View Full Version : Turkey sighting

08-04-2012, 10:37 PM
This evening my wife called me urgently after supper. I went to a front window of our house and there was a flock of turkeys in some high grass. I could only see a few. My dog was barking so I let him out the back door. She screams around the corner of the house and about 20 birds take to wing.

Our road is gravel and very lightly traveled. I see the big Tom out in the middle of the road. Finally the dog spies him and he takes off and into a tree across the road.

I have not seen many turkeys on the property before. We have found a few turkey feathers over the years.

Well worth the excitement.

08-04-2012, 11:26 PM
If it works like it did around here it will go like this. Oh cool a turkey...never seen one of them before. A few years later they will be like a flea infestation.

smoked turkey
08-04-2012, 11:50 PM
I love to hunt them with a muzzleloading shotgun (I know you'd never guess with a name like smoked turkey!). I was out and about to day and saw a small flock of 7 or 8. They all were nice sized Toms. It has been so hot I am concerned about the wildlife. I imagine food is in short supply. They have little ones now too.

08-05-2012, 12:55 AM
i'd like to see some turkey.
on two pieces of bread with some cheese and a little salt/pepper, and a wiff of mayo.