View Full Version : What happened to Remington?

08-16-2012, 08:04 AM
I was chatting with a few guys the other day at the range and the conversation drifted to Remington. Suddenly, all in attendance were crying the falacies of buying anything with that brand stamp on it.

One guy was talking about how sorry their ammo has become and all were agreeing and sharing testimony in suit. The guy that started about the ammo walked over to his truck, messed around for a minute and came back with a 10-22.

"Come 'ere, Jim." He switched the condition light to hot, announced the range was hot and we all muffed up. He handed me the 10-22 with what looked like an extended magazine and said "Here, just shoot at the berm and tell me if you notice anything unusual."

I took the rifle, pulled the bolt back, and began firing at the berm. Bang, bang, bang, pop, bang, bang, BANG!

I stopped and looked at him as if to say "what th'....." He said "That's Remington ammo."

08-16-2012, 08:56 AM
I was never a huge Remington fan for stuff they produced after the mid 50's except for the 788 and 600. They made good stuff for a long time, but somewhere in the mid 80's- mid 90's they changed and these days it's just cheap, cheap, cheap. I find it very sad.

08-16-2012, 09:27 AM
I don't know about the different noise levels, but I know from experience that the old winchester experts went bang, pop, and everything in between, but they all went in the same hole. I shot flies on the 100 yard target with them. At the same time Remingtons target 22s wouldn't shoot near as well. I haven't seen any 22 ammunition for years at an affordable price I thought was any good. It's good enough for most anything but competition at a reasonable price, but don't expect benchrest accuracy. As for remingtons rifles, compare them to winchesters for the last 40 years. theres a limit to what you can charge and expect to have volume sales. There are probably more 700 actions out there than any other commercial action. The 722 and 721 rifles were not pretty, but I would buy all of them I could afford. They sell today for 4 or 5 times what they brought new. Remington makes the best product they can for the price they have to sell it for. If you got the money, they will make you all the quality you want. the days of everything being fit and finished by hand are over. for a mostly machine made rifle, Remington does a good job. the market dictates what will be available. After you make it, you have to sell it at a profit. The quality you insist on and the price you are willing to pay come together to determine what you will get.

08-16-2012, 10:00 AM
I gave up on remington a long time ago. I chrono'd some of their promotional ammo and got 260 fps extream spread in a 10 shot string! I mean you've got to work pretty hard to make ammo that bad.

Jack Stanley
08-16-2012, 10:54 AM
I think the last new Remington rifle I bought was a left-handed short action seven hundred and I think the year was about 1990 . Glossy ugly but the blue was well done and it still is an accurate rifle . The only new Remington that is interesting to me is the 7615 but I'm not really after one though I'd like to try it with cast bullets .

I bought some centerfire ammo from them a couple years ago and it worked as well as you can expect . Last year however , I bought some rimfire ammo and that was enough to put that ammo on the do not buy list . I'm not looking for one hole groups , but I am looking for reasonably accurate and consistant ammo . Their level of " reasonable " and " accurate " does not match mine . So I simply spend the money with the company that delivers what I'm looking for . I'm just sorry to say it isn't Remington for now .


Idaho Sharpshooter
08-16-2012, 11:07 AM
They got done in by the bean counters. Then they were bought by Cerberus (sp?) and cutting corners got to be so important that they are now round.

Mike their brass alongside some older stuff. It's .001" or a bit more thinner. Measure the oal, it's minimum, or a but less.

No offense to anyone, but when they went to bust their unions, they had to close plants and move to the SE where minimum wage is acceptable. Mediocre is now "Good Enough".

It's sad...

It's also why I buy new, I buy Savage. They are a privately-owned company, and CEO Ron Coburn is a stickler for quality.

Sua Sponte

08-16-2012, 12:10 PM
I am a brass rat at my club range. When I see presumably once-fired R-P brass, it is usually split at the case neck, especially the short magnums.

08-16-2012, 02:25 PM
And sadly from what I hear now that they own Marlin, Marlin fire arms are going down the tube. I have read multiple complaints about the new "updated" 336 and the model 60s having FTE and FTF issues and just over all quality gone down the tube. I was reading another forum where they said the gun just feels cheep (Coming from a gun salesman!) and how the action was VERY stiff and gritty feeling. And not just on one but most if not all the 336's they had come in were like that.

