View Full Version : lightweight red-dot

08-12-2012, 10:51 PM
So, I'm not looking for the most accurate red-dot out there, but I'd like a new pointer for my 10-22/AA2 as the one I have isn't doing so great currently.

What is everyone's favorite sub-$100 red-dot that is light-weight?

I don't imagine I'll be using it on anything other than a .22, if that makes a difference.

08-13-2012, 01:08 AM
Bushnell Trophy they have 4 reticules but as has been said here pick one and sight it in using that one as POI will change switching back and forth. At shorter distances does not make much difference though. These sell for around a 100 dollars and was the first red dot I found from some of the other cheaper ones I had that actually worked well> I was not a fan or red dots before I got this one. I have it on a S&W 22A handgun and it works great.

08-13-2012, 02:37 AM
Go to Wally World (or order from online site) Tasco RD22 red dot $32.It has mount for airgun /22 .I have 2.One on Daisy 747 pistol and one on Benjamin 397.Can take shotgun recoil.

08-13-2012, 03:03 AM
Pic of scope

08-13-2012, 11:26 AM
A+ on the lil tasco I have them on a 22 rifle & a air pistol ! a excellent scope for the money , but tascos were allways a good value over the years . i have several more Tascos as well as Ultradot , Aimpoints , Redfields , Burris , Trijucons and Pride/Fowler not counting some other brands ive gotten rid of.
I guess you would say im a red dot junkie ! because they work and i cant see the irons well enough to shoot my best.

08-13-2012, 08:14 PM
I have one of those $30. Tasco's myself. I had it on a .357 for a bit and it's been on my Buckmark 5.5 target for about 5 yrs. When I bought it I put it in the vise at work and did the "box" test where you go up,right,down, and left. I was impressed that it always went to the original zero.

As far as something a little lighter the Millet 1" Red dot is smaller and lighter. I have one on my .38 spl that I use in Hunters pistol. They are in the $60-70 range.

08-15-2012, 02:01 AM
I have some of those wally world red dot's on my stuff and work fine.

08-15-2012, 07:05 AM
UltraDoT is a good one but it's outside of your budget.

08-15-2012, 08:20 PM
I have a BSA RD20 on my S&W 22A. It's so light that it really doesn't change the balance. It has a very small dot which is nice for prescision and IIRC I paid under 60 bucks for it. In fact with as cheap as I am I know I didn't pay more than that.
I also have an XTA 1X20 that I paid about 30 bucks for at a gunshow a long time ago. I'm sure it's the same chinese company that makes NcStar. I've had it on everything up to a 357 mag contender and it works great.

08-17-2012, 10:41 PM
Thanks for the recommendations guys, I ended up with a NCstar "micro tactical reflex" site. I'll test it the next time I go shooting, but so far it seems decent. It was about $50 with tax. I could have bought cheaper online, but I found it locally, and really wanted it.