spray bottle that works well

spray the patch then place the ball and run it down

have shot more than 20-40 round balls in a row without ever a swab between and they just keep going down just as easy

08-27-2012, 05:17 AM
I use synthetic sperm whale oil.

Are you talking about ATF or is this a different product?

08-27-2012, 06:58 AM
Well, after reading all the replies so far I think I will go back to the Crisco. That is what I have been using. Although a little dirty it seems to work well with my Tradition's Hawken. I do have to swab the barrell every six or seven shots.

Other then spit it doesn't seem to be any real consensous on what works best, as long as it lubes the barrell. (short of maybe bear fat, and that is one animal I have not seen around my house) Wouldn't be able to shoot more then 2 or 3 times trying to use spit.

08-27-2012, 07:52 AM
I have used just about all of the natural oils and waxes mixed and matched as a first shot patch lube. I have gotten to where I used either bear grease or crisco for the first shot, and then I keep a patch in my mouth for the follow up shot. After the first shot, there is no need to use any other patch lube the rest of the day other than spit, because before the day is out you are going to have to unload and thoroughly clean the gun anyway. First patch Crisco, the rest spit. It is faster and easier when hunting.

Best wishes,


D Crockett
08-27-2012, 09:11 AM
I have been using tallow and bees wax 50% 50% it does not go bad I melt it and put it in a certs tin that enough to last a good long while going on 10 years on this tin now but I do not shoot my BP every day eather pm me if you would like a tin and I will make you one up and give it to you D Crocket

08-27-2012, 09:22 AM
I have been using tallow and bees wax 50% 50% it does not go bad I melt it and put it in a certs tin that enough to last a good long while going on 10 years on this tin now but I do not shoot my BP every day eather pm me if you would like a tin and I will make you one up and give it to you D Crocket

Thanks for the offer, but I think I will just melt some Crisco and maybe throw in a little regular bullet lube and some patches and call it a day.

08-27-2012, 09:42 AM
Have any one think of use coon grease instead of bear grease for lube .I know that in some nuckskinning they use the coon in place of the bear .Just like to know what you all think of usen that instead since you talk high of bear grease thank you

08-27-2012, 11:00 AM
I would think coon oil would work pretty good. It was said that a single drop of coon oil on a buffalo robe, would eventually soak the whole thing!

Back when I still used Copenhagen, it seemed that I got better accuracy with Cope and spit soaked patches, than straight spit.

08-31-2012, 04:56 PM
Back when I still used Copenhagen, it seemed that I got better accuracy with Cope and spit soaked patches, than straight spit.

Lol. I think it was the calming effect of the tabacco. I resemble that remark alot of times.


09-01-2012, 11:27 PM
I tend to rotate around pure neatsfoot oil, mink oil, and jojoba oil for all uses. one of the three will usually do very well in any given rifle. Sometimes I'll try olive oil--usually because I'm out of the others. It does fine too.