Its sad, My marlin 60 is one of my favorite guns and is a good quality fire arm. Sad to see the new ones aren't the same any more :(. I even heald one last year and the new one was definitly lighter then my old one is.

paul h
08-16-2012, 02:43 PM
Remington rimfire ammunition has been cr@p for decades now. Every once in awhile I have to relearn that lesson so I'll buy another brick of 22rf ammo. Guranteed I'll have several failures to fire in the brick.

Federal and CCI on the other hand function 100% or if I have a failure to fire it'll be a once in several bricks occurance.

08-16-2012, 04:04 PM
I use to shoot nothing but remingtons, then the same bang bang pop bang pop FTF bang. The worst was my very leaded up H&R revolver after 100rounds of tbolts.
I started looking up info on what others were finding and it was all the same.

L Ross
08-16-2012, 05:50 PM
Having experienced the exact phenomenon that Jim describes I returned some Remington Golden Bullet bulk ammo and though they said it met their specs they also sent me a check. Fast forward a few years and I had a similar experience with Federal Auto Match which previously had been good enough for semi serious silhouette matches. One Auto Match round had NO powder in it at all. Again it met specs but was cheerfully replaced by Federal.
However, I think it is a case of we get what we demand. Our shooting fraternity has changed from a one shot one precise hit to a video game like plinking frenzy. The domestic ammo manufacturers can see the hand writing on the wall, bulk packs of cheap "blasting ammo" for semi auto plinking. A few old timers spending the better part of a day shooting a hundred rounds striving for small groups or shooting at tiny targets with a high quality, attractively made rifle does not the market drive.


10 ga
08-16-2012, 09:46 PM
Bout 10 years back was in market for a new fur gun. 20s were wildcats, 22s blow foxes up so it was a 17 Remington cal. CZ was the best gun for the money then. Remington was too many $ and not equal to the quality. Now I'm lookin for one of the new 17 hornets. It'll be a Savage. I have a 581, Fieldmaster, Wingmaster, Nylon 66, and a 788. For new stuff I'm having to look elsewhere. 10 ga

Silvercreek Farmer
08-17-2012, 04:54 PM
A while back I resolved to shoot my M-60 every workday at lunch for a month to experiment with different ammo brands and see just how good I could get with a .22. I got a few FTFeed/Fire with almost every major brand but the Golden Bullet jams were the worst. Most of the other brands could be cleared by cycling the action, but the Golden Bullets required prying the live round out with a tool of some sort. It was also the dirtiest ammo by far. 100 rounds probably equaled the crud of 500 of the Federals and Winchesters. It did seem to be a bit louder, but I did not chrony any to see if that translated into velocity. I didn't even use the second brick I purchased, just threw it in the stash in case of an supply emergency down the road.

Suo Gan
08-17-2012, 06:19 PM
If we are talking bulk ammo, I have had issues with any and all of them. I really like the Remington Target 22LR. I do not go hunting with bulk ammo unless it is ground squirrels or such. I have shot hundreds of dollars of the bricks in the past and one is pretty much as good as the other. Now that the bricks are going up, I think mini mags are a better value but still better than double the value packs. I still have quite a few of the $9.98 Walmart Golden Bullet bricks, they work alright.

I do not think that I could have afforded to shoot the volume I did if it were not for the price fueds between Win and big green and Federal. Some days I would shoot several bricks between three or four pistols and rifles. That is the kind of volume that I think any shooter needs to hone their God given instincts of instinctual aiming from the hip and doping wind and range. I have no complaints they are a good company that has taken a lot of heat lately. They employ a lot of good Americans, and one of my friends works for them and he loves his job.

Would it be an excuse if I said that this has been happening for a lot longer than most of us can remember?

08-18-2012, 10:21 PM
I'm switching to 22 K-Hornet. I always shot 22 cause they were reasonably priced and ACCURATE. The later was and is most important. I'll just load my own.

Forrest r
08-19-2012, 08:45 AM
I'm a huge remington fan & have sadly watch the company slowly go down the tube for years. Their motto is if people keep on buying it then why change.

I continuelly see people buying the cheap thunderbolts & the bulk packs because they don't know any better. Only to find out the hard way the pile of dodo they spent their hard earned money on.

Remington listens to its customers only when the $$$$$ flow is cut off. Quit buying the junk & tell everyone you know the same thing. This will force them to either change or get out of the rimfire business all together.

