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View Full Version : Neil Armstrong has passed

08-25-2012, 08:46 PM
I just found this article after getting home. http://news.yahoo.com/neil-armstrong-1st-man-moon-dies-193954975.html

Neil Armstrong has passed. Nothing in my lifetime can come close to the fascination and admiration and pride he gave to America that July in 1969.

08-26-2012, 01:01 AM
I will be in mourning for quite some time. To me, he was the true American hero, and someone I wanted to emulate. Totally professional and excelled at what he did, not given to ostentatious display.

I was totally impressed by his ability to get out of situations, that would cause most men to panic, with logical cool. The Gemini 8/Agena thruster malfunction, as well as the "flying bedstead" LM simulator emergencies were two defining events.

When his long awaited biography came out a few years ago, I bought and began reading it the day it hit the shelves.