View Full Version : Marlin 336 .30-30

08-10-2012, 10:05 AM
So I was out shooting my 1952 vintage Marlin 336SC .30-30 with a GC Lyman 31141 and it was putting every round right where I wanted them. So I got to thinking...this .30-30 round could really catch on and become widely popular. :kidding::kidding: What do you think?

08-10-2012, 10:49 AM
So I was out shooting my 1952 vintage Marlin 336SC .30-30 with a GC Lyman 31141 and it was putting every round right where I wanted them. So I got to thinking...this .30-30 round could really catch on and become widely popular. :kidding::kidding: What do you think?


That cartridge is a flash in the pan...

Nothing will ever come of it...

In fact, not long ago I read that the trente-trente was obsolete when it was first released...


08-10-2012, 10:50 AM
Who in the world would want a reasonably powerful, accurate, light weight short rifle that is so easy to carry and shoot anyway?

08-10-2012, 11:40 AM
All the gun rags say the 30-30 wont kill even a jackrabbit! Why would anyone want one?

08-10-2012, 12:18 PM
True, plus if you are not shooting flex tip bullets the effective range ends at the muzzle.

08-10-2012, 12:27 PM
you gotta have some high falutin special powder too.
nobody want's a rifle that just barely kills stuff to ranges you can hit them without a scope.
i mean really,,, just barely dead,,,, come on....

08-10-2012, 12:46 PM
Keep casting - keep shooting.

Wayne Smith
08-10-2012, 02:58 PM
Most of us don't realize that, when the 30-30 came out it's competition was the 45-70. The 45-90 was the Express cartridge of the time.

The 30-30 represented a greater advancement in ballistic functioning than we have seen since. No, not the 7mm Mag, or the other wonderful, great ballyhooed advancements of a few hundred fps or an inch or so at 300 yds.

08-10-2012, 03:15 PM
Very true. I would even go so far as to say the .30 WCF was even technologically ahead of the rifles that chambered it, which were and are essentially stronger redesigns of previous black powder repeaters. As much as I like my tube feeders I think that something akin to the Winchester 95 would've been a better rifle with which to introduce the cartridge.

08-10-2012, 11:09 PM
I keep hoping the cartridge will catch on. I've set back five rifles in the chambering hoping brass and bullets will become commonplace....

08-11-2012, 08:42 AM
I think I read somewhere where that 30-30 round, and those leverguns, are not accurate and the bullets bounce off just about every game animal out there except field mice. It'll never catch on--especially when used with that Remington Core-loct ammo. After all, that particular ammo doesn't have a flexible plastic tip, so how can anyone expect to kill anything at all with it? And those cast boolits??? Well, what can anyone say?? LOL!!!

08-11-2012, 12:03 PM
The thing lacks velocity, won't even come close to 3000 fps,much less 3,200. At a half mile or more, it won't shoot through a moose lengthwise. I have read that it is rarely capable of shooting under 2 inches at a hundred yards.
It's a darn good thing deer can't read, or nobody ever be able to kill one with a thutty-thutty.

08-11-2012, 04:34 PM
Bought a Marlin 336 in 30-30 today. $240, like new made in '81.

Old and obsolete, but I might be able to find some brass so I can shoot it. Probably be expensive, but thats life.

08-11-2012, 05:40 PM
Bought a Marlin 336 in 30-30 today. $240, like new made in '81.

Old and obsolete, but I might be able to find some brass so I can shoot it. Probably be expensive, but thats life.

Ha Ha! You lose!

Truth be known, I am jealous of your fantastic deal on a great hunting rifle. Anyone who says bad things about the combination probably has never hunted with it. Myself, I seem to somehow kill deer with a 400 grain chunk of pure lead and 80 grains of black powder poured directly down the barrel of my muzzleloader. I have heard other hunters laugh out loud at my setup and tell me they can throw a bullet farther and faster. I am thinking I must have scared those deer to death............Better put something heavy on the freezer lid so they don't run off!:-D

08-11-2012, 05:49 PM
You could always rebore/rechamber to .375.

08-20-2012, 09:08 PM
Silly Caster, Tirty-Tirty's Are For Kids

08-21-2012, 07:55 AM
Silly Caster, Tirty-Tirty's Are For Kids

Well, you can just call me junior then. I had my fling with high velocity, including a 300RUM. But since the longest shot I have ever taken on a GAME critter was just shy of 225yds, I decided I was just wasting powder. The 30-06 is fine for big game, as is my 45-70. For mid sized game the 30-30 gets the job done.

08-21-2012, 12:41 PM
I load up 150gr Lee cast boolits with 8.5gr of Unique for a plinking load for the kids, like shooting a .22

08-21-2012, 01:23 PM
Acording to "Cartridges of the World" about every caliber is better than the 30-30. my daughter never read the book and killed her first 5 deer with one. I also somehow managed to kill a couple of deer with mine. One did run a little ways, but was not hard to find. Kind of handy on the 4-wheeler and I even head shot a couple of grouse with one. Got by with one worthless as it was. Switched to the far more powerful 35 Remington (30 grains more lead, .05 inch greater bore diameter so one can see the tremendous difference) as it was made about the same time I was.