08-19-2012, 08:59 AM
When it comes to ammo I have not bought centerfire in about eight years. Honestly back in those days I found Remington brand ammo to be among the better stuff that Walmart would typically keep stocked. Of course once I started hand loading my standards went way up and I was shocked how even a beginner with proper instruction and diligence could run rings around factory ammo.

When it comes Remington rifles I can honestly say I have never owned one, but I have shot plenty of them. I wouldn't turn down a good deal on a Remington if I had the chance to look over, and perhaps even shoot.

08-19-2012, 06:40 PM
Thunderbolts and Golden Bullets from Remington are junk. For all the above mentioned reasons.

08-19-2012, 07:19 PM
I had some recent ammunition issues with some Remington Shotgun shells. They were all over it until the issue was resolved. I was impressed by their response and personal attention. As for .22 LR, I have had my best results with CCI Stingers and Ely Target in three different guns: CZ 452, Henry Golden Boy and a Ruger MK II.

08-20-2012, 12:00 AM
Yeah, I've posted about it at length elsewhere on the forum. I did a careful evaluation of several hundred rounds of Rem T'Bolt. Weight variation was off the map. Their idea of process control is obviously "if the line's still running, leave it alone". My data indicates to me that they must be running multiple bullet-swaging machines, none of which make the same weight bullet, and then they mix 'em all up before they pour 'em into the assembly machines.

My best findings so far from "commercial grade" ammo come from CCI MinMags. 3 tenths of a grain weight variance, while T-Bolt is often a full 3.0 grains within any 50-round box. Real target ammo, like Wolf or Eley, is a whole different kettle of fish.

Having a "conglomerate" buying up companies in an industry is usually sure death. The American machine tool industry went to pot in the '70s and '80s as Textron and others bought the grand old companies like deVleig, Kearney & Trecker, Bullard and Lucas, mismanaged them and/or asset-stripped them, and dumped the remains. Only the few companies that managed to stay independent survived, like Giddings & Lewis and Ingersoll. I was there, saw it all, burned the T-shirt in disgust.

08-20-2012, 12:09 AM
It's a shame that the quality of Remington rimfire ammo has degraded to this point. In the late 80's to about '93 I burned up tens of thousands of rounds of Golden Bullets and Thunderbolts and the accuracy was always great. I hardly ever had a misfire either. I took hundreds of groundsquirrels and probably a few hundred grouse. My last trip out to the desert, I had probably 15 misfies per 100 rounds and accuracy was horrible. When I switched by to CCI, I had no misfires and great accuracy.

08-20-2012, 04:11 AM
I spent Sunday afternoon shooting my little Stevens 15-A. A friend gave me a box of Remington something. I started shooting at dirt clods on the berm with it. I got less than half way through the box and after about 6 duds, I threw the rest of it in the trash barrel.

08-20-2012, 09:26 PM
Eric, I think you might have gotten the last of the good Remingtom ammo! I had someone give me the better part of a case that just wouldn't reliably fire in any of his target pistols, circa 1995 or so.

20 years of consistently bad ammo is a deep hole for any company to dig themselves out of.

paul s
09-09-2012, 08:24 AM
Had a horrible experiance with a 597 .22, Im done with Remington. Very sad!

09-12-2012, 10:25 AM
I inherited 2 bricks of Remington golden about 10 years ago. The boxes were seemed to be newer but I don't know the age. Anyhow, they had somehow deteriorated in storage and the lead had changed enough that they would not chamber in any of my .22s.

I do buy the Remington subsonic and like it but have not bought anything else from them.

09-12-2012, 11:51 AM
In my experience cheap, loose pack ammo from R-P, Federal, and W-W is all problematic in different ways. R-P tends to have lots of dead priming and rounds that need a second strike. W-W will not cycle in autoloaders worth a poop and ballistics change from lot to lot. Federal is iffy about whether it will cycle an autoloader and has produced a fair number of slamfires for me. I buy the cheap stuff when its on sale for practice ammo. For hunting or any other situation where the ammo simply has to work its CCI Mini Mags.

