View Full Version : Your Longest Shot with a Slug 12 Ga

08-12-2012, 11:21 PM
Hi Guys,

Am considering a slug gun for deer / smaller pests and wanted to know your experience :

What was your longest kill shot for deer or any animal using a 12 Ga Slug ?

Can you share info : gun, slug type; powder, charge, wad, hull, etc.

Thanks for any information!!

08-13-2012, 12:04 AM
125 yards, white tail doe, H&R ultra slug gun, factory loaded Winchester 3” 12 gauge 1oz lead sabots.

Not best shot placement on my part, sorry to say. Deer went may be 40-50 yards.

08-13-2012, 12:33 AM
Just going to leave this here for ya'll to enjoy:


Unrelated, not technical in any way, but nice to look at. :mrgreen:

08-13-2012, 12:47 AM
Unrelated, not technical in any way, but nice to look at.

Boring. There's more to life than a twit in jeans. JMO. [smilie=s:

tomme boy
08-13-2012, 01:12 AM
247 walked yards across a bean field. Running shot, hit it on 4th shot. It ran another 50 yds and dropped. 3'' mag Win brand foster. Fired in a Mossberg 500 with scope an rifled barrel.

Non animal. 450 lazered yards. 24" steel plate. Once I found the drop. I could keep it on the plate for 10 shots before I could not get past the flinch factor.

08-13-2012, 06:04 AM
H&R Rifled, Win 2 3/4 Sabot, 1.5x, 172 yaeds, DRT. Zeroed for 150.

08-13-2012, 06:24 AM
Longest shot on game, was at 125yds on a white tail spike buck, with a mossberg 500 18.5" smoothbore with mossbergs Ghostring rear and post front installed using Winchester 12ga SuperX rifled hollow point slugs. I have been using these as part of the defensive load, preceeded by buckshot in my 500 for over 10yrs, so have a little practice with them out to 200yds, but they start dropping like a rock past 175, and even that requires hold over. I will only take that kind of shot with this gun under perfect conditions, but it was at about my limit for hunting with this gun. I try to practice at longer ranges than I would actually hunt with most of my guns though for the confidence booster when in the field.

Longest shot on an inanimate target was a paper human silhouette at 350 yds (lasered by a friend), using a Mossberg 835 with rifled cantilaver mount scoped barrel using some handloads a friend loaded into 3.5" shells, but I dont know the load he used. Once sighted in for that range, these slugs gave a 8" group at 350yds, but the recoil was worse than anything I have ever fired out of any shotgun, and flinch became a problem after 15 shots tpo the point that my first 7 shots gave the 8" group, by the 10th shot, i was all over the silhouette, and the 14th and 15th werent even on paper. I'm just a wuss, I guess. The friend that loaded them went on to place the next 20 slugs into a second silhouette at the same range and kept them all in a 6" group, but he's the type that enjoyed this kind of "plinking" every weekend. If he was still with us, I'm sure he would be contributing to the "12ga FH" thread. The trajectory was still fairly curved, but not as bad as I thought it would be for a shotgun.

08-13-2012, 07:03 AM
" I'm just a wuss, I guess."


" I try to practice at longer ranges than I would actually hunt with"

That's a smart man right there.

08-13-2012, 09:52 AM
115 paced yards with 12 gauge Rem. 870 with deer barrel with screw in rifled tube. Scope is 4x and slug was Win Foster type 1 oz. Shot was from leaning against a tree at standing buck. Buck went 50 yds. after shot. Upon gutting I found the lungs were holed and the top of heart was missing ,the opposite shoulder had a chipped elbow.Robert

08-13-2012, 02:56 PM
Boring. There's more to life than a twit in jeans. JMO. [smilie=s:

Seez you! [smilie=1:

08-13-2012, 06:22 PM
Shot a buffalo at over 700 yards In the dark had a 45* angle and it hit him in the head. had to float it down river for 3 days and took another 3 days to drag to the car. Hardest part was getting it on the top of car

08-14-2012, 12:13 AM
Shot a buffalo at over 700 yards In the dark had a 45* angle and it hit him in the head. had to float it down river for 3 days and took another 3 days to drag to the car. Hardest part was getting it on the top of car

Did you get pic's :bigsmyl2:

08-14-2012, 12:53 AM
well dropped camera in river. Oh It was daylight when I shot but it took that long for slug to get there

08-14-2012, 05:02 PM
75 yards broadside with a Remington 870 Express and iron sights. I was using Brenneke KO, 1oz., 2.75" Sabots. 10 pt., 160 lb. ran 20 yards and piled up. I always aim behind the shoulder on a broadside. I like the shoulder meat too much to destroy a whole shoulder. Head on, I go for the white patch on the throat, DRT. Going away, have not done that yet. Can't use anything more powerful than a 2X scope as I hunt in pretty heavy stuff usually. I've lost (opportunity to shoot) too many deer trying to find them with a 4x. Zero in at fifty. They must be made of some pretty hard lead as the exit wounds look almost the same as the entrance. Hide looks like a wadcutter passed through it on b oth sides. If the deer I shoot don't drop, they have always left a good bloodtrail. Least expensive sabot available and shoots great.

