View Full Version : Paint on a Hollywood Press

08-05-2012, 11:15 AM
I've decided to start the clean up on my Hollywood and the lack crinkle finish paint is coming off everywhere so It think it needs to be repainted.

Press is aluminium.

I see where they sell wrinkle paint in the spray can, has anyone use it on aluminum perhaps ?


08-05-2012, 01:44 PM
Roundnoser did Krinkle finish on his Senior and it looked like it just rolled out the factory doors!

I remeber he said one key was to paint it on in three different directions.

Maybe he will chime in and give you some pointers.

Hope you have a big oven! :)

08-05-2012, 01:53 PM
Oven ? Uh oh ! The wife is not going to like that.

Kevin Rohrer
08-05-2012, 04:43 PM
1. Remove all the paint by any method that does not remove metal. Make sure the metal is perfectly clean.
2. Prime it w/ aluminum primer.
3. Here is your wrinkle paint, which does recommend time in the oven to get the wrinkle-effect:


A. Places where metal contacts metal need to be left bare for later greasing or oiling. The easiest way I have found to avoid painting places I don't want painted is to coat those locations w/ a heavy grease (Lithium, Lubriplate, axle grease, etc) that you hand-apply. Then spray paint your press. After the paint dries, those parts you don't want painted will have paint on them, but to remove it, just wipe the grease and paint off w/ a paper towel.
B. Take your time w/ the painting process and allow for lots of dry time between coats.
C. These presses were never primed. If you prime, the wrinkle-paint will last much longer and won't flake off.
D. Be careful when you disassemble the press. There are several spring-loaded ball bearings that need to be removed.

We would like to see before and after pictures. If you do a search for threads by me, you will read about some of my past restorations.

08-05-2012, 08:36 PM
Great advice Kevin!

08-05-2012, 08:56 PM
Have also gotten wrinkle paint to wrinkle by heating the casting up with a heat gun but do not heat once the paint is applied. Needs to be warmer to get things to work but you do not want the paint itself to dry too fast, it has to have time to wrinkle up.

08-05-2012, 09:48 PM
The VHT paint works great, but you must follow the directions closely (no short cuts). -- KR give some really good advice about carefully applying a heavy lube on areas not requiring paint so they can be wiped off later. Make sure none of that lube gets on any parts that you want to have painted!

On one other note: The VHT paint, when heated in the oven, will create small, tight crinkles. You can also make larger (wider) crinkles by reducing the paint's exposure to heat. Review the directions for the procedure.

The VHT produces a very nice reproduction crinkle coat which really does look like "factory new". However, It is not nearly as durable as powder coating.

Good luck with the project. Post some pics when you get it all done.

Kevin Rohrer
08-06-2012, 03:13 PM
For those looking for a Hollywood to call their own, there are two very nice Senior Turrets and one Universal III Special that needs cleaned up available on Ebay.

Neither Senior will showup on a search under "Hollywood Reloading". You need to do a search for "Reloading Press" to find them.

08-06-2012, 07:08 PM
Well this is the before:


Kevin Rohrer
08-07-2012, 06:41 PM
Gawd, how I hate to see fine equipment like that neglected and abused. Let me know if you need any other help. I can PM you my cell number.




08-07-2012, 08:25 PM
Well,looks like good honest neglect! At least they weren't kicking it around using it for a door stop!!!

Kevin,beautiful work as usual! Love the metal work on that thing!