View Full Version : Oprhan Co Ax press

08-20-2012, 08:16 AM
Some of you can relate to this tale and some will just say I need theraphy. A short time ago, I went into a small gun shop and there in a counter display was a used CO AX press, Bonanza first generation in like 95% condition but dusty and dirty, some surface rust on blued handle. I got a Co Ax already but asked the price, "Its an estate sale item and owner said to take first offer made". I asked if the new in box Bonanza bench rest 3006 seating die and new Lyman 30 cal "M" die came with it and the answer was: " Make an offer for all". So, I said $40, expecting to be told thats too low. The store owner did not flinch: "Sold".

Home it went, cleaned up in ten minutes and fully operational. Mounted to my bench, right along side my other Co Ax.

Now: Some one tell me what the blazes does a man do with two Co Ax presses? [smilie=b:[smilie=b:[smilie=b:[smilie=b:

08-20-2012, 08:21 AM
load twice as much?:bigsmyl2:

Jack Stanley
08-20-2012, 08:35 AM
Have one set up for large primer and the other for small , or you could get your forty bucks back on the sale page I'm sure ;)


paul h
08-20-2012, 04:00 PM
The only thing that takes me time with the co-ax is swapping the jaws around if I'm loading cases that won't fit the std large size jaws.

I'd say for $40 you'll smile every time you use the press setup with the small, or extra large jaws.

08-20-2012, 04:58 PM
I bet some old salt rolled over in his grave..... :lol:

08-20-2012, 06:40 PM
Sell it to me for 45 bucks and then you won't have to agonize over what to do with 2 of them.....you'll thank me later.

08-20-2012, 09:48 PM

What a deal! The one thing that you might have problems with is the yoke.
Some reloading/swaging die setups are too high between the clearance
top of the die & yoke. Other than that, it's a great press (IMHO).
Some people don't like this press.

One bit of caution, one time I was cleaning out the primer catcher & for
some stupid reason had a finger between the 2 rods. Our cat jumped up on the
reloading bench, the handle & ramming assembly came down & caught my finger.

Would you like a cat?

08-20-2012, 09:59 PM
I always wanted one of those presses just because my favourite gun writer Bob Milek always used one. They look like good presses and at that price you made out like bandit. FB

08-20-2012, 10:51 PM
Our cat jumped up on the
reloading bench, the handle & ramming assembly came down & caught my finger.

Would you like a dead cat?

Fixed your post for ya. :grin:

08-23-2012, 08:30 AM
1 in 9 Twist: Those 2 Roller handles you sold me for the Co Ax: one short and one long?

Well, now I don't have to worry about changing out handles, each press is outfitted permanently with a handle. My universe is now aligned !

MT Chambers
08-25-2012, 06:36 PM
I would set one up with the small "jaws" and the other the large ones.

Rory McCanuck
09-04-2012, 06:17 PM
That story makes me feel a bit better about mine.
10 minutes after the doors opened at a gun show, I saw one sitting there.
It was missing the spent primer tube and jar, and the jaw opening screw was bent.
I asked "How much?"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, its missing some parts, but I think you can still order them."
It really didn't take very long to get $30 out of my pocket!
Didn't come with any dies though, did I get Gypped?