View Full Version : ? CLR ? & cleaning ML's

08-21-2012, 09:51 AM
Looked around the shop for cleaning supplies yesterday and was out of my usual "Black Solve", "Simple Green", & "Windex" for cleaning my muzzleloader. Came accross some CLR, so I gave it a shot. 50%/50% water and CLR. Worked great. Effervesces like crazy and cleaned the bore, breach plug, nipple very easily with tooth brush, Q-tip & pipe cleaner. It all looks super! My question is: Is CLR safe for gun metals? It did not affect the blueing on my gun (where it spilled or wandered to).

Iron Mike Golf
08-21-2012, 01:04 PM
Smells like acetic acid (vinegar) to me. Has some soap in it and I don't know the concentration of acid. If I used it, I'd thoroughly flush with water.

Foaming is stuff reacting with the acid. I use CLR in the kitchen. Over time, I've had it eat away nickel plating on the faucet. I'd worry that foaming is from CLR corroding barrel metal.

I'd lean towards steaming hot soapy water instead of CLR.

08-22-2012, 01:33 AM
Thanks. Will act accordingly.

Bad Water Bill
08-26-2012, 09:38 PM
Having talked with the folks at SIMPLE GREEN several times.

Their product is safe enough to drink BUT not recommended to try as you might have an upset belly. :bigsmyl2:

It also is a great window cleaner by itself.

08-26-2012, 09:50 PM
Simple Green & water - 50 /50 is what I have been using. I went to the store and re-upped my SG supply. So many things work well with BP, I thought I had found another in CLR. It cleaned alright but seems not to be good for the long haul.

Bad Water Bill
08-26-2012, 10:03 PM
SIMPLE GREEN is one of those products that seems to work best when watered down.

The recommended window cleaner mix is 1 part SIMPLE GREEN to 9 parts water.

I did waste a few gallons using it right out of the big jug.

Sure glad I was not paying for it at the time:bigsmyl2: