View Full Version : old lyman alox tumble loobe

05-07-2007, 08:17 PM
me & mrs gp was beating around to day & i found some old lyman alox loobe,but it was dried out hard wouldnt soften up if you boiled it i think. :(
what can i use to soften it up & get it useable again?? mineral spirits??
by the way the bottle was marked $2.79 so if any thing doesnt work i wont hold anyone resposible for damages !!!
ps.im going to order some liguid loobe from lar 45 anyways .



05-07-2007, 09:33 PM
Mineral spirits is what I use when I want to thin out the LLA... :-D

05-08-2007, 07:49 AM
I've been able to reuse the dried out stuff. I dip lube then take a putty knife to the board I dry the bullets on. When I get a good amount of the dried stuff I will heat it gently until it melts (about 150-160), then mix in a little paint thinner once the heat source has been removed.