View Full Version : Got 68# of lead delivered to the office.

08-13-2012, 03:30 PM
Man was the Postman ticked off. :bigsmyl2:

I didn't want my postman at home getting ticked at me so I had it sent to the office.
The office is on the second floor, and the guy didn't use a hand truck. Hope he at least used the elevator. He was swetting like a pig. It's 90 deg. out today, and weather site says it feels like 106 deg.
I knew it was coming with my name on it, so had a co-worker sign for it. :guntootsmiley:

I guess I should get smaller amounts in the future, but I hate to loose out in shipping costs.

08-13-2012, 03:43 PM
Now that is just funny... maybe next time you should buy him a gatorade![smilie=l:

08-15-2012, 07:43 PM
Lunarphase, you got style. I like it! Especially, where you had a co-worker sign for it!
When I get a delivery, I promise that my anvil collection is almost complete.

08-15-2012, 08:16 PM
Fine job! I bet they hate those flat rate boxes!

08-15-2012, 10:18 PM
Just shipped a box out today that weighed 65 lbs, lady at post office tried to pick it up off the counter and freaked. She was ticked and had to go get some help.

I just smiled and said thank you have a great day

08-16-2012, 06:55 AM
Part of the job......if he did not use a Dolly. I keep a small fold up type in my truck. That's his bad for working "hard " . I sent many heavy packages and received many. .......I have had the cusps bicker not a peep out of ups or ceded though.

08-16-2012, 07:58 AM
I guess the people in the executive offices never consulted with the delivery guys when they came up with the flat rates. The delivery guys should love them, they are one of the things keeping the post office going and keeping them in jobs. If UPS or FedEx ever come up with something similar I think the USPS is in trouble.

08-16-2012, 10:33 AM
On my end I have never had a bit of trouble nor a discouraging word, I had three boxes to ship and my wheeler will only handle one, I wheeled the first in and said I have two more. When I got back the first was on the counter and the clerk picked the second up when I arrived, the third was the same. So I am sorry you have so much trouble but mt experience is more positive.

Dennis Eugene
08-16-2012, 10:47 AM
Very small town post office here. Every time I take in a heavy Flat rate box Denise lets me know how much it would have cost to ship it before flat rate boxes and we both get a chuckle. Dennis

08-17-2012, 10:26 PM
my post office delivers if its the guy the girl I have to go down and pickup

08-18-2012, 03:59 PM
The first couple of times I got one or two in they would be delivered tot he door and the wife, 5-1 wold haul them inside. Then she said if there isn't anything in there your overly worried about I'm gonna just leave them there till you get home. That was fine with me, except the next three showed up and got rained on for most of the day. Ended up having to piece them back to the rear of the house.

Then I got smart, and hauled the 2 wheeler up front, and equipped it with a piece of plywood to support two boxes. Now the post lady pulls up and honks, the wife hauls out the 2 wheeler and they both set the boxes on it and the wife hauls them inside.

This worked out MUCH better for everyone, and after several big orders of Iso cores and ingots, plus picking up several boxes each of Mono, and Lino, I thoughtfully purchased a couple of $20 gift cards for the postal lady. Otherwise like mentioned above I would have to pick them up at the PO and the extra was well worth not having to stand in line and explain my business.

08-18-2012, 09:35 PM
Very small town post office here. Every time I take in a heavy Flat rate box Denise lets me know how much it would have cost to ship it before flat rate boxes and we both get a chuckle. Dennis

I get that all the time too.

I think to myself: well if it cost that much to ship it, I wouldn't be shipping it. :mrgreen:

08-18-2012, 09:51 PM
My postal worker stopped delivering them to me. They just automatically put a note in the mailbox for me to pick it up at the post office. Kind of tick's me off everytime I see the "if it fits it ships" ad on TV. I was watching the tracking one day and it said "out for delivery" on a Saturday. I was in my garage, reloading ofcourse, when the truck arrived. I walked out there and she handed me the mail and I said I'm suppose to have a box. She got out of the truck and went to the back, opened it and said "oh my, it's not here" . When she pulled away I found the slip, already made out, stuck in between the mail.

08-18-2012, 10:34 PM
My small town post office knows me, they either load it on their cart or have me come in and get it. Either way, I don't have delivery to the house. I always pick up at the post office. I guess they just figure I have to carry it to the pickup and load it up anyway.

We've worked it out.

08-18-2012, 10:43 PM
My mailman is a real piece of work so I always enjoy ordering lead and making him lug it up to my door.

08-19-2012, 08:10 AM
My postal worker stopped delivering them to me. They just automatically put a note in the mailbox for me to pick it up at the post office. Kind of tick's me off everytime I see the "if it fits it ships" ad on TV. I was watching the tracking one day and it said "out for delivery" on a Saturday. I was in my garage, reloading ofcourse, when the truck arrived. I walked out there and she handed me the mail and I said I'm suppose to have a box. She got out of the truck and went to the back, opened it and said "oh my, it's not here" . When she pulled away I found the slip, already made out, stuck in between the mail.

I think I would contact the postmaster for your area and state and complain. The ads don't say deliver to post office. I would insist that they deliver to my house even if they left them next to the mailbox. They are the ones who came up with the idea.

08-19-2012, 08:12 AM
I think I would contact the postmaster for your area and state and complain. The ads don't say deliver to post office. I would insist that they deliver to my house even if they left them next to the mailbox. They are the ones who came up with the idea.

I thought about doing that, the I wondered how much of my mail might get "lost".

08-19-2012, 09:31 AM
I thought about doing that, the I wondered how much of my mail might get "lost".

