View Full Version : Gun Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Casting Timmy
08-12-2012, 08:36 PM
I would like to see what others have for their favorite method of cleaning guns, types of cleaning tips, guides, and holders, etc.

So far I have been using mops a lot of rifles to get some cleaning fluid in the bore to soak it while I work on the rest of the gun. After brushing with a brass brush and sometimes a plastic brush I also really like to use a jag to push it all out.

Ed's Red is a great cleaner for the bulk cleaning.

Just thought it would be neat to see what other people's favorites are and yuor favorite methods for cleaning.

08-12-2012, 09:26 PM
For cast boolits I use KG1 carbon remover. I run a wet LOOSE patch down the bore TWICE, let set for about 5 min. then dry patch 2 or 3 times. This removes the carbon without removing the lube coating [FWFL] from the bore. If cleaning customers guns with copper fouling I use Wipe-Out foam bore cleaner. Fill the bore with foam, let set overnight then patch out with dry patches.


08-12-2012, 09:59 PM
I just use a couple wet patches followed by one dry patch. Look down bore to see if any leadi is present. If leading is there, dry brush with chore boy. Follow with a couple more wet, a couple dry. All done. Takes 5 minutes or less.

I don't clean each time out. I have some guns that go 500 or more rounds between cleanings.

08-12-2012, 11:25 PM
Ed's Red is used for all my cleaning,Mobil 1 oil for gun oil and Kendells "Blue" wheel bearing grease for gun grease! I also use Moly lube paste for trigger/sear grease!

Haven't had to buy any of this for YEARS now! Goes a long way!

08-13-2012, 01:58 AM
Couple of patchs wet with Ed's Red, let soak and a couple of dry patchs. Chore boy is there is any leading. Red Oil for lube and to wipe down metal parts. Butch's Bore Shine if I am cleaning a rifle that has been shooting the J word bullets and has copper build up. Ed's Red and Red Oil work great and are inexpensive.

08-13-2012, 08:17 AM
Ed's Red, Chore Boy, JB paste, brass brush, clean patches, & Simple Green / water, Black Solve, or hydorgen peroxide-Murphy's Oil Soap-water mix for black powder.
Kroil and compressed air to finish up.

Casting Timmy
08-13-2012, 07:33 PM
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one using an automotive grease for my guns! I also like your attached thumbnail.

08-13-2012, 07:40 PM
I like mpro-7 spray it in the barrel, let it sit for a bit, bronze brush it than a jag with as many patches as needed.

08-14-2012, 12:11 AM
Ok here's a tip and a story to go with it. I bought a nice used Beretta O/U shotgun and when I took it out the first time,the trgger would snap but it would not bust the primer!

Well I was looking at a good repair bill but talked to an older gentlemen about it and he asked if I had cleaned it? I said yes,but he meant really clean it good! So I took off the stock and got some mineral spirits and brushed everything down good with that. The mineral spirits clean but do not totally "dry" clean like gunscrubber or brake cleaner. I then used my Mobil 1 oil and put it back together and it has not missed a beat in about 6 years.

I think that the previous owner had sprayed it with WD-40 and it had gummed everything up! The tip of course is to use mineral spirits for cleaning,and use a good oil for oiling!

Casting Timmy
08-14-2012, 12:11 PM
I saw a pump shotgun with the same trouble from lack of cleaning or improper cleaning, it wouldn't locked closed because of so much dirt in the action. My father in law doesn't clean to much either, and has learned his guns need to be cleaned to fire and work right. He hasn't change his cleaning patterns, just gives me his guns every so often for cleaning so they will work right again.

08-14-2012, 02:36 PM
MPro7, Kroil, Sweet's. I think they all do good. Sweet's is a copper solvent though and it is not used like MPro7 or Kroil. I like CLP to lube or a good grease for bearing surfaces.

08-14-2012, 03:11 PM
Ed's Red. Hoppes Bench Rest for jacket fouling, or if really bad, Wipe Out. Hoppes #9. Mobile Super Synthetic (or Mobile 1) (since my stash of CLP is all gone). High temp wheel bearing grease for needed applications.

Off course brake cleaner and an air hose works VERY well for really tight spaces.

Stocks, grips, etc., are cleaned with appropriate cleaning product based on composition and finish.