View Full Version : Pocket telescope/jeweler's loupe

08-16-2012, 05:43 PM
Forgive me for blathering, I'm Irish.

People leave all kinds of stuff on this range I'm working on. A coupla' months back, the CRO gave me a little pocket telescope that somebody left. It's so cheap, it doesn't even have a brand name or "made in china" on it. I threw it in my range bag.


A little while ago, I sat down to load some 175 gr. spitzer point boat tail FMJs in some .30-06 cases. I had flared the cases for loading cast boolits and wanted to set the seating die to put an ever so slight crimp on the case mouth.

I set the die to what I thought was deep enough to crimp the case, but wanted to look at it with a magnifying glass to check it. I had left my jeweler's loupe home, so I began thinking about how I could accomplish this.

I remembered the little scope and wondered if I could unscrew the objective lens and use it for that. The scope is rubber cased and the objective lens wouldn't come off with moderate pressure, so I gave that up.

Just for kicks and giggles, I turned the scope end for end, put the round close to the eye lens (whatever that's called), looked through it backwards and, lo and behold, I got a 'fish eye', but great picture of the crimp at a very magnified view.

I thought I'd post this as someone might have use for that information. I'm not sure it would work with any kind of telescope or binos, but it's worth a try, right?

08-16-2012, 05:53 PM
Use a jewelers loupe often while reloading. Also have one of those lights the doc uses for your ears. Easy to check inside cases.


08-16-2012, 06:07 PM
Jim, I think it's called the "ocular" lense. Never used one for a microscope, though, neat idea.

I carry a 10X jeweler's folding loupe in a leather case in my pocket at all times, right next to the trusty Swiss Army Fisher's knife I've carried since I was a kid.

I got my loupe from Garrett Wade.

If you have a Lee hardness tester, that 20X loupe is handy for REALLY close scrutiny.


08-16-2012, 06:11 PM
Jim, I think it's called the "ocular" lense.....

Thanks, Ian. I knew somebody would know what it's called.

Kind of a 'red neck' way of doin' it, but, hey, it works, right?

08-19-2012, 08:56 AM
I bought a pair of B&L "opti visors" from Brownell's a long time ago and have to admit was some of the best money I have ever spent! If they were ever lost would be replaced "muy pronto"!

08-19-2012, 09:01 AM
I was using a jewelers loupe for a long time till I got the idea to pick up a super strong pair of reading glasses at the flea market for about $2. There the ones that are so strong they make your eyes look the size of golf balls. They work great and you get the advantage of using both hands and eyes like the "opti visor".

08-19-2012, 10:47 AM
I was using a jewelers loupe for a long time till I got the idea to pick up a super strong pair of reading glasses at the flea market for about $2. There the ones that are so strong they make your eyes look the size of golf balls. They work great and you get the advantage of using both hands and eyes like the "opti visor".

I tried that one time. In 5 minutes, my eyes hurt so bad, I had to quit with it.

08-19-2012, 11:35 AM
I tried that one time. In 5 minutes, my eyes hurt so bad, I had to quit with it.

Yeah, if I leave'em on for too long they will cause a headache. I just put them on to check what I need to check. It's weird how quickly I depend on them. It seems just a year ago I could still read a headstamp without any help and now I couldn't if I tried.

08-19-2012, 05:38 PM
I'd be lost without my OPTI-VISORS.

08-19-2012, 11:24 PM
I have one of the magnifiers that has a light around it, and is mounted on an extemdable arm. It's mounted on a shelf above my bench. Really inddispensable. My optometrist showed me a catalogue of magnifiers and reading aids that he can order for customers. The run in size from about 2" X 2" to full page size. I may go back and check some of them out for bobile work. :)

08-19-2012, 11:30 PM
If you guys will spend the money on the
B&L Opti visors,you can wear them all day and never know it! Just a real nice bit of kit as my Brit friends say!

08-23-2012, 09:14 AM
Those "opti-visors" are a must for tying flies. Couldn't do it without mine. I keep a magnifying glass on my loading bench and my cleaning bench at all times. Couldn't do without them either. I'm old...... enjoy Mike