09-12-2012, 04:37 PM
About a year back some neighbors wanted to sight in some new .22 rifles and pistols on my range. I was told to bring my rifle and pistols and they would supply the ammo and targets. To make this story short and sweet the Rem. Golden HP ammo was a disaster. If they didn`t sound funny they wouldn`t eject because they wouldn`t engage the extractor. They were very dirty and my very accurate S&W m-17 was all over the paper. About the only new thing I`ll get from a Rem. seller now is the calender at X-mas time.Robert

09-12-2012, 05:56 PM
I spent Sunday afternoon shooting my little Stevens 15-A. A friend gave me a box of Remington something. I started shooting at dirt clods on the berm with it. I got less than half way through the box and after about 6 duds, I threw the rest of it in the trash barrel.

I hope they don't burn that trash!

09-21-2012, 11:36 AM
1973 Smith and Wesson 22 ammo... One carton of 500 first 50 rounds 18 ftf, groups up to 3 times that of Remington golden bullets. Now Remington has finally caught up. But I do use Remingtons for testing in the shopp because if it will feed 'em and set 'em off iit shurely working.

09-26-2012, 09:00 PM
Rem 541S (no longer made) with an old Bushnell 1" fine-wire (NOT duplex!) 4X, and a big stash of Yellow Jackets = still very deadly, and shoots gophers to 200 yds.+........what's not to like?? But yes, NEW Savages are better quality and NEW Rems 'ain't whut they uster was'. Next gun show I'll try those Minimags y'all are so hyped on........always willing to learn.

10-27-2012, 05:59 AM
My friend and I have ruger 10-22's, ruger single six's, I have a winchester 190. The last few months we have been shooting the remington golden bullit improved from wal-mart in the 225 bulk pack. We shoot clay birds at a measured 64 yards on a berm. We shoot all clays then shoot all the small pieces until not much is left. We are not having any trouble with fail to fire or fail to eject and all rounds sound good. Maybe remington is doing better with quality control. I will buy more. I know a few years ago the 550 packs were not very good.

10-27-2012, 06:43 AM
Guy's, has anyone gotten any of the 22lr ammo that the CMP is selling?
It is from a Remington government contract for target shooting.
Hope I did not piss away $140 for 5K of worthless ammo!!!!


10-27-2012, 07:51 AM
If we are talking bulk ammo, I have had issues with any and all of them. I really like the Remington Target 22LR. I do not go hunting with bulk ammo unless it is ground squirrels or such. I have shot hundreds of dollars of the bricks in the past and one is pretty much as good as the other. Now that the bricks are going up, I think mini mags are a better value but still better than double the value packs. I still have quite a few of the $9.98 Walmart Golden Bullet bricks, they work alright.

I do not think that I could have afforded to shoot the volume I did if it were not for the price fueds between Win and big green and Federal. Some days I would shoot several bricks between three or four pistols and rifles. That is the kind of volume that I think any shooter needs to hone their God given instincts of instinctual aiming from the hip and doping wind and range. I have no complaints they are a good company that has taken a lot of heat lately. They employ a lot of good Americans, and one of my friends works for them and he loves his job.

Would it be an excuse if I said that this has been happening for a lot longer than most of us can remember?
X 2 on the the Rem Target that is good stuff for the price

10-27-2012, 01:58 PM

The Remington is good ammo. I bought 2 cases a few months ago, shot a god bit and have had zero FTF.

10-30-2012, 10:05 AM
I tried an experiment at 100~125 yards using Federal Valu Pak, Winchester 333, & Remington GBs... I set up a steel plate the size of a business card on a cable with a sand hill backstop. I couldl then see the strikes/misses. Using a Marlin 60, Marlin 980V, & a Ruger 10-22 with large scopes I proceeded to compare them. My "experiment" was to determine which brand hit the plate the most often. I had expected Federal to win hands down--I was wrong!

In the Semi-autos it soon became very clear that ONLY the Remingtons would consitently cycle the actions...had many FTE problems with the Federals & the Winchesters..in both the 10-22 and the Marlin 60. I have rep[eated that "test" quite a few times...alwasy with teh same results.

In a string of ten shots the Remingtons always hit the platee the most often in all three rifles. With any misses, I could clearly see the impacts in the sand hill...the misses were very close.....I attribute them to the wind and of couse my lack of proficency. What amzed me is the degree of misses with the Federal and the Winchester ammo. IOW the groups really opened up using them.

