View Full Version : Senate

05-13-2007, 11:03 AM
The latest reports are that the Senate is going to sell what is left of the middle class down the river tomorrow.
They are going to pass Teddy's bill t
o give permanent status to all the criminal alien invaders here now and greatly increase the work visas.
If you do not like this, you need to call your Senators first thing in the morning and let them know they are supposed to be working for us, not against us.
I cannot understand why they are trying to turn this country into another China, do they care nothing about how their grandchildren will live and work?

05-13-2007, 11:15 AM
The people with big bucks who finance their campaigns rely on cheap labor so don't expect anything serious. I think it would be a big help if they stopped giving tax breaks to companies when they send our jobs overseas.

05-13-2007, 11:38 AM
I'm living in an area with one of the fastest growing imigrant populations in the nation. I came from a small town which has not seen any significant population change in the last 100 years, so I think I have a feel for the difference. I've been here about a year and I've reached two conclusions.

First: It is meaningless to put forth any enforcement action inside the country until we close the borders, and eliminate automatic citizenship by birthright. Unless we're willing to execute the illegals upon capture, (and I would like to think we are not), any illegal taken out of the "system" is replaced by another the next day.

Second: They are here because our current economy needs them. It's like the so called "war" on drugs. We've created the demand ourselves, and established the market. Until we deal with that we're just pissing away money and resources trying to fight the tide from the wrong side of the dam.

We need to control imigration at the borders and set up a legal system for foriegn workers. I do not believe the system should include any social wellfare benefits beyond schooling for the kids. It definately should not include health care until we offer that to our citizens. Some will say that this will establish a new "underclass". I say we're already there. Lets deal with it.

Vote Libertarian and help bring our government back under our constitution.

05-13-2007, 11:54 AM
We also need to reduce the annual quota of legal immigrants back to 1965 levels.

Baron von Trollwhack
05-13-2007, 11:58 AM
Will a 2nd American revolution be required to again return political power to citizens?

05-13-2007, 12:12 PM
Yep, the best Libertarian we have is Ron Paul, who is running this time under the Republican flag. ... felix

05-13-2007, 12:16 PM
The latest reports are that the Senate is going to sell what is left of the middle class down the river tomorrow.
They are going to pass Teddy's bill t
o give permanent status to all the criminal alien invaders here now and greatly increase the work visas.
If you do not like this, you need to call your Senators first thing in the morning and let them know they are supposed to be working for us, not against us.
I cannot understand why they are trying to turn this country into another China, do they care nothing about how their grandchildren will live and work?

Their grandchildren will be very wealthy and will live quite nicely, thank you.

05-14-2007, 10:27 PM
BD:where in SC do you live.I am in Manning.email me or private post.

05-16-2007, 08:42 PM
Going to sell us down the river? We've already been sold! As tight as our borders are, an army could walk in and nobody would notice. On the crossing from Canada to the U.S. on the river, you are suppose to check in at Customs within 6hrs of arrival. Someone tell the Chinese immigrants that one.

05-17-2007, 06:55 AM
Nothing will change until we close the border and deny entry with extreme prejudice. I recently bought a starter gear for my yard tractor and noticed that it was stamped on one side "this side up" in both english and spanish. I am disgusted that the companies cater to those that don't habla. This is America............speak English or git

05-17-2007, 11:26 PM
There will be no border closing or extra manpower to protect our borders. I think that the government is deliberatly bring us down to poverty level just like the illegals comming across.
This is planned to bring this country down. We now have a target rich environment, but do we really want to do it? These poor dumb ******** comming across are just pawns, they are being used just like us.
I have no solutions to this problem other than keep and bear arms.

05-18-2007, 08:14 AM
The people with big bucks who finance their campaigns rely on cheap labor so don't expect anything serious. I think it would be a big help if they stopped giving tax breaks to companies when they send our jobs overseas.

I think you are mistaken with the idea that big business wants these illegals. Social Security is in danger of going bankrupt because there's not enough workers to pay for the baby boomers.
The previous members of Congress and the Whitehouse didn't have the courage to put the system right 30 years ago.
A lot of the illegals will pay into the system and never collect, even after they become legal.