View Full Version : back straps on the grill last night

Lloyd Smale
08-09-2012, 06:45 AM
We started kill deer saturday. Fist set of back straps were marinated in ranch dressing, fresh garlic and motreal steak sesoning and put on the grill last night. Picked some potatoes at the farm last night. Wife fried them up while i was cooking the meat, my buddy donated some fresh grean beans and onions out of his garden. A meal fit for a king!

08-09-2012, 07:20 AM
sounds good my back straps are long gone but still have a little bit of deer left

08-12-2012, 02:01 AM
we started kill deer saturday. Fist set of back straps were marinated in ranch dressing, fresh garlic and motreal steak sesoning and put on the grill last night. Picked some potatoes at the farm last night. Wife fried them up while i was cooking the meat, my buddy donated some fresh grean beans and onions out of his garden. A meal fit for a king!


08-16-2012, 11:26 PM
That sounds great! I didn't have any luck last season. Bow hunting starts in about a month here so, I'm hoping to be enjoying some backstraps of my own soon.

09-09-2012, 09:13 PM
I never tried marinating backstraps in ranch dressing! How where they?

09-09-2012, 10:40 PM
Gourmet grub indeed,...thanks for sharin........

Lloyd Smale
09-10-2012, 06:52 AM
I shot alot of deer every year. Im up over 30 this year allready. I take about a 1/3 of the back straps anymore and when i butcher i clean them up good cut them into about 6 inch chunks and put them in glad freezer bags and dump ranch dressing and montreal steak sesononing and crushed garlic right in the bag i freeze them in. I let them sit in the fridge for a day before freezing and another day when i thaw them to cook. Itailian dressing works good too! When you take them out of the bag to cook dont clean any of the dressing off. Just throw them on the grill. A little trick learned to keep them from dying out is to leave the chuncks whole. Cook them until you figure there at least half done on high heat on the grill. Make sure its hot enough to sear the outside to keep the juices in. Then rather then cooking the snot out of them till there well done take them off the grill and butterfly them open. Then take them with your grill cranked up as high as it will go and flip them over on the uncooked side. Sear that and take them off when there still just a tad pink. By the time you go to serve them they will have finished cooking on the plate and you well have well done venison that isnt dried out like shoe leather. I know alot like there venison rare or medium. I dont really care for the flavor of venison blood and its very hard to digest and will plug you up in a heartbeat. this way i have well done venison that is still moist and tender. Ive yet to have anyone claim it was dry and have had people eat it thinking there were eating a sirloin steak.

10-27-2012, 01:07 AM
Lloyd What about Fresh Back Strap from Deer and Hog?

Is there a good way to cook fresh Back Strap straight from the Hog or Deer Taken?

Or maybe I should say it this way lol. Shoot Game,Haul it in,Hang it,Skin and Gut and quarter and then cook lol.

As I am NO Cook lol. But I am tired of Fried Deer Back Strap lol.

Just looking for a good way to consume some of what we harvest at the time of harvest. Just makes Hunting camp more of a Hunting Camp or at least it does to me lol.

Be Gentle lol. :)

Lloyd Smale
10-27-2012, 07:12 AM
have you tried grilling them. It takes paying attention to get them right. What i do is take a piece of back strap about 6 inches long and throw it on a real hot grill. I sear it and then flip it over and sear the other side. they i turn the grill down a bit and cook it till its about half done. (still blood rare on the inside. While im cooking i constantly brush on melted butter to keep the meat moist. When you get it half done take it off the grill and split it lenght wize down the middle. then take and place back on the grill bloody side down. I then cook it without turning until the meat has just a ting of pink and call it good. For seasoning on them while i cook i like garlic powder and montreal steak sesonling. Cooked like this you wont dry out venison. I know i detested grilled venison for years because it dried it out so badly before i was told to do it like this.

another one of my favorite ways to do back straps is to butterfly them dredge them in floor. salt and garlic. Fry them in butter and while your doing it fry some potatoes and lots of onion and when its done place both on a plate and poor sausage gravy over all of it.

One more, Not nessisarily back straps as about any cut will do for this. When i freeze my meat i freeze it in blocks. I never cut steaks until i need them. that way you can use your venison as a roast, steaks or any other way you want. take a block of meat and a razor knife. Cut the block accross the grain as thin as you can. It takes a lb to a lb and a half (works better on a half frozen block of meat). take the shaved meat and cut up two onions and fry it all in butter. you want to cook it till you get a little bit of crust on some of the meat. Only seasoning i use is salt and black pepper but you could add what you want. When its about done add a can of mushrooms to it and mix them in. (morels work GREAT when in season) then take a loaf of french bread and cut it lengthwize. I like lots of cheese so i put a layer of sliced american accross both sides of the bread and then add some mozzerella cheese to it too. then lay the meat, onion and mushroom mixture on and ill about guarantee you that its the best tasting steak sandwich you ever put in your mouth. If you like peppers they can be added too but personaly i think they kind of overpower the venison taste. Guys at camp go nuts over this one!

10-27-2012, 02:42 PM
Feel free to post pics gentlemen.
Food pics are great.


10-27-2012, 02:51 PM
Oh my Gosh like we Need Food pictures lol. Do we not have enough problems lol. :)

10-29-2012, 01:55 PM
I do not eat meat fresh from an animal. It should cool until body heat is gone and even better if rigor is also gone.
The only parts I have heard you can eat fresh are the heart and liver.
I don't know how true it is but I never take the chance. Something to do with gastric distress. Might be something you need to get used to. Be interesting to find out more about it.
Lloyd always makes my mouth water! :Fire:I have shaved deer thin for quick steaks too, they are great. One thing I love is blackened steak in a large, super hot cast iron frying pan, 4 minutes a side.
I put off the few days of early doe, too hot. I have to wait for Nov 19. I heard very few shots during the season. I don't think anyone wanted to hang a deer. I was out with the dogs and was sweating plus gnats ate me alive.

10-29-2012, 02:01 PM
Morals have been poor for a few years but I have bags of dried ones. I raised ****ake mushrooms on logs and have bags of them and plus store bought when on sale.
I use milk or half and half with water to bring them back. NEVER toss the liquid, it is super good.
I make squirrel with wine, vegies and morals, nothing better.

Lloyd Smale
10-30-2012, 05:50 AM
Weve many times carved meat off a deer just shot at camp or cut a hind quarter off for a roast and never seen where the taste or we suffered from it.

10-30-2012, 12:39 PM
Weve many times carved meat off a deer just shot at camp or cut a hind quarter off for a roast and never seen where the taste or we suffered from it.
That is what I want to know about. Heard all kinds of things.
So many butcher an animal and cook right away. Maybe it is better before rigor sets in. I have to think it is a time thing, before or after rigor.

Lloyd Smale
10-31-2012, 06:26 AM
Ive never notice a differnce.