View Full Version : Lee Production Pot

08-23-2012, 05:04 PM
I have been given a Lee IV production pot. The only problem is that it looks like someone smelted in it and the inside is coated with crude. It there a way that these can be cleaned or should I spring for a new interior from Lee? Would a wire brush work or would it just scratch it up and make it unusable? It's a 10 lb pot and it was free and it does heat up, but I haven't melted any lead in it yet so I can't tell if it drips or not. The interior was 8 bucks at F&M.

John Guedry
08-23-2012, 05:19 PM
Mine is completely nasty on the inside. I have wire brushed it several times and blown with compressed air. Produces great. The loose crud floats to the top when you flux.