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View Full Version : Be carefull where you leave your bullets

08-25-2012, 06:30 AM
This is story in local paper, I can't even describe my reaction to these morons and idiots without getting into a lot of profanities. I think the people on this forum would appreciate my reaction more than the sheep.


"JAFFREY — A popular town beach has closed a few days early because of numerous metal fragments found buried in the sand.

The fragments, believed to be bullets, were found about a week ago by someone at Squantum Beach on Contoocook Lake using a metal detector, said Town Manager Michael J. Hartman.

Town officials brought the fragments to the attention of the N.H. Department of Environmental Services, which suggested Wednesday the town conduct tests for lead.

To do the testing, no one can be on the beach, which is why it was closed Thursday, Hartman said. Testing has not started yet, but it can take anywhere from a couple of days to a week to receive results, Hartman said.

The state agency did not order Jaffrey to do the testing or close the beach, Hartman said. The beach was already scheduled to close Sunday.

The metal fragments were found along a property line of the beach, Hartman said. They were thought to be buried between 6 to 18 inches in the sand and could have been there for years, Hartman said.

No one knows how the metal fragments, which have been described as looking like small projectiles, could have gotten in the sand.

Squantum Beach, which opens in early June, is a popular spot with Jaffrey residents, Hartman said. It’s the largest beach area in town, and, with a concession stand, is visited by a number of families.

“We’re sorry for the inconvenience,” Hartman said, “but it’s a case where we need to err on the side of caution.”

08-25-2012, 06:40 AM
Wow. Bet that caused quite a panic. You may need to move.

Jack Stanley
08-25-2012, 09:45 AM
Wow , If that is the case then lake Erie needs to be closed completely because of camp Perry huh?


08-25-2012, 09:48 AM
Wow , If that is the case then lake Erie needs to be closed completely because of camp Perry huh?



08-25-2012, 09:58 AM
Boy, if they saw what it looks like where I'm workin', they'd have a stroke! The place would be surrounded by blue lights and barricade tape. You'd have thought somebody had found a nuclear warhead or somethin'.

08-25-2012, 09:58 AM
Wow , If that is the case then lake Erie needs to be closed completely because of camp Perry huh?


Don't give 'em any ideas


08-25-2012, 10:04 AM
I shot my last deer standing next to a pumping oil well with an oil spill and a lot of "metal" lying around. Probabley saved the poor creature from a lingering death. Give me a break.

gray wolf
08-25-2012, 10:31 AM
Now you can be arrested if you or your actions frighten others.
I predicted this years ago.

08-25-2012, 10:40 AM
Just hope that the EPA doesn't get involved or monitor our threads. With the way things are with the current administration however, that may be next.

08-25-2012, 11:05 AM
believed to be bullets Duh. The absurd part is that the officials don't know what a bullet or cae looks like? WW II firing range? Dad worked on the B29 fire control system. Guess where the test range was? Frozen Lake Erie. Don't think they paid anyone to pick up the casings. Then you have the east coast navel firing range river ( I forget the name of it, yes we got our test projectiles back). Pt Magu, beach south of Va. Beach, Az desert, etc. Just more 'fear factor'.

PS Paul
08-25-2012, 11:11 AM
:kidding::kidding:Hmmm. Well, I suppose ingesting all that sand could be harmful to small children and the elderly? ha-ha!!

I heard they were going to shut down another beach near there because of high levels of pet urine....:kidding:

08-25-2012, 11:31 AM
Probably will turn out to be fishing weights from an overturned tackle box. Typical reactionary panic though.

Where is galena found? Oh yeah...in the ground.

I wonder how many of those folks in N.H. still live in old homes with lead paint, lead flashing and lead soldered pipes?

08-25-2012, 11:36 AM
Another example of folks without a clue or common sense.

mold maker
08-25-2012, 11:39 AM
Now you can be arrested if you or your actions frighten others.
I predicted this years ago.

And the public is conditioned, to be frightened by everything, not given to them by the gov.

08-25-2012, 11:42 AM
Now you can be arrested if you or your actions frighten others.
I predicted this years ago.

Unfortunately this is true. Recently had the village council in the village that I work in, vote on outlawing open carry on public land including in vehicle on streets and the state highway that runs through the village.