MT Chambers
08-21-2012, 01:37 PM
You guys don't get it, all of today's animals require at least a flex tip bullet or a TTSX, or they laugh at you.

08-21-2012, 01:38 PM
Think at one point I owned no less then a dozen Marlin's chambered for the round all from the original Model 1893 to some fairly recent manufacture 336's !

And I still have one on a pre 1910 Winchester 1894TD .

Think I've killed three deer with 30-30's in my life .

The first with the Lyman 311041 bullet , the second with a Hornady rubber tipped factory load and the third with another cast bullet i can't remmember . All were dead within 30 yards of where they were hit .

I hesitate to guess the number of silhouettes I've shoot at with a 30-30 and a cast bullet . And these were the same as my hunting loads for the most part .

Nothing wrong with a 30-30 it just never endeared itself to me . If I had to choose between a 30-30 , 32-40 and 32 Special more then likely I'd take the 32-40 . And yes I have killed deer with a lever 32-40 and cast bullets .

But at the moment other then the old Winchester 1894 30 WCF I have now I do not own any other 30-30's , 32 Specials or 32-40's .

08-21-2012, 03:25 PM
I actually got away from the .30-30 for several years. I shot my first two deer with one and both animals ran off about 50 yards before piling up. I switched over to a .270 and had deer drop right in their tracks so I figured the .30-30 was an inadequate cartridge. Fast forward 20 years and I'm teaching my son to hunt but wanted something with mild recoil and got a great deal on the Marlin 336 SC. After some range lessons with my son, I started growing really fond of the accuracy the .30-30 was getting without all the shoulder pounding. Then it dawned on me...the deer I killed early on were just as dead as the ones that dropped in their tracks. Another 10 years later and my son has other interests so the 336 has become my go-to deer gun and target plinker. It's nice to come full circle.

08-21-2012, 04:20 PM
Now now. We all know that its not the bullets thats the problem. Its that danged rim on the back of the cartridge that keeps it from killing critters and knocking the centers out of targets!! Havent you all been informed by all them magazine professionals that any rimmed cartridge isnt even fit to shoot. Let alone hunt anything bigger than a squirrel with. Next year they wont be suitable for that either as the squirrels are taking measures to protect themselves from all rimmed cartridges to include the 22 rim fires

08-21-2012, 04:36 PM
Well, you can just call me junior then. I had my fling with high velocity, including a 300RUM. But since the longest shot I have ever taken on a GAME critter was just shy of 225yds, I decided I was just wasting powder. The 30-06 is fine for big game, as is my 45-70. For mid sized game the 30-30 gets the job done.

Now just hold on there pilgrim, I'm just :kidding: with the rest of em.

08-21-2012, 06:49 PM
I'll bet more deer have been killed with the .30-30 in North America than any other cartridge.

My Marlin 336 shot a 7/16" group at 100 yards a couple weekends ago with a new load using a Ranch Dog design cast out of wheel weights. Accurate, handy, plenty powerful, dependable. What's not to like?


08-21-2012, 09:18 PM
Deer running after the shot isn't about the cal of the gun, it is about shot placement. If you hit near the spine the animal hits the ground due to spinal shock then dies.Shoulder shot deer are hit near the spine if you look at the anatomy.I've had double lung shot deer run 75-100 yds shot with 30/06. They are just as dead, you just have to find them.

08-22-2012, 06:32 PM
My Marlin 336 shot a 7/16" group at 100 that's close to BR accuracy isn't it? Have you tried LeverR under that RD yet?

08-24-2012, 09:04 AM
Geargnasher, what powder and charge are you using and what are you sizing your boolits to? I'll soon be loading RD's for my new/used 336 Texan.

08-24-2012, 09:50 AM
it will NEVER catch on !
too easy to reload, too easy to shoot, not enough brass available, bullet selection is nil, and worst of all the word MAGNUM is not attached

08-25-2012, 06:48 PM
that's close to BR accuracy isn't it? Have you tried LeverR under that RD yet?

It didn't appear to me that I would need to.

You'd be surprised what can be done with a decent, off-the-shelf rifle IF you learn how to load for it. I was using Reloder 7, but there's more to it than that to get it to shoot straight.


08-26-2012, 11:02 AM
Ya know , fella's, I think that this 30-30 thing is going to be another Flash-in-the-pan like the 38 Special, the 45 ACP, and the 30-06. The smart guys will grab one and set it aside as an investment, knowing how those odd-ball calibers always seem to get the highest bids at auction. They're sure to go up in value, being so rare and all.

08-26-2012, 12:21 PM
Yeah, it's just a phase people are going through, that's all. It won't last.

08-28-2012, 12:45 AM
Everyone knows you must have a 180 gr. bullet at 3200fps to kill a 150lb deer. This 30-30 thing will never work.

08-28-2012, 08:24 AM
I told Oliver and JM both that they were crazy and not to invest too much money in these feel good ideas. Now look where it got them, Eli's in charge.