I have no doubts that others have had serious issues with Remington GBs...I have six different .22 RF rifles and have none of the problems mentioned. Yes, it is dirty ammo, but is functions well and is accurate. I don't mind cleaning my guns. In the Ruger 10-22, whick I've had for five years and shot quite often, I have yet to ever taKe it apart---I just oil the outside and swabe out the barrel. With the Marlin 60 (and a 795) dirty ammo will cause the bolt to be sluggish...a simple matter to field strip and wipe out the waxy gunk...takes a few minutes.

IMHO a .22 RF is only good if the ammo is cheap. I find that Rem GB's work fine for me and I can get them on sale @ 3.25¢ a round (Fleet Farm in Wisconsin)...

BTW--years ago I bought five bricks or Rem T-bolts...I have to admit when it comes to quality, there is probably no brand that is worse than it is. However at 25 yards it was accurate enough for plinking-- at a cost of 1.2¢ a round..it was ok with me.

10-30-2012, 10:53 AM
A hand full of us Bullseye shooters did well with Remington for a couple of years during 1980s. Then something changed and we were getting 5 to 10 miss fires per box. I wish I had written down the date, because it hit us all with in six to eight week period.
I went to Winchester Super X and never looked back, now I'm using Federal target ammo.


10-30-2012, 11:02 AM
Remington had problems with applying the priming compound on their .22 RF ammo. No doubt they were trying to get away with using less. I have had some FTF's with theirs and have read of others having the same issues. Seems some cases had no priming compound in them at all. No dount Wal Mart pressured them into making large quantities for them at a very low cost...so the QC slipped. The latest production of their Golden Bulelts are "new & improved"..supposedly they have fixed the priming compound problem. I tried a box and they all shot just fine.

Most .22 RF shooters at the range seem more interested in seeing their guns go bang then shooting for accuracy... if they get no bang, they don't buy.

10-31-2012, 09:50 PM
It's not just the .22RF ammo, which is bad enough, but the poor quality is pervasive throughout the company. It starts with poor quality/process control.
I like Remington handgun brass, thieir rifle actions made before 1990, and thier rifles from the same time frame. I dont shoot thier factory ammo since I gtot a round with the primer in backwards (.270)and a round about a year later with no powder. (.308) If you REALLY want to get down on Remington, watch the CNBC Special called "Remington Under Fire". It details problems with Remington tifles going back several decades, thet Remington refused to acknowledge or fix. I think it's really sad, because Remington was once one of the best in the induxtry. But they have not kept up with quality control and updating manufacturing equipment. As soneone else noted, it's all about cheap, cheap, CHEAP!

11-01-2012, 08:14 AM
Remington rimfire ammunition has been cr@p for decades now. Every once in awhile I have to relearn that lesson so I'll buy another brick of 22rf ammo. Guranteed I'll have several failures to fire in the brick.

Federal and CCI on the other hand function 100% or if I have a failure to fire it'll be a once in several bricks occurance.

What about Winchester? New M-4 LR rounds.

11-05-2012, 08:36 PM
Last summer I bought a brick of their golden bullet ammo and it was terrible. One or two duds out of 500 rounds is acceptable to me, three duds in the same magazine of 18 rounds is not. After two magazines of ammunition thru my Marlin 60, I got tired of clearing it and gave the rest of it to my nephew to shoot in his lever action.

I also had a box of of Remington 12 gauge 00 buck. I could get it to chamber, but it was a very snug fit. It was certainly difficult to work the pump action. I fired one round, but every single round in that box must've been slightly out of spec because they would just barely chamber. I sent Remington a letter describing the problem with both types of ammunition and I even includedthe lot number on the 12 gauge ammo. They had my address, phone number, and e-mail address and I got no response from them whatsoever. That's when I gave up on Remington.

11-05-2012, 11:08 PM
I've pulled apart about 20 golden bullets that failed to light. They all had powder, but no priming compound.

The Golden bullets used to be my go-to for my Rem 581 left hand bolt. Now it scatters the shots unlike the CCI Mini-mag HP that group about 1/2" or less.

11-05-2012, 11:43 PM
For plinking,
Blazer bulk pack with production code starting with a letter= good stuff!
I've also had good luck with Federal 550 bulk pack plated hps too.

For Hunting,
CCI mini-mag hps , CCI Velocitors

11-16-2012, 02:18 AM

The Remington is good ammo. I bought 2 cases a few months ago, shot a god bit and have had zero FTF.