This started because some women who recently moved here from NY saw a man with a sidearm in a public park. She freaked and called the village PD. They are idiots and I don't use that term lightly, because they of all people should know that it is perfectly legal to carry. Obviously they didn't.

This ended in a big fiasco, apparently with the guy on the ground and guns drawn, they really gave the citizen some harrassement.

Since the village lawer isn't worth a damn either, it got all the way to the council for a vote. Large turn out from proguners.

Voted down in the end.

08-25-2012, 12:39 PM
Sound way too vague to me to be concerned. Metal fragments? Could be old bottle caps or fishing weights, or nails. Mebbe someone dropped a box of split shot? I need facts before I panic...[smilie=w:

08-25-2012, 12:58 PM
Retards on patrol. And the sheeple following.

PS Paul
08-25-2012, 01:09 PM
Har-har! "Sheeple", indeed!! "Sheeple" is one of my favorite amalgams and one I use often. Touche'

08-25-2012, 01:12 PM
And don't worry about Camp Perry. Congress actually declared that part of Lake Erie to be a National Lead Reserve to keep the EPA out of it!

James Gibson
08-25-2012, 02:49 PM
When I was in the army (66-69) I was in EOD. When I was stationed at Ft Sill in 68 we would classes to fire department in are area (Oklahoma -No Texas) on explosive recognition. While giveing class classes to Oklahoma City FD the question was asked of them " What they did with any ammo-explosives that they came in contact with". They said that they had a old dry oil well out in the boondocks that they would just drop the items into. They said that even old dynamite had been put down the well. I told them then that some day somebody is going to get a big surprise.

08-25-2012, 05:24 PM
Well, that's the answer we've been waiting for. Since Washington, DC was a city surrounded by military forts during the civil war, we need to declare everything inside contaminated, quarentine the whole place and start a government all over again. Better this time. No doubt plentiful lead projectiles exist there./beagle

08-25-2012, 06:20 PM
They should be scared to death of Gettysburg ! FB

Lance Boyle
08-26-2012, 12:56 PM
Plenty of .30-06 and .50 BMG brass and bullets in the waters of Oswego shores. Naval aerial gunnery training area, divers find stuff all day long.

heck if they're lead bits, they should be pretty well preserved I would think unless they've been fired into the sand. My bet is some fishermen's spilled tackle.

08-26-2012, 03:45 PM
that is no more dangerous than drinking the water in most older cities and towns

when will people understand that less than a year ago people were drinking water from my boolits

paul edward
08-28-2012, 11:53 PM
When I was in the army (66-69) I was in EOD. When I was stationed at Ft Sill in 68 we would classes to fire department in are area (Oklahoma -No Texas) on explosive recognition. While giveing class classes to Oklahoma City FD the question was asked of them " What they did with any ammo-explosives that they came in contact with". They said that they had a old dry oil well out in the boondocks that they would just drop the items into. They said that even old dynamite had been put down the well. I told them then that some day somebody is going to get a big surprise.

In the late 1960s some genius at Rocky Mountain Arsenal that decided to dispose of toxic waste by pumping it down a deep hole. About 30 days after each "disposal" we would experience a modest earthquake.

08-29-2012, 01:56 AM
You just cant make this stuff up..........no one would ever believe it..LOL

Mal Paso
08-29-2012, 12:04 PM
You are All ignoring the fact that Jobs Were Created. LOL

Hang Fire
08-29-2012, 01:41 PM
I can remember in 1960s Chicago there was a skeet range where shot went into Lake Michigan, bet it is not there today.

09-02-2012, 06:51 PM
Yeah ,but not because of the lead. The politicians are afraid of guns and banned them.

09-03-2012, 12:15 AM
Metal shrapnel??? on a beach??
Somebody dumped a pail of bottle caps folks, nothing to see here, move along....

09-03-2012, 02:31 AM
Was just a matter of time before we had another Love Canal to contend with! ;)

Wis. Tom
09-03-2012, 10:27 AM
All part of the retraining of the masses. Lead=bad, danger. Chain of events build up to next regulation the EPA can pass, and the public cheer as the danger is removed. Lead=bullets. Bad, so need more regulation to protect. All part of the chain leading to the end result.