With the problems the Post Office is having now, they should be doing everything in their power to keep custormers happy. As I said, they came up with the idea and need to stop trying to change it. If your delivery person cannot do the job, they need to find someone who can. Otherwise, why not just stick a paper in your box and tell you to pick up everything at the post office. I can see going out to help if you are at home and availible.

08-19-2012, 05:16 PM
Before I started casting I used to get boxes of Star bullets delivered to my second floor apartment. guy and my wife were on a first name basis. He would knock on door and yell "More bullets for John". Some had a good sense of humor, others grunted. Oh well.

08-20-2012, 04:51 PM
Not too long ago I ordered a 60# block of ballast lead. The seller packed a Medium Flat Rate Box with plywood around the brick, then a couple of straps on the outside. Our regular mailman was a big, burly he-man so I knew it wouldn't be a problem. Except he hurt himself at the gym and the box was delivered by a brand new 85# honey who had trouble even carrying the sack full of letters.

08-20-2012, 06:53 PM
I have ordered bullets, lino, lead reloading presses, etc. in the past. My postman put a pick-up slip in my box the first time I had a heavy package. I caught him the next day and asked that it be delivered. His reply was, "We're not supposed to do that." I said that I would call the PO and find out why it was not delivered. He said that he would bring it the next day, and everything has been delivered since. Even with a change in postmen. sometimes gentle persuasion works! :)

Dennis Eugene
08-21-2012, 01:31 AM
Ahh, come on guys, heck here on the island we don't have home postal delivery at all. We want our mail we go to the post office and get it. But then again our Post office boxes are rent free. Dennis

08-21-2012, 12:19 PM
When I started in the freight business if you couldn't do the work you were ask to hit the road. One night a 100# girl came to fill out a application and ask me what she would have to do if she got the job? Well you will be low on the pole and that means that you will be out here by yourself and have to hook up sets of pups. At that time there were no dollies on the tongue and you had to pick it up and set it on the hook, well they weigh around 300# and there is no help you have to do it. She said I will have to have help I can't do that! I said you didn't listen did you you are by yourself, if you can't do it do not fill out the application. She mumbled something about sexist what ever that means. If you can't do the work do not ask for the job!

08-21-2012, 12:27 PM
If I was a postman, I would buy a folding dolly.
Why lug heavy packages around all day and get bitter about it?

08-21-2012, 01:17 PM
I thought about doing that, the I wondered how much of my mail might get "lost".

Or how much MORE of your mail would get lost if it is anything like MY post office / postal worker... :(

I have to think that my postal worker just throws all the mail that he isn't able to deliver in a day in the trash.

08-30-2012, 05:24 AM
If the scale at the post office is to be believed, it was 69lbs 15oz.

08-30-2012, 10:33 PM
Or how much MORE of your mail would get lost if it is anything like MY post office / postal worker... :(

I have to think that my postal worker just throws all the mail that he isn't able to deliver in a day in the trash.

Speaking as a mail carrier, if you have evidence of that please contact the Postal Inspectors and give them a chance to lock 'em up.

If you are having problems with the delivery person, contact their supervisor and rationally discuss it with them.

If that doesn't work, call the Postmaster of your city and discuss it with them. If that fails, tell them you want the # of the MPOO (pronounced like you would think). If that doesn't change the PM's attitude, call the MPOO and follow up.

As in any service industry, there lazy, apathetic bozos who only care about doing the least they can get by with. BUT, if you DO NOT accept that, and make it clear that you will go as high up the chain as it takes, I'm sure you will get satisfaction eventually.

I personally appreciate every mail piece that helps keep me employed...even the heavy ones. Thanks guys!

08-30-2012, 10:43 PM
Speaking as a mail carrier, if you have evidence of that please contact the Postal Inspectors and give them a chance to lock 'em up.

If you are having problems with the delivery person, contact their supervisor and rationally discuss it with them.

If that doesn't work, call the Postmaster of your city and discuss it with them. If that fails, tell them you want the # of the MPOO (pronounced like you would think). If that doesn't change the PM's attitude, call the MPOO and follow up.

As in any service industry, there lazy, apathetic bozos who only care about doing the least they can get by with. BUT, if you DO NOT accept that, and make it clear that you will go as high up the chain as it takes, I'm sure you will get satisfaction eventually.

I personally appreciate every mail piece that helps keep me employed...even the heavy ones. Thanks guys!

It's nice to hear that there is at least one government employee with a professional work ethic.

08-31-2012, 11:12 AM
I have alloy shipped to both CA and CO as I travel back and forth. The postmen always leave on the door. Once, I was out front when the box arrived and gladly got it myself. I'm not sure, but I would think postal carriers would be required to use hand trucks for heavy loads, and that they be provided, so that it would reduced workers comp claims. Frank

09-04-2012, 11:02 PM
I don't feel so bad now that I see other people have problems! My previous postal carrier (older lady) had a hand truck and ALWAYS delivered any package (including heavy stuff!) to our front door. We have a new one that is VERY lazy and tried the "pink slip" trick on me the first time I ordered lead. I went to the PO that afternoon and told them she needs to DELIVER it, I didn't pay to have to pick it up! A few times my mail has been late (i.e. deposit notices) or not delivered at all (Netflix.) I've already had to call the PM once on her and he tried to make an excuse that "she's new" but that doesn't fly with me. I've seen her, and she's about as lazy as they get. Can't lift a box with a cell phone stuck to your head!

09-04-2012, 11:13 PM
My mail carrier is a middle-aged lady that never complains about delivering heavy stuff. If I'm expecting a heavy package on a weekday off/Saturday and I see her delivering, I'll ask her if I can help get it from her truck to the door, so maybe that explains part of it.

She's even thrown a garbage bag around a box that was leaking shot. Lost less than a full lb out of a 10lb order. Box was trashed and leaking badly.