I just shot three bricks of bulk pack goldens in a stock 10-22 this last month. No FTF and about 1.5" 10 shot groups at 50 yards with 4X scope.Not great but serviceable.CCI Blazers were more accurate with less off shots though .


11-24-2012, 11:56 AM
You really hate to see a reputable company go down the hill. I have a 788 in .308 that is one great gun. I usually steer clear of their .22 ammo. Their Core-Lokt ammo is great in .308 and .30-06.

11-27-2012, 01:07 PM
I recently went to a popular sporting goods store in my area. I noticed "buckets" of Rem. golden bullets being sold. I immediatly thought about remingtons marketing team and the roundtable of ideas that eventually led to someone saying "I know the bullets are ****, but I have a feeling that we should just get a bucket and fill it up"! Everyone likes a buffet, even if there is enough MSG in most of the food to kill a donkey. I love old remington rifles, but they really need to listen to those who know more about rifles than merely feeding them.

11-27-2012, 07:22 PM
I think the real problem at Remington is that the "bean counters" are in charge. And unfortunately, as operating costs go up, you are going to see more and more of that in the future, and not just from Remington. Obamma Care, with its provisions of companies having to buy it for fulltime employees is going to mean one of two things. The companies will hire partime works with less skills or they have to raise the cost of their products to cover the encreased cost of production. Either way, we the shooter will loose. I understand that S&W is experiencing some quality problems and it just might be the same story there. With the demand being greater than the supply, don't look for things to change much in the foreseable future. my take anyway, james

12-02-2012, 07:07 AM
Cerberus is doing a better job of destroying gun manufacturing companies than Brady, Clinton & Obama combined.
The list now includes Remington, Marlin & I'm sure Cerberus will find some way to turn the NEF/H&R operation into a junk factory.
Look at the new Marlin leverguns (Remlins) & compare them to the JM Marlins made before the buyout........the new Remlins are junk.

12-02-2012, 01:51 PM
I know this is a Remington thread but Marlin has been mentioned several times. I bought a 45 Colt marlin 94 from Gunbrokers a few years ago, outside the rifle was beautiful but it wouldn't shoot and leaded badly. Looking down the bore with a borescope reveals everything, it looked like the bore was hacked out with a chisel, just terrible from one end to the other. I packed it off to Marlin and they put on a new barrel on my dime. Got the rifle back and the new barrel was every bit as bad as the original. Sad!

Not to long after that I was looking to buy a 336 in 45-70 so I took the borescope with me to the gun stores and looked at the bores before buying. Made me feel good about my Marlin 45 Colt 94 cause it looked good compared with the new Marlin 336's still in the store. I still don't have a 336 and unless I find a decent old one I never will.


12-02-2012, 02:57 PM
Spooky stuff. I too refuse to buy Remington rimfire ammo. Was shooting a gun very very dear to me and was getting the bang bang pop thing until one of the pops landed a dough about 30 feet short of the target. No more for me thanks

xs hedspace
12-04-2012, 01:20 PM
I gave up on Rem .22 ammo 20 years ago. I had FTF, about one every box. Pulled the bullets out of a few FTFs, found that the priming compound went about 80% around the rim. Cost savings??? Back in the 50's we shot Rem std vel in the college rifle team, and if you shot only a 99 prone, the coach was on your back big time.

12-06-2012, 09:06 PM
This week a man brought me 3 rifles with feeding problems. All 22 rim-fire, a Browning semi., a Rem. pump, and a Win. pump. The ammo he brought with the guns was Remington 22 Thunderbolt. I looked at the guns and two had very dirty actions so I disassembled and cleaned all. Well, the 22 Rem. ammo still would not feed/chamber properly. I tried some Federal ammo that I had and all worked fine. I measured the bullet diameter on the Remington and the knurled section measured .228 in., the Federal measured .223/.224


12-09-2012, 02:13 AM
This week a man brought me 3 rifles with feeding problems. All 22 rim-fire, a Browning semi., a Rem. pump, and a Win. pump. The ammo he brought with the guns was Remington 22 Thunderbolt. I looked at the guns and two had very dirty actions so I disassembled and cleaned all. Well, the 22 Rem. ammo still would not feed/chamber properly. I tried some Federal ammo that I had and all worked fine. I measured the bullet diameter on the Remington and the knurled section measured .228 in., the Federal measured .223/.224



I just fixed my neighbors 22 rifle the same way. Replaced his Remington 22 ammo with CCI and no more jams.