08-14-2012, 07:17 PM
Lets see my longest shot on a deer with a slug was about 125 yards with a Savage 220 and a Remington 2 3/4" 20 gauge AccuTip sabot slug .

My longest on deer with a 12 gauge slug was about 75 yards with the no longer made Winchester Partition Gold 12 gauge 2 3/4" . Killed several out to about 75 yards or so with this slug in a Browning A-Bolt and a Savage 210F .

I use the Remington 2 3/4" AccuTip in both my Savage 210F 12 gauge and my Savage 220 20 gauge . Both guns will keep 3 of these inside an inch and a half at 100 yards . Typically I sight in 1 1/2" high at 100 and will hold dead on out to about 150 yards . Much past 150 and I let them go . But to be honest most everywhere I hunt with a slugger 150 yard shot is a long one !

08-14-2012, 07:24 PM
75 yards broadside with a Remington 870 Express and iron sights. I was using Brenneke KO, 1oz., 2.75" Sabots. 10 pt., 160 lb. ran 20 yards and piled up. I always aim behind the shoulder on a broadside. I like the shoulder meat too much to destroy a whole shoulder. Head on, I go for the white patch on the throat, DRT. Going away, have not done that yet. Can't use anything more powerful than a 2X scope as I hunt in pretty heavy stuff usually. I've lost (opportunity to shoot) too many deer trying to find them with a 4x. Zero in at fifty. They must be made of some pretty hard lead as the exit wounds look almost the same as the entrance. Hide looks like a wadcutter passed through it on b oth sides. If the deer I shoot don't drop, they have always left a good bloodtrail. Least expensive sabot available and shoots great.

The deer in my avatar is a Sika deer I killed in 2005 using a Savage 210F shooting the Winchester Partition Gold 12 gauge 2 3/4" sabot . Shot him at about 50 yards coming straight to me . I angled into him on his right shoulder and I found the Partiton Gold slug peeled back just like in a Nosler add under the skin on the left ham . HOWEVER that Sika deer took the whole enery of that load and kept coming forward , the deer ran by me and towards the road for maybe another 30 yards and the staggered a bit and fell over dead . Now we're speaking of an animal that field dressed weighed 90 pounds on a checked scale !

I have Leupold Vari XII 3-9x on both my sluggers and so far I've never had an issue with either of them . However I do hunt from a tree and walk around little except looking for deer I already shot .

08-14-2012, 07:25 PM
100 yards give or take rem 870 rem copper solids 3" 200lbs of Illinois buck DRT
no BS hit him in the head on a full run in the middle of a big open field

08-14-2012, 07:30 PM
100 yards give or take rem 870 rem copper solids 3" 200lbs of Illinois buck DRT
no BS hit him in the head on a full run in the middle of a big open field

Is that why they call you luckydawg

08-15-2012, 11:45 AM
I beaned a basket buck at 80 yards with a 20 ga Federal Foster slug in the side of the head when i was about 14 after practicing all summer. Both his horns fell off and it made a mess but he dropped like a rock! Used my 870 Wingmaster with fixed choke and just a bead sight but could get pretty darn accurate except that it shot about a foot high at 50 yards. I also got flat lucky and spined a coyote between the shoulders that i caught chasing cows and all i had was my .410 snake gun with me. Those little 80 grain lead cups don't pack alot of heat, had i not hit bone i doubt it would have done much to him.

09-08-2012, 08:15 AM
Responsible hunter 200 yard max.

09-11-2012, 12:07 PM
My longest shot i would have to say was 80 yards, white tail doe. I took her with a winchester supreme.

09-12-2012, 10:19 PM
well dropped camera in river. Oh It was daylight when I shot but it took that long for slug to get there

I'll vouch for you Shotman! I was riding that buffalo!

09-12-2012, 10:27 PM
Not my shot, but I saw my brother take a decent 3x3 whitetail at about 125 in Western N.Y. about 30 yrs ago with an Itheca 37, not a slug bbl. One shot kill.
Even a blind hog occaisionaly finds an acorn.

09-12-2012, 11:03 PM
I've seen the H&R ultra shot out to 225 with cooper solids. It's a damn fine gun.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

MT Gianni
09-12-2012, 11:35 PM
Mossburg 500, slug bbl 18" w/iron sights, Winchester 2 3/4" factory slug. THis combo killed a Whitetail doe @ 95 yards facing 45 degrees to my right. I aimed for the shoulder and broke a hip.

Just Duke
11-26-2012, 01:00 AM
Just going to leave this here for ya'll to enjoy:


Unrelated, not technical in any way, but nice to look at. :mrgreen:

11-26-2012, 01:56 AM
Boring. There's more to life than a twit in jeans. JMO.

Sense When? GD

11-26-2012, 02:19 AM
Mossberg 835 w/ Coppersolids, 136 lasered on a 75# doe. Shaved the hair off her hind and entered her at her last rib.

11-26-2012, 09:00 PM
sad to say but nothing past 60 yards on a big doe I watched her mule kick and sommer sault down the gulley no tracking on her but a drag to get her out. She had 2+inches of fat on her backside.