12-09-2012, 02:43 AM
Their ammo does suck. I had a box with greater than .015 difference in OAL. But their R1 pistol is top notch.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

12-14-2012, 01:30 PM
I agree with the 22 Hornet. Target shooters such as the indoor crowd that shoot 4 position with expensive target rifles get cr@p pretty much from every brand producing 22 rimfire. Its a shame really but eventually CCI will be the only mfg. available. Their blazer work pretty good at a decent price. The higher the price doesn't mean better quality. Be Safe

12-15-2012, 12:20 AM
Guy's, has anyone gotten any of the 22lr ammo that the CMP is selling?
It is from a Remington government contract for target shooting.
Hope I did not piss away $140 for 5K of worthless ammo!!!!


I bought 10K rounds of it through the CMP last summer and thought it was the deal of the century until I read this thread!

I mainly bought it because it came packed in heavy plastic for long term storage. I haven't opened the box yet and probably won't until sometime in the uncertain future. Sure hope it performs then... Tt.

12-21-2012, 02:17 AM
You can send all of your bad Remington ammo my way.I'll pay shipping.

12-21-2012, 11:39 AM
The last rem 22 rim fire rem ammo i was using, few years ago now, didn't misfire but I had an inordinate amount of "flyers".
I use an older 541 that always shot right with my 22nut buddies(now dead) Anschutz & Kimbers at the time.
I've had very good luck with CCI as of late and before that was using Federal.

12-21-2012, 06:09 PM
The CCI Blazer has been very good for me and it my favorite plinking ammo. But the Golden Bullet HP rips apart squirrels and I am willing to live with the few flyers and misfires every 200 or so shots.

12-24-2012, 09:54 AM
I have to back off of my statement that Rem is OK .I just bought a brick of current Remington Thunderbolt and it shot 3" at 50 yards from a fairly accurate sporter with 6X scope.The lat time i bought Rem 22's was two years ago.Maybe things have changed?

12-30-2012, 10:23 AM
My friend and I bought 2 of those bulk pack golden bullets last year. one pack shot just fine, the other pack had a FTF about every 8 rounds (my box, lucky me). I tried putting them back in the rifle with the firing pin dent rotated around. Tried a handful MANY times... they looked like clock dials with 10-12 dents all the way around the rim. Got curious and pulled 4 or 5, not a bit of primer compound visible in any of them. Remington .22LR is OFF my buying list.

12-30-2012, 04:26 PM
It was my impression that for cheap bulk 22LR ammo, Remington was to be avoided and Federal sought out.

Should the very unlikely ever happen, I trust my life with the Remington Golden Sabers in 9mm carry gun.

I was chatting with a few guys the other day at the range and the conversation drifted to Remington. Suddenly, all in attendance were crying the falacies of buying anything with that brand stamp on it.

One guy was talking about how sorry their ammo has become and all were agreeing and sharing testimony in suit. The guy that started about the ammo walked over to his truck, messed around for a minute and came back with a 10-22.

"Come 'ere, Jim." He switched the condition light to hot, announced the range was hot and we all muffed up. He handed me the 10-22 with what looked like an extended magazine and said "Here, just shoot at the berm and tell me if you notice anything unusual."

I took the rifle, pulled the bolt back, and began firing at the berm. Bang, bang, bang, pop, bang, bang, BANG!

I stopped and looked at him as if to say "what th'....." He said "That's Remington ammo."

12-30-2012, 06:05 PM
LuvMy1911 Thanks for that info i just bought some after a past problem (about 2000) now i am wondering if that was smart? I had some back then that would stick in my revolvers barrel they fired from rifle but some were noticeably quieter probably subsonic. The gut i contacted at Remington with the information seemed a bit rude as i was just informing them of the problem not asking for a exchange or refund.

01-06-2013, 08:17 AM
I posted above about the rem 22 golden bullet being fine in some rifles and pistols my buddy and I shoot at our range. About a month ago I purchased an old ruger standard model semi auto made in 1957. It jams bad with rem golden bullet. I put cci mini mags through it with out any incidents of any kind. I spoke too soon.

joe i
01-26-2013, 11:36 PM
I LOVE my Remington rimfire - that is to say, my 37, 40X, 513T, 521T, and 581-S. Sounds like I need to keep sticking with